Kisses not bites

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Nightmare walked tiredly down the steps and met Killer in the kitchen. He lazily draped his tentacles around his nearest mate and took Killer into a loving kiss.
That's when his newest mate Horror pushed them away from each other, worry evident in his eyes. Horror was sweating bullets.
"Don't eat"
Killer chuckles but Nightmare smirks. It occurs to him that Horror thought they were eating each other. He doesn't remember what kissing is. Clouded by memories of trauma and amnesia, Horror was scared.
"Hungry? I'll cook." Horror begged. He pushes Killer away, fearing for Killers life. He begins feverishly cooking. Handing both of them monster candy to satiate them.
Nightmare has other ideas though for getting satiated. Though he knows he shouldn't, his low impulse control wins. After all, Horror fear and desperation was a far more delicious meal.
Nightmare forces Horror to face him then bites down into Horrors collar bone.
Instinct seems to kick in to Horror as he tries scratching and growling and shoving. Desperation growing more intense with each failed attempt to scare off or get away.
Fear swells in Horror and he can't stop the tears that fall from his eyes.
At seeing Horror give up and start crying and whimpering, Killer burst into fits of loud laughter. Nightmare slowly comes to his senses and lets Horror go. Horror collapses against the counter when he lets go. He is shaking uncontrollably and broken sobs keep him gasping on the ground.
Nightmares stomach falls at the site. His pleasure lessening at each hiccup from his new mate.
Killer stops laughing at seeing his boss's displeasure. Looking up they see Dust walk down the stairs. He meets their gaze and the scene in the kitchen slowly. After a second it clicks and his pace quickens towards the roommate crumpled on the floor.
Dust kneels down and helps a shaky Horror stand. Horror's shoulder is bleeding and Dust heals it even though his mate is flinching away from touch. Seeming to not know where or who's touching him.
Dust glared at the two of them and furiously signs, what the fuck happened.
Nightmare not one to admit to something turns away. Killer went ahead and told enthusiastically about what happened in a joke like format, that only proved to piss Dust off more.
Dust shoved Nightmare and asked/signed, how the fuck could you do that Night! He's new! He doesn't know that you wouldn't fucking kill him!
Before Nightmare could reply Dust snapped his finger at him and continued, I know dumbass! I know you have no self control! But you should fucking apologize you fuck! Goddamn! He is terrified!
Nightmare growls, "Why should I? It's not my fault he doesn't know any better! I barely even did anything!"
You bit. him. You know he doesn't know you weren't trying to take a bite out of him. Don't scare him like that! Fuck just-just- apologize.
"Boss doesn't have to apologize if he doesn't want to"
"Sheesh" With that, Killer left them to go watch tv.
Though Nightmare wouldn't admit it, he was sorry for hurting Horror. He didn't have an excuse. His worry set in when Horror flinches from him when he is setting everyone's food down. Nightmare tries not to let it show how disgusted he is at his own behavior. He tries not to show any sign of weakness, but right now. That's not what Dust needs. That's definitely not the kind of mate he wants to be to Horror.
Killer doesn't notice anything tense or off about his poly family until he tries to pick a fight with Horror. He misses Horror sarcastic remarks and backhanded compliments. He doesn't like seeing his friend an anxious mess of a monster.

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