You're horror-ifically beautiful

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Dust POV-
After the daily meeting with the boss and my mates, I saw Horror walk off on his own. This is unusual for the normally hyper and funny skeleton. I wasn't to worried however, everyone has days like that right? Plus Error went to talk to him anyway.
I started worrying however when Horror finished making the gang meals. He always does being the cook of the group. That in itself was normal. What was unusual was when he didn't leave out a tray for himself. The others started eating and Nightmare looked up worry evident in his eyes. He glanced to his right hand man, Error and Error only shook his head sadly. Nightmare looked up at me and I silently nodded. Standing up, I knew what he was going to ask. I was one step ahead of him- I'm going to find Horror.
I found myself racing towards his room. What's wrong with my horror. I knocked on the door, horror opened it slightly and looked at me with his one nervous red eye. I smiled at him and adjusted my hood.
"Let me in Horror"
"Dust what're you doing here...did you not like your food?"
"Horror you and I both know that's nonsense. You're the best chef in the Multiverse!"
I saw horror blush at my comment and I smirked a little. I went ahead and pushed the door the rest of the way open. "Tell me what's wrong horror"-that's when I noticed he was trying to cover his skull. I pushed down his hood and shoved him against the wall. I scanned the hole in his head and sure enough he had been chipping it again. I looked down at him with anger and he flinched and slid down the wall.
Horror POV-
Oh god I made him mad!  Fuck why do I have to be so stupid! I'm so stupid and pathetic. I just want to be left alone! Leave me be Dust!
Fuck, he still is hovering over me. I feel him check me. He growls and I shrink on my place on the floor. My head was throbbing so much it was impossible to think. I screwed up. Why can't I be like the others. Why do they even keep me around I'm just a scrawny little shit that-
My thoughts were cut off as I felt dust lift me up by my soul and place me on the bed. His magic kept me laying there and he climbed on top of me. He's on top of me! Shit shit shit!
I felt my face heat up and then I felt him slowly moving his appendages down my scarred head. What he doing- I almost moaned in relief when I felt him healing it again. God I don't deserve this. I'm so gross...Why bother. I'm even more pathetic thinking Dust would ever like a freak like me. My thoughts were consumed by thoughts of Dust. My memories aren't any good either. That's why Dust has to come with me on my missions. Everyone knows I'm the weakest monster here- I feel something on my teeth and my face is consumed with a blush feeling Dust teeth against mine. I shake in fear of what and why is this happening.
Dust POV-
My little horror was shaking as I put him down on the bed. I climbed on top of him to calm his shaking. He is so deprived of friendly touch that it always comforts him. I see him blush with me getting on top of him. I feel myself blushing at how small he is under me. God he's adorable. The shortest among the group, and the weakest, Nightmare and Error are always overprotective of my little chef. Me being the strongest (and the one with the biggest crush on the kid) Which is why it was easy to convince them to let me stay by his side on missions. Ever since me and him have been always beside each other. Horror has trouble with memory as well and so he counts on me to tell him what's happening. He is so innocent it's surprising what au he lived in.
My pathetic self can hardly control myself which is why I need him to down me. To keep me sane. Doesn't he know how much we love him. How much I love him. I began healing him with my overpowering magic. Picking him up and keeping him still while I worked with my magic was almost to easy with how high my LV is.
Seeing him so scared and confused, I couldn't help myself. I kissed him. When I sat up from the kiss he looked at me like I just did the most incomprehensible thing in his life. I chuckled releasing him from my magic. I sat beside him on the bed. I felt him get up beside me and sit beside me.
"Why did you" he started still a shaking mess.
"Because you look handsome as hell when your confused"
I could practically see the gear turning in his hurting mind. He seemed to process this in a few minutes his eyesight squinting in concentration and when he looked up at me red eye now wide I knew he understood. But instead of blushing- he laughed a few tears running down his sharp cheek bones.
I wiped his tears away worried out of my mind (pun intended).
"Thought I was the dumb one"
"Fuck no that's me, wait you think you're stupid horror?!"
He looks at me and nods like I'm the idiot.
"Horror the only thing stupid about you is how stupidly cute you are"
"But- I cut him off
"Dust trust me"
He laughed at my stupid joke and smiled wide before hugging me.
"You really don't care that I'm horror-ifically ugly, do you dust"
"That was a good pun you dumbass- plus you aren't even a little ugly!"
"But ink said-
"I swear to god I'll Dust him for that!"
Horror laughed giddily beside me and laughed harder when I tickled his funny bone. I picked him up like a bride and raced out of the room.
Nightmare got up enraged- "HE DID WHAT!?"
Error ran up to me and horror blushed with the whole gang gathering around him in my arms. They all were making puns to cheer him up except Killer who kept planning evil things to do to ink, with his knife. Out loud, to his knife. He was talking to his knife again. If I wasn't holding horror I would've facepalmed.
Killer- Don't you worry about a thing bro I'll cut off his head with my knifu wifu.
Error- Cross take care of Killz will ya"
Cross- Wha!? Why me!? I want to stay with Horror! Oh and horror can I have seconds?
Horror- sure mate! *he went to get down and I sighed having to put him down*
I watched him run into the kitchen. Error and Nightmare were both talking to a very happy Horror while he served Cross and Killer extra portions. I sighed contently. That is until I heard horror say, "Dust can I have another one of those kisses" he pulled on my sweatshirt from behind and I turned around and looked down to see him blushing and smiling. I picked him up and kissed him again.
                          -One Month Later-
The gang has gotten used to a new relationship in the house of Dust and Horror. Killz was very excited and ended up picking on Horror a bit to much. Nightmare was jealous of Horrors new found hobby of following around Dust like a lost puppy. Error was overprotective of Horror from the start and is still not very pleased at the news.

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