He doesn't understand love

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Nightmare had noticed Horror's confusion when the topic of love or sex came up. It was strange because he's practically the same age as me, he can't possibly be a virgin. Apparently Killer had the same thoughts.
We were all seated on the long curved couch. Cross leaned on Dust sleepily and I smiled rapping a tentacle around those two. Accidentally waking up a sleepy Cross. My hand was behind Killers head, when he blurted out, to a very confused Horror carrying a bucket of popcorn, "So what's with you and sex Horror?"
I flicked the back of Killer's skull. Horror shifted from one foot to the other and sat down beside Killer. Killer was about to yell at me for hitting his skull when Horror answered,
"I...just don't...like it."
Killer laughs obnoxiously and Horror flinches. Nightmare watches the quiet ones expression and mood shifts when he brought up the topic.
He's not embarrassed like he thought, he just looks saddened and a little scared. Something wasn't right about the reaction, it gave me a bad feeling. (which for once didn't feel good)
Cross seems to have sensed the atmosphere and shifted off Dust's shoulder.
Dust stood up after he got off him and went to a very anxious Horror's side. Killer had calmed down and smirked at Cross quickly teleporting to his side in Dust's place. Cross shoved him playfully.
Without really thinking, Night gave a measured response to Horror, "What have your sexual experiences been like?"
"Nightmare! You can't just-" Cross starts before he's interrupted.
"You don't have to answer that Horror" Dust growls at Night. As if daring him to continue.
Horror pats Dust's chest and mumbles what sounds like a "'s fine."
Dust huffs begrudgingly and picks up Horror sitting behind him and wrapping his arms around his waistline.
"I...used...to do sexual...favours for food"
They sit in stunned silence
Nightmare looks more saddened by this response than Dust has ever seen him. Cross sits in stunned silence and Killer looks like he wants to kill someone not just kill, cruelly torture someone. Dust holds Horror a little tighter than before, Horror doesn't notice any of this on his blind side. Plus he was always horrendous a reading the room. He continues tugging at his eye socket,
"Tori would...sometimes...give me tablets... instead though. I didn't like them much...they just...made me...crave more, it was...to close...to starvation...for comfort..."
"Tablets?" Killer asked threw his teeth.
"Yeah...they were circular...and out of a plastic bag" he had to have trouble remembering, without looking at his notes. "Plus they...made me...want to die afterwards...puking with..nothin' t' throw up burned-d." Horror shuttered at the memory.
"God Rory I'm sorry for laughin'.."
"No! No..no. Never be sorry...for laughing."
Killer chuckled at that and pet Horror's undamaged skull. Dust kissed his neck making Horror's face blush.  Nightmare chuckles Letting his mates have fun, Horror needs to know he is loved after all

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