Tori's medicine

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TW: Drug addiction and abuse

Nightmare had given Horror an open invitation to the gang. Even going as far as offering to let him stay at the castle. He knew Horror's AU was deadly. He didn't want his newest recruit to die is all, at least that's what he told himself. Really he was worried about the scarred skeleton.
That's why today he decided to let Dust go to Horrortale to retrieve him. Night could tell that Murder had feelings for Horror but didn't say anything. He simply let him go, knowing that Dust could handle himself in a fight.

Dust checked Horrors house first,  finding it empty. Even risked going into Grillbys. Still no sign of him. He was about ready to head out the door when a rabbit monster spoke up.
The beast had patched of fur missing and his eyes seemed a little out of focus. He whispered to Dust, getting to close for his liking.
"Your looking for Sans?"
Murder nodded cautiously. He glanced around to make sure he wasn't about to be attacked. Paranoia, was so thick here it made Dust want to choke. The rabbit continued, "Go to the ruins, he's usually there around this time."
Dust huffed out a thank you and left.
                 He found himself running to the ruins. Something about the way that rabbit smiled when he told him that was...unsettling.
So He ran.
He was not prepared to find his crush being shoved into the open door of the ruins. He followed quickly after them. Just managing to teleport before Tori slammed the door.
    She had him by the scruff of his neck. Tori shoved Horror onto the ratted old chair in the living room. She angrily stormed into the other room. Yelling, "YOU IDIOT! I TOLD YOU TO NOT TAKE THEM ALL AT ONCE!
Horror flinched and Dust could hear him sniffling, trying to hold back tears. Horror brought his knees to his chest. Murder could tell he was shaking.
Dust was enraged, he knew he shouldn't alert the star sluts by attacking in another timeline! But hell, she made him cry.
He tried to keep his cool.
Toriel came back out with a syringe and lifted Horror up by his throat. She held him still against the wall and plunged the needle into his only eye. He whimpered and clawed at her hands. Scratching her paw and causing her to drop him harshly to the ground.
Horror landed with a yelp. He reached up to touch his eye when Tori kicked him in the stomach. He gasped for breath and began to cry in pain.
Dust sent a single bone through her torso, he didn't even register himself doing it. He lost his cool. She choked on her own blood, slouching against the wall.
Horror stood horrified at Dust's actions. He rubbed his eye and winced. Murder didn't hesitate to pick him up by his soul and teleport them to the castle.
Horror hissed in pain as the drug set in. First burning, then numbing everything in his body.
He registered him falling limp on the floor. But he couldn't feel the pain. Or form any cohesive thoughts. He saw bright colors and he smelled food distantly. Passing out before he could find the source.
Dust held his friend to his chest. "NIGHTMARE!" Dust choked out. Panic overtaking him. He couldn't loose someone else. He can't. 
Murder couldn't make out what his hallucinations were saying but they screamed at him. He hugged Horror desperately.
Nightmare ram out of his office to find to of his boys on the floor. One shaking and clutching the other lifeless sans.
Night worked fast, he absorbed the negativity from Dust. Finding it alarming that he couldn't feel anything from Horror.
Dust took three deep breaths and hugged Nightmare. "They aren't real Dust. Come back to me."
Dust did come back. Springing into action Dust helped him carry a limp Horror up the stairs to his room. They layer him down on the bed.
   Nightmare inspected his sons body. He was very malnourished of course. His left ribs were cracked and one was broken. Bruised scratching was starting to appear on his neck. Night looked at his eye socket. His pupil was dilated, no recognition at all. He opened his jaw finding two teeth missing in the back. He noted this for questions later on.
Night and Dust weren't the best with healing magic. Their conviction to heal their friend was strong enough though for their magic to ignite.
Horrors eye rolled back in his head as they reset and healed his ribs. Night replaced his missing teeth with two silver ones. And Dust called someone to figure out what he was under the influence of, Sci.

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