Chapter 12

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The Demon went back in the woods to scope out the area. He went back to the spot he was last and looked back to the bush she ran in. He followed the road, trying to sense anything from her. That was until he heard humming.

He silently followed the sound but just when he was close enough, it stopped. Then it came back. But this time, with soft, occasional, singing. It sounded Japanese...

He followed the faint humming and saw in the tree, Lady Cheyenne. She was laid back as the moonlight drowned her short figure. Her brows furrowed and her face scrunched up, the girl looked down and saw nothing but the dirt.

She squinted her eyes and saw the heel of a shoe imprinted in the dirt. Her brown eyes widened as she went to stand.

"Aren't you the experienced climber"

She shrunk down under Sebastian's eyes as his arms trapped her to the trunk of the tree. She glared at him "Get the fuck away from me. Do you know how fucking close I am to leaving!?" She brought her leg up to kick him. But stopped when he laughed.

Her eyes narrowed "What's so fuckin' funny?" Sebastian stared into her eyes, eyes filled with nothing but pity "You're trying to go back to people that havent even come to get you" Her eyes widened just the slightest way. "You care for them so much yet it doesnt seem that they are searching for you. I'm sure they know where you are, yet their not here.."

She broke away her gaze from him. Cheyenne held on to the tree branch and fell down to the next one, landing down on the ground. Sebastian jumped down next to her, standing as close as possible. She sent him a small glare form the corner of her eye "Get back to your little Manor. I ain't got time for this" She turned away and walked off.

"...Ah, I see"

She looked up at a tree as a shadow loomed over her "You must love them very much" The girl smacked her lips and looked down. The Demon placed a hand on her shoulder and leaned down to her ear "Such a pity, they don't seem to care for you at all... They only lead you on, pretending to be your friend. Not even caring to save you" He lift a hand and twisted one of her curls in her puffed hair "You poor soul. Is this common for you? To lose people who you thought loved you, only to flee behind a mask and hide?"

She turned her head and bared at him "Leave me alone!" She pushed his arm away and ran off. She ran next to the roads the best she could, ignoring the comments that met her ears.

"You must be so alone. Poor thing must be tired of being heartbroken of friendship"

She hesitated for a second and stopped. A hand slipped under her forearm, trailing up to her own. Her head was tilted back by another gloved hand on her chin. She stared into his red eyes. "I could help you forget that pain. Just for one night"

The sadness in her eyes shone for a sliver of a second. That was until she elbowed his chest. He let her lose and she ran back off. 'You bitch. You think Humans are easily swayed by emotions. But someone like me..'

She grit her teeth as she ran quicker into the woods. 'People like me have seen things to understand that emotions get in the way of things. They're times when their unwanted and not needed. I have seen things to where I know all the tricks and games'

'I wont fall for any of your foolish ass traps'


Sebastian walked back to the Manor's doors with a blank face. Her words sounded quite similar to his Master's. A small smirk came to his features. What an interesting girl.

She wouldn't stand a chance in the wood. He left her there for a reason, no matter how much information she had on them, she was nothing of importance to him. Humans are so bold when they think they can do something, until it takes a turn on them.

Only then is when they learn a lesson

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