Chapter 67

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Cheyenne sat up, blinking to get rid of the fogginess in her eyes. She felt the cold ground under her and then looked around, noticing that she was in a large cage for her size.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way" The Man lit a Cigar and turned away "But, business is business"

She suddenly chuckled, making him glance back at her "Ho, ho. When Sebastian and Claude get here, they are gonna whop your ass. Hahaha!" Cheyenne hunched over a bit and she laughed at her situation

The cage was kicked as the girl laughed "Be quiet! Dont talk to the Boss like that our I'll--" The Guard stooped as the Boss lift a hand. The tan skinned Man walked over to the cage "What makes you so confident in them. They're Butlers"

Two dark figures ran in the distance, dust wainig in the air behind them

Cheyenne smirked "Actually, Sir. That's One Hell of a Butler and a Trancy Butler you're talkin' about. They don't back down easily"

The Men that stood at the top of the large Mansion looked around till one squinted his eyes once he saw something

"Not only that"

He gasped and aimed his gun, some following after what he did

"They're possessive as fuck"

Gunshots were heard outside, yells of all kinds being made yet were muffled due to how far they were in the Mansion

The Boss hummed as he glanced down at the girl before looking back above


"Where is she.."

The Guard trembled as Claude held him by his collar. He was terrified. This Man had taken out everyone he had been with for a while in the Mansion

"Shut her up!"

Claude stopped and dropped the Man down as he looked for the source of the voice

They both took a few steps to the door

"My Butterfly!"

"My Kitten!"

The two Demons glared at each other, taking a step to distance themselves farther apart from each other. They looked back to the door before them, their eyes glowing a bit


As they all sat there and waited or even just stared off, the girl layed on the cold floor of the cage, getting herself somewhat comfortable yet in an odd little pose. She nodded and sat up, looking around till her eyes landed on a Vegetable sitting by a crate.

She tilted her head and crawled over, trying her best to reach over and grab it but, it was a bit too far. She stretched over for it again but the Guard she had come to know, No Name, lift it up and handed it to her. She smiled at him and then sat back down,  looking over the Vegetable to see how to open it.

But, she settled on banging it on the ground of the cage

This alerted the Guards, some running over to stop her while she slowly had haulted her doings. The Boss shook his head "What are you doing? Is that a Beet.." Cheyenne shrugged "I wanna eat it"

The Man sighed and nodded to one of his Men "He'll cut it open for you. Stay quiet, will ya.." The girl happily nodded and let the Man try and cut it open as the juices spilling from the Bert



The girl had suddenly fallen down, her breathing becoming rapid "I-I cant breathe!" She coughed a bit and tried to force herself to slow down. The Boss Man had hurried over "What's wrong! The hell was th.."

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