{Chapter 20}

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"Hello crazy woman, what's up?"
My face brightens when I listen to my best friend's voice through my phone.

We have been best friends since diapers. We literally share the same braincell. But unfortunately I don't spend the same time as I used to spend with her since she has moved in to another town because of college.
It was hard for us to get used to being apart from each other at first but we still get in touch everyday.
Despite our personalities being like the moon and the sun, we somehow magically stuck with each other and we are still inseparable.

How I miss her right now...

We always laugh our lungs out when we are together.
It's been a year since I last saw her, I believe.

"Well hello there stranger. I've been good. How about you, babygirl?", we both laughed at the nickname.

We always call each other the weirdest nicknames.

I don't know why but it's fun so why not?

"I've been good too, babe. But guess what I wanted to tell youuu?", I can imagine her wiggling her eyebrows right now with a smirk formed on her lips.

"Mmm I don't know. Please enlighten me, miss."

"I'm coming over for some days! Since we are having a break from my college I thought of coming there to see you and my parents. I'll be there to celebrate the local festival this year!", she screamed from her excitement.

Rip my ear.

"Heck yes baby! I wanna see you so bad bish! When are you planning to come here?", I squeaked from my excitement as well.

Maybe too loud...

"Hopefully in about five days? Maybe less? I'll text you before I leave tho so don't worry."

"Sweet! I'm looking forward to hug the shit out of you.", I joked.

"Yeah me too. Imma bug you 24/7 just so you know! I have to go now. See ya later sugarplum."

"Okay! See ya girl. Love you!"

And with that, I hung up the phone.
I'm so excited to see her again! I've missed her so much.

"Well someone's awfully happy today."
As I stepped in the kitchen I came face to face with Chan. The rest of the group is sitting either in the living room or in the kitchen table nibbling.

I look up to him and smile widely.
"Heck yes, I'm happy! My best friend's coming back for some days! I haven't seen her in so long.", I exclaimed excitedly.

"Aww I'm happy for you! When is she coming?"

"She doesn't know for sure but she said in about 5 days or so. She'll be here for the festival!"

"What festival?", Jeongin popped out of nowhere startling me.

They have to stop that at some point.

"Um there's a local festival every year where all the locals here celebrate and stuff. There's food, music and some games you can play there. It's actually pretty fun."

"Oh that sounds really fun! Can we tag along pleaseee?", Jisung entered the conversation.

I don't know...

Can they?

I mean it wouldn't hurt right?

"Sure why not? Either way I don't think anybody here knows you guys. So it won't be dangerous for you to go in public here."

"That hurt but in a good way.", Hyunjin stepped in to the kitchen.

"So we will be coming with you then. Great!", Jeongin added.

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