Chapter 75

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Lmao, I forgot. So, this is what Landon looks like-

The silverette stared at the girl as she layed there silently. He was beginning to worry, she still hasn't woken up yet and it's only been a good three hours.

Undertaker sighed and stuffed his face in his hands. He felt many emotions about this. What if he killed her? No, no, he couldn't have. But, he still needed to figure out what was happening. This isn't the first time something like this happened. It happened at the shops...

Undertaker kept his eyes narrowed as he stared at the ground. He closed them for a moment, trying to conceal his thoughts


He perked up at the sound, lifting up his head to see the girl beginning to stretch in the bed. He smiled and went over to her as she sat up. But, when she looked to him, what scared him was the look on her face. It looked dead, it reminded him of her being bothered by something. Undertaker's breath hitched, hesitant to take another step to her

'She's afraid if me, isnt she..'

The girl stared at him with a blank face til she smiled "UT, whatcha doin'?" Undertaker watched as she scooted out of the bed and stretched, hearing a satisfying crack "Oh, thank God, I needed that~"

Undertaker pat her head "How're you feeling?" Cheyenne smiled up at him, sitting her hand on his "I'm fine, Undertaker. Guess I fell back to sleep after I was done cleaning" The silverette smiled down at her

"Guess so"


Cheyenne sat on Undertaker's lap, the Male rubbing his cheek on hers and soon burying his face in her neck while she laughed

The girl brushed a few stays of hair that would fall onto her being as he did his own little thing. He hummed and suddenly bowed his head to her neck, nibbling on her skin a bit. Cheyenne blinked rapidly "Ay--" Undertaker giggled "No one has to know~" The girl gaped at him before she covered her face and looked down "UT!"

The door opened, the two looked over and saw four people stepping in

"Hey! Its Miss Cheyenne!"

"I knew she was here, my Lord"

Ciel sighed "Of course, if she was abandoned here, she would go straight to Undertaker's" Cheyenne stood from Undertaker's lap and lift up Gerald, hugging the boy tightly. She bent down and squished Jack in the hug as well "My babies!"

Undertaker giggled at the sight, he stared at her with eyes just clouded in adoration. She just looked like the cutest little Mother. As Undertaker stared off into Wonderland, Ciel watched Cheyenne play with the two. Or well, try. Jack was trying to stand away from her while Gerald crawled on her back.

Ciel cleared his throat "Cheyenne, let's go. You were here long enough" The girl tilted her head "Wait, how did I get here?" Sebastian lift a brow "You don't remember?" The girl shook her head, before she turned away from him, making his face fall. Ciel walked closer to her "You asked to come here for a bit to visit these two and you were supposed to come back during the Afternoon. However, Tanaka had left you here by accident. He thought he was sent to retrieve spices instead" Cheyenne paled "Dang, my boy, Tanaka, really left a bitch hangin'. Oh!" She covered he mount as Gerald laughed and Jack shook his head "I'm so sorry!"

"Well, we are here to take you back. I had decided to take these two with us"

Undertaker popped back into reality, now seeing that Cheyenne was carrying Gerlad and holding Jack's hand "Aww, really, C? Thank you" She kissed his cheek and happily went to the door "See ya later, UT! Peace!"

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