Chapter 69

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The wind carried on in the air as a little girl stared at the grave before her

I want to say it started around the time my Papa passed...

I really do miss him, he was closer to me than anyone. But...I was only nine or maybe even seven at the time

The girl gave the grave a dead look before sitting down next to the tombstone

It feels like it was so long ago...


Girls...Made up of, what was it?

Sugar and Spice?

Ha! I ain't ever believe in that


The sound of Swords, Epeés if I had to be exact, clashing together was heard. Some watched while others focused on the other matches near them.

'Block, eight, seven, block, four, TOUCH!'

The shorter figure knicked the tallest in his shoudler, the point being handed to them. The tallest skidded slightly at the sense of the speed of the other Fencer.

The crowd clapped as the two stood and faced each other. The shortest removed their helmet while the other did the same. They brought their Swords up to salute each other before the shortest walked over to the tallest "You did good!"

The Male smiled "Same to you, didn't think you would do it. But, you know what they say about short Fencers" The girl chuckled "Yeah. The shorter the faster" The boy laughed and soon waved at her as he went off to his team while the girl went to her own.

She smiled at her Coach as he clapped

"Look at you, you lost to a Girl"

Her brown eyes glanced over to the boy on the other team as he Coach yelled at him "You should've struct her, it isnt that hard. Look at her, hit her breast! They were big enough to be targets! Her form wasnt even remotely corr--"

She looked down and walked away, thanking her Coach once more

Truly, I dont even know what I identify as

Cheyenne stared down at her helmet with a stoic expression

Let it be Suagr OR Spice


Then, I have my Family

"I'm so happy to have a little Fencer in the Family!"

I mean, they're not completely bad. They're alright..

The Woman gave her daughter a confused stare as she saw her with her face down. She then tapped her arm "What's wrong?" Cheyenne lift her head up and smiled "Nothing, I'm good---Oh. Well, go out there and think about everything you've done"

Cheyenne sulked "But, Momma, can I---Go. Practice. You want to go to the Olympics, dont you?" The girl let her eyes gloss over as she escaped to her thoughts

"You need to be strong to get to the Olympics. Do you see those people on there? You need to be Speedy like your Coach says, sit better, hold the Sword better. I paid all this money and you better spend it correctly, I sh..."

I mean, yeah. My Momma's a bit controlling..

Cheyenne held up a flyer "Look, Ma!" The Woman lift her head up to see the girl holding up a Paper "Kennedy invited me to her Bir---You're not going"

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