Chapter 95

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"Circle six, four"


"Seven, six"


"--My Lady"

The Butler swiftly grabbed the blade before it could hit his throat. He looked down to the girl as she gave him a dead stare. Hannah stared at her as she stood a good bit of feet where the targets were. She was just next to her previously.

He looked down and moved it to the side, the girl now standing correctly "Yup?"

Claude went to open the door wider "His Highn--I am here to train with you!"

The girl flinched as the blonde ran in, decked out in all white and a Sword in hand. She stared at him in surprise, almost forgetting that he already knew that she Fenced and fought.

Cheyenne smiled brighter "Really?"

Alois nodded "Yup! So, how do we start?"

Cheyenne grabbed his hand and rushed over to where the targets were only for Hannah to stop them. She motioned them to the strip.

Cheyenne's brows went high "Hannah, you sure?"

Alois tilted his head "What's wrong?"

Cheyenne stared at him and then looked to the strip. She then walked in front of him, walking all the way to a few feet. Alois tilted his head as she stood there. She then got into a pose, holding the Sword up.

Alois looked back and forth at her and Hannah "Hm?"


Alois lift a brow only to stumbled back as something hit him in his chest. He looked to Cheyenne and furrowed his brows "Hey! That wasn't fair!"

She already had her helmet on too!

Cheyenne chuckled and backed away "Follow what I do, Sunshine. I gotchu"



Cheyenne looked to Alois as he stood there, rubbing his thighs. He puckered his lip "This hurts!"

Cheyenne laughed "We were only squatting for a few minutes"

He crossed his arms "...Well, I don't like it"






"....Almost there"


Cheyenne and Hannah clapped as Alois made it up to his knees. He sat there happily, basking even

"Now, fifty nine more"

His face changed into one of dread, his body flopping down


"Can you do a lunge?"

Alois tilted his head as Hannah wiped his face "A what?"

Cheyenne deadpan "A lunge. This thing"

She got into position and then sprung forward, her heel of her foot hitting the floor as her legs stayed far apart, Sword already forward and arm extended.

Alois stared at her with a gape, sparkles in his eyes "Look at how quick that was!"

He ran to her and sat pulled herself back into position and stood "I want to do that!"

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