Chapter 87

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Gerald ran around in a circle, his arms extended with a bright smile plastered on his face

Ciel glanced over to him and hummed as he sat in his Office "I see you like your clothes" Gerald nodded as he played with his sleeves on his arms.

Ciel glanced over to him and hummed as he sat in his Office "I see you like your clothes" Gerald nodded as he played with his sleeves on his arms

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He then looked to Jack as he fiddled around with his hat.

Gerald twirled around once more, Ciel noticing how close he was to a Vase in the room "Stop

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Gerald twirled around once more, Ciel noticing how close he was to a Vase in the room "Stop. You'll break something" Gerald nodded and stopped himself, running back to where Jack was.

Cheyenne went over to them and bent down, giving them kisses on their cheeks "I think you both look adorable!"

Cheyenne went over to them and bent down, giving them kisses on their cheeks "I think you both look adorable!"

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Gerald laughed in joy as he received peck after peck while Jack tried to remove himself from the situation.

As she let them go, she glanced to where Ciel was in the corner of her eye. She then stood and walked over to him, ruffling his hair He tried to remove her hands but she went on and just did gentle stroks. He cooled down for a moment and then looked out the window 'Should I bring Xander?'

'It might be dangerous. What if people think things but, what if it's not a problem?'


The girl looked over to the boys, as did Ciel, as Gerald sat there. But, what made them all freeze was the Vase that feel down, the flowers and water inside spilling out. Luckily, the Vase didn't break on the carpet. Gerald stared at the mess as his eyes turned sorrowful "Uh-oh...I--Gerald, what did you do?" Jack ran over to him and looked the boy over, making sure he wasn't hurt and luckily, he wasn't

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