Chapter 65

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Cheyenne sat there, scratching her head as she kept her Phone hidden close to her body. She sighed "Bruh...I need to do something to my Hair.."

She looked back to the door, sliding out of the bed and walking over to it. Once she opened it, she glance dover to see the Man with his head down constantly. She liked his hat.

Cheyenne stood at the doorway "Hey, No Name. Mind backing me up while I take a Bath?"

He stood there before drifting his head over to her, nodding. She smiled and went back in, grabbing the black Nightgown they gave her and running back to the door "Alright, let's go No Name"

The Man walked after her as she went down the hall, humming a small tune all the while. Once she had arrived at the door, she went inside, letting the Man stand outside. She waved at him and closed the door, getting her bath ready


The red head let out a sigh as he walked in the hall, looking to the floor as he tried to cancel out his thoughts.

He turned in to a door, opening it and letting out a sound of confusion as smoke came around him. Or was it mist?

"Oh! Its you!"

He looked ahead before yelping and covering his eyes "A-Ah, I'm sorry! I--" A Gun was pressed on his back, signalling him to stay still and quiet. Cheyenne looked behind him "Wait, No Name! Dont shoot..I wanna talk to 'im" The Man kept hid Gun pressed close to the red head's back before he lowered it, stepping farther away from him. Cheyenne sat her arms on the tub, sitting her chin into of them "I wanna talk to Mr. Red here. Can you stand out there and make sure nothing happens, No Name?"

The Male stood there for a moment, head still down till he nodded and walked about the door, his shoes making a clack with each step. Cheyenne looekd to the Man as the door closed while he tried to be afar as possible from her "I'm so sorry, Miss! I didn't mean t---How come you're here. Last time I saw you, you were mourning Someone's Death, Mr. Winford"

The Man stopped and slowly looekd over to her "You...You remember my name?" Cheyenne nodded "Mhm. Hows life?" Mr. Winford gulped and walked over to her, soon backing away yet again "Are you not worried that I'm i-in here with you?" Cheyenne laughed as she layed there "Nah, you don't seen like the type to do anything to me while I'm bathing. Kinda like Finny Baby"

She then sulked and hugged herself with a pout "I miss my Baby so much, it's not fair..." The Male tilted his head "Finny...Baby?"

"So, what are you doing here?"

The Male rubbed his arm befor she looked down "I've been working here for awhile now...."

The red head stared at a flyer before lifting it up

"I thought when he said 'Cleaning' job, he meant something else. Like a Butler or something. But..."

He closed his eyes, trtingnto forget the things he's done

"I didnt expect this.."

Cheyenne hummed "That's some messed up shit" Mr. Winford rubbed his arms "I suppose so.."

"Yeah, like, imagine a Frog getting eaten after it just ate its meal. That's just sick.."

"Were you even listening!?"


A knock was made on the door as the four spilled into he Parlour

"Well, well, well. Welcome back, my Lord"

They all looked to the desk, seeing Undertaker with a smile as he ate a treat of his with his feet on the desk "Hm?" He tilted his head at the blonde and Trancy Butler "Last time you were all together, Cheyenne was here"

Sebastian narrowed his eyes at the silverette as he looked them all over. Undertaker watched as Ciel came over first

"Shes gone missing. She was taken from---From us.." Ciel glared over his shoulder as Alois spoke up. Alois walked to Ciel "She was kidnapped by some type of Fien who wants us to trade her for money" Undertaker narrowed his eyes under his bangs "I see..."

"I have seen a common Suspect to this.."

He stood and walked away, going into a door. Ciel glanced around the room while Alois ordered Claude to hand him Landon's Phone. The blonde sighed in frustration as he stared at the picture over and over again "Theres got to be some other clue on here.."

The sound of something being sat down alerted them all. They leaned in a bit to see Undertaker with a badge of sorts

A Bear badge..

Ciel and Alois looked from the Bear in the photo to the badge "Its a match.."

Sebastian furrowed his brows "Is there anyway we can find this Person? Who are they?" Undertaker crossed his fingers together

"They're a Mafia group"

He gave the badge a look of malice behind his bangs "Arrived here from Italy only a few years back. They've been doing this for as long as I can remember but it had suddenly stopped two years ago. I dont understand as to why he started doing it again.." His eyes hardened as he stared at the badge, hoping that nothing bad would happen to the brown skinned girl

"As for where to find him.."

"Where do you think a Mafia Villiam would hide?"

Ciel growled and slammed his hands on his desk while Undertaker laughed "Goddamnit! You're just like her Brother!"

Undertaker's shoulders shook as he laugh "Well, she always showed me Movies whenever were alone. Did she not do the same for you?" Ciel stiffened before he 'tch'd' and looked to the side

"Wait! I do!"

The group all looked to Alois as he gave them a smile "I knew exactly where he's hiding!"


Cheyenne smiled at the Male "No Name, you truly are a wonder. Good Night!" She waved to him as he nodded and left, leaving her in the bedroom alone.

She looked around the room "I wonder..." She went to her pillow, lifting her Phone up "Maybe there's something else I can take a..." She paused as something fluffy passed her window "....Picture...Of.."

She slowly went to the window as a loud grunt was made it sounded like an Animal had made it

Just when she came to the window, she stared at a bright red eye as it popped up in the window

She chuckled and forced the window up to open it, putting the Phone in her bra and holding out her arms "So, this is where you've been hiding all this time.."

The large Animal huffed and walked closer to the window, the girl finally being able to pat his fur. The large Hound happily let her scratch under his chin all the while

"I was wondering where you went.."

Happy Valentine's Day, Chickas! I hope you all are having a wonderful time!

So, apparently, Will has two votes, Grell has one, Sebs has one, UT has one, and Claude and Finny have one. Well, looky there

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