Chapter 72

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Ciel sat in his Office as he tried to get his work done. Life was so busy for him, oh how he hated it. He then lift a brow at the quietness around the building. It wasn't usually like this. He hummed "It's quiet...Too quiet. Sebastian," The Butler that stood next to him looked down to the Lord "Yes, Sir?" Ciel lift up a paper and grazed it over "I don't like how quiet it is. Where is she? She usually isn't like this" Sebastian's eyes slowly glided down to his feet at the mention of the brown skinned girl, remembering what had happened last Night as a shadow went over his eyes

"I can't believe I actually started growing feelings for you.."


Said Butler blinked and looked to the blunette as he glared at him "Listen to me when I am speaking, where did she go?" They didnt need another 'missing Cheyenne' problem, he had enough of those!

Ciel then glanced behind him once he sensed movement in the corner of his eye. He turned around in his chair, spotting two figures as they were outside with one of the Servant's carriages. They both had bright smiles on their faces as the girl sat inside and the blonde directed the Horses, all with the girl holding onto a basket with a Baby inside and another smaller closed basket. Ciel narrowed his eyes "With Finny?"

'What are they up to..'


Cheyenne looked over each spot before she pointed ahead "There! It's right over there!" Finny nodded and directed the horse over to the left. Once the Carriage had came to a stop, Cheyenne popped out and lift up Xander while Finny took the Food. He looked over to the Horse and fished out a Carrot "Here you go, you must be tired" Cheyenne smiled off at the side as she watched him.

She then looked to the Trees and went towards them. Finny, now down with his Horse feeding, gave her a confused glance as she walked into the Wood, going past the bushes. His eyes went wide "Wait! Isn't it dangerous out there?" Cheyenne looked back to him and chuckled "Finny Baby, I promise. Were gonna be ok" Finny stared at her till he flushed and stiffly nodded, robotically moving over to her with a some what serious face.

Cheyenne sweatdropped but still went after him, making sure Xander was comfy in his little spot

It didnt take too long to get to where she wanted. A small bit of time, sure, but they had made it. She pushed through some branches with her hand and smiled "Here we are, Fin" The blonde stepped in to stand next to her till he gaped and looked around. It was a nice little place, flowers and low grass, a little pond of sorts and Butterflies flying in the air. Willow trees and their leaves swinging around while even the sight of a Bunny came out for a second til it hopped back where it came from

Finny looked around while Cheyenne went to find a spot "This place is amazing. How did you find it.." Cheyenne lift up the blanket they took and sat it down "Found it some time ago when I was running from a Friend"

'Speaking of Will, where is he..'

Cheyenne shook her head and decided to keep focusing on what she was doing now. Maybe she'll think about the Reapers later. They had stopped coming frequently recently, it worried her a bit. She pat the blanket out some and then looked to Xander "Hey, my Baby~"

Xander giggled at her and reached for her hands as she tickled him. Finny then sat next to her, smiling at the two "He's so cute" Cheyenne gave Finny a tearful yet joyous face, the blonde flattening his lips while she hugged the Baby "I know right!"


Cheyenne bounced Xander on her lap "Look at what Finny bought, Babes!" Finny waved at Xander while Xander cooed at him. He then dug in the basket "I brought Sandwiches, I had help from Bard and Mr. Landon. I also brought along Grapes, some extra bread and meat, this knife. And even this!" The other two tilted their heads while Finny pulled out a type of Tart

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