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We walked through the door, which led us to another door. The intercoms buzzed.

"The rules are simple. Each person answers the question, while the other person has to guess if they are telling the truth or not. You only need one person to guess correctly to move on. If the person guessing gets it wrong, there's a chance for redemption. The person answering the question can say the true answer. All questions are about your family. Sounds fun, right?" No one replied. "Tough crowd. The first question goes to Itsumi. How many siblings do you have?" I thought about it. I could easily lie.

"I have two."

"Alright Gittarackur, do you think Itsumi is lying?" He pushed a button on his bracelet.


"He guessed correctly. Itsumi lied. Enter the door." We both walked in and was met with another door. "Gittarackur, how old were you when your sister was born?"

"A-roun-d fo-ur." I could barely understand him since his speech was broken up. I went on to my bracelet and answered.


"Itsumi guess correctly. Let's keep going shall we." Weird. I know Illumi was around four when I was born. Maybe we have more in common than I realized. Like before, the door opened and led us to another door, but this one had two individual doors connected to each other.

"This one is a little different. You will both get a question and type it into the bracelet. To pass, you need to guess right. The question is displayed on your screen. Once both of you submitted your answers, you may see the others question and answer." I looked down at the tiny screen.

'Rate your five siblings from worst to best.'

Thanks intercom dude for telling Gittarackur how many siblings I actually have. He won't know my real siblings names. He might think I'm lying. I think he knows that Killua is one of my siblings, so I need to add him. The screen changed to a blank screen with a keyboard.

Milluki, Illumi, Kalluto, Alluka, Killua

"Alright, both answers have been submitted. Look back down at your screen to see the other's question." I looked down.

'What is your family known for?'

The screen changed to his answer.

"Oh, I forgot. If you get it wrong, you lose an hour, but your partner can't move on without you, so I guess you both lose an hour." Asshole. I looked at the answer.


That's weird. I looked at him. He was built. I've never heard of him in the assassin community, but I've never been out of the house. He looks like one. I pushed my answer, and my door opened. I waited for him to answer; his door opened.

"You may go through. This level is one-on-one, so have fun. Don't forget. If you die, your partner fails."

I walked through the door into an area type room. There was someone already there.

"To pass, you need to fight me and win." That's it. This is a piece of cake. "I won't go easy on you litt-" Before he could finish, I ran at him and shoved my hand in his body, ripping out his heart.

"I'll see you in hell." I threw the heart at him and made my way to the next door. When I got there, Gittarackur was waiting for me. He offered a rag. I grabbed it and wiped the blood off my hands, handing it back to him. "Thanks." He just nodded.

"Very good. We have one more question before you guys finish. For this one, I will judge if you have told the truth. Your answers will be displayed for everyone to see. From your family, who do you love the most? Type it on your screen."

We both started typing. After I was done, I waited for the big screen to display our answers.


I couldn't believe my eyes. Before I could say something, the intercom dude spoke. "Both are correct. Congratulations on passing Phase 3."

I walked through the doors and into a holding area. The only other person here was Hisoka. He got up and walked towards me.

"STAY WHERE YOU ARE! I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOUR BULLSHIT." I took my focus off Hisoka and looked at this so called Gittarackur. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? HOW CAN HE BE YOUR FAVORITE?! I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU! YOU AREN'T APART OF MY FAMILY." He slowly started taking out his pins. Once all of his pins were out, his true form made an appearance. "Illumi?"

"You can't tell Killua."

"Fuck off. Why are you even here?"

"Mom wanted me to check up on you two, mainly Killua. I need a Hunter license for my next job, so I decided to take the exam. I didn't think you guys would be here."

"Fuck you. Fuck our family."

"Don't tell Killua. I'll tell him at the right time."

"Whatever. If you lay a hand on him, I won't hesitate to kill you." Illumi started putting his pins back in his face.

"We can't kill family members." Right now he was in his stupid costume, and people started trailing in. They were watching us argue, finding pure enjoyment from it.

"Fine. I won't kill you, but I'll make sure you are on the verge of death. I'll torture you like you tortured Alluka." I walked away from him and sat down away from everyone.

Infatuation - C. Lucilfer & H. MorowWhere stories live. Discover now