Chapter 51

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Cheyenne stared at her Phone as she stood in the middle of her room. She looked up for a moment before typing something else.

"Hey, Sweetheart!"

Cheyenne looked over to her window before quickly ducking. She looked back and glared at Ronald as he skidded on his Scythe "What the heck, Ronald!" Ronald tilted his head with a cocky smirk "Heck? That's odd, you never say that" He walked over to her and held up her hand "And why such a sour face?" He lift her chin and smirked "What happened to that smile, Sweetheart? You wont even crack it. Not even for me?"


Ronald looked behind Cheyenne and froze. She quickly pushed Ronald away and looked back, waving at her Brother "Hey, Lando--Who the fuck is that?" Cheyenne tried pushing him back but Landon stalked closer to Ronald, the Reaper backing away with his hands up "Nah, nah. Who the fuck is this? Touch her again and see what's gonna happen!"

Ronald flattened himself on the wall as Landon glared at him, the veins in his neck popping out. Cheyenne pushed Landon back a bit more and sighed "It's alright, its ok...That's Ronald. H--He shouldn't be putting his hands on you"

Cheyenne rubbed her arm and went to walk to Ronald but, Landon forced her back, standing infront of her while he looked Ronald up and down with a threatening look.

"Cheyenne! My Darling!"

The two Siblings glanced back as Grell happily stepped in with his arms high. He went to hug Cheyenne but Landon moved her away. Grell snapped out of it once he noticed he hugged air. He looked around and tilted his head once he saw the tall Male standing behind the short girl "Hm? Whose this?"

Landon looked back to his little Sister "What have you been doin' while you've gone missin'?" Cheyenne huffed "Brother....Sibling number six...These are my friends, Ronald and Grell" Grell crossed his arms "And who is this Man stealing away m--" He stopped as Cheyenne made a cutting motion across her neck.

"Miss Gilmore, it is time to leave for The Undertaker"

The Butler stepped in and stared at the small conflict. He then exhaled "Miss Gilmore, the carriage is outside" Cheyenne nodded as Sebastian left the room. Landon gave her a confused look "The Undertaker? The hell are you doin' there?" Cheyenne flattened her lips. To her Family, what she was about to tell him would be seen as pointless in their eyes.

"I uh...I'm inviting my Friend over for the Christmas celebration" Landon stared at her "And what does this Friend look like" Cheyenne, embarrassed with the fact that the other two were watching, looked down and turned her head. Ronald rook a step towards her but flinched back at Landon's stare. Grell shook his head "She's clearly uncomfortable, could you let her go"

Grell walked over to Cheyenne, grasping her hand, and walking out the room. He ignored Landon's calls as he left with her, Ronald quickly following.

Just when they were far enough, Grell looked down to the girl "My word, who was that? An intimidating fellow, I'll give him that" Cheyenne rubbed her arm "Yeah, that's my Brother, Landon. Apparently, he came here just like I did but he doesn't know how.." Ronald let out a nervous chuckle "That makes sense. He's overprotective, that's for sure"

Cheyenne laughed and then looked back down, undoing her hand with Grell's. That took the two by surprise. She walked forward and waved back at them, going down a corner. Grell's face dropped "She never acts like this..." Ronald looked to his fellow Reaper "You think it's because of her Brother?"

Grell hummed "Maybe.."


Cheyenne threw the door open. Undertaker looked her way and the two made coy smirks, doing gun hands to each other

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