Let me

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Dust got up in the middle of the night once again and this time he woke up from a wet dream about taking that small skeleton, Horror. He sighed and shook his head. Walking downstairs and to his surprise seeing Horror. Horror was drinking some hot chocolate and trying to comfort himself from a nightmare. Dust reconsidered for a moment before his mind was clouded with thoughts of thrusting into Horror. He was so small compared to Dust due to his lack of food. His legs didn't even touch the floor when he sat on the stool. Dust smirked and walked towards Horror. Horror looked out the rainy window thinking about his brother.
Then he jumped at the feeling of someone gripping his soul in magic. He flew up from the chair and shoved against a ribcage of another skeleton possessively. Arms wrapped around his own ribcage and he was released from the magic hold. He immediately looked up worriedly and met with Dust glowing eye lights in the dark.
"D-Dust what're you doing up-I"
"Horror, will you let me"
"Let you what Dust?" Horror smiled at Dust confusion evident on his face.
Dust blushed and whispers where his ear would be, "let me make love to you Horror"
Dust placed Horror between himself and the wall. Horror looked up at him and chuckled thinking this was a weird joke.
"Dusty don't make fun of me"
"Horror I can't stop thinking about it. Please, I'll go easy on you."
"I don't think you're capable of going easy, that's why I love you" Horror and Dust both blushed when they made since of what they had both said. Dust snapped out of it first obviously. Smirking Dust shoved horror into the counter hurting him slightly. Horror didn't mind. Dust licked and bit at his neck before stripping Horror of his white tank top and jacket. Horror looked ashamed for Dust to see his skeletal frame. It was littered in scars from abuse from his brother and to skinny to be healthy for a skeleton due to being starved. Yet Dust saw nothing but his best friend and his handsome body.
Horror reached his skeletal (pun intended) hands up to dusts face and knocked his teeth against Dusts own. That was what Dust wanted as his permission. Horror pushed down Dust Hood and licked and nuzzled his neck.
Dust was overjoyed with the prospect of getting to finally have his way with Horror. Nightmare would not be pleased to have his precious horror have a new favourite skeleton. Killer would be a little shit, behaving like a child. Cross would probably try to kill him and, fuck! error would- Dust was pulled out of his fearful thoughts of how their family would react when Horror put his arms over his shoulders. Suddenly it was just those two. No one else.
He pushed again and pulled Horrors pants down. Horror had already formed a skinny dark blue ectobody. Dust almost drooled and unzipped his own pants. Horror giggled because it reminded him of how he drools. Only to be silenced when Dust grabbed his chin and possessively kissed him. Horror blushed a deep red while Dust only became more confident.
Dust POV-
I shoved in quickly to make the process go faster. I used my pre-cum to lube his entrance. Horror gripped onto my jacket desperately. Tears fell freely down Horror's sharp cheek bones. When I started to slowly thrust in and became overwhelmed with pleasure. The feeling of filling him up was all I could focus on. He was so tight a warm and I started to move quickly without thinking.
"D-Dust" I almost didn't hear horror moan and whimper out my name,  so when I did it only served to turn me on more.
Horror POV
Horrors mind was filled with nothing but thoughts of Dust. The feeling of being filled and dust anomalistically pounding him into the cabinets was intoxicating. Dust thrusted me against the cabinet again. I was easy to hold to dust and he wasted no time using that to his advantage.  I shook with lust and drool slowly dripped down my chin.
I could hardly stand it.
"I'm yours D-Dust" I moaned out. When my back arched uncontrollably and my bones quivered beneath me.
"Horror in gonna-
I huffed and panted while coming down from my high. Dust meanwhile continued is bucking and then I felt myself be warmed from the inside.  "Ahh" I heard him moan out behind me. I shuttered at the feeling of his hot breath on my neck. Before blacking out as I felt him begin again, seeing stars.

I woke the next morning curled next to Dust while he slept peacefully. I went to move and shook as I felt the newly formed bruises on me aching on my bones. I sleepily checked the time and jolted out of bed. I grabbed my tank top and raced downstairs. I found myself laughing like a kid on Christmas. I had to restrain myself from screaming in excitement at Dust next to me. I snapped out of it when I reached the kitchen and started speed running my morning routine. Making everyone's specific breakfast. "Nightmare, Error, Cross, Red, Raz, Fell Paps, Pup, Death, Dusty, And Fresh!" I listed them off as I placed their own unique meals on the table. I smiled proudly having pulled it off, even though I was half an hour late. I gasped as I almost forgot Fresh likes extra sprinkles on his pancakes. I had just finished Fresh's meal when Killz and Cross sleepily walked downstairs. Sitting at their places and throwing a few puns at me. Killz was still so tired he even mixed up the punchline which made me crack up. I turned my back as I helped a sleepy Error make everyone coffee. Having five machines in the house it wasn't difficult. Error took what remained of the coffee pot and poured it down his throat.
Nightmare snuck behind him and spooked Error causing Error to sputter and wiper his mouth half-hazardly . Killz was finally more awake as I saw him playing the knife game with Red. Cross caught them both and slapped them on the back of the head, mumbling "dumbasses" before he broke out into fits of laughter with Red's Paps. They began talking and sat down to start breakfast.
Suddenly someone picked up my leg making me almost lose balance. Nightmare had grabbed it worriedly and was now inspecting the bruise on my leg.
"Horrrorrr" he sighed, in his motherly tone. "Did someone knock you down! I told you not to carry all of the guys weapons at once-
Error stepped in "Nightmare,-
They went on to have a conversation  under their breaths- all while nightmare was holding my leg, when he felt I was losing balance his tentacles caught me and had me laying on my back comfortably, Errors strings also kept my leg so they could inspect it. I growled annoyed and they both chuckled with me.
They both smiled happily at the others before Error and him smiled evilly at each other.
Error said between his teeth, "I'm going to go get Dust."
"I'm right behind you" Nightmare agreed.
I quickly shot up and hugged nightmare from behind,
"Don't bother Dust Dads! We just had a good time is all~" I blushed and my red slit of an eye looked down.
Nightmare was going to argue when he caught eyes with mine-
Nightmare POV-
Both me and Error were only messing with Horror even though we were pretty pissed Dust had accidentally hurt him. That alone made my tentacles sharpen. That is until I saw Horrors pleading look and his soft voice call me and Error Dads and tell us not to bother dust.
My heart melted and I saw my right hand man tense slightly and then relax shaking his head exasperated.
"Fiiiiiine" Error growled.
"Error you'll have to stop me from having a bad time with him"
Error laughed and pulled me by the sleeve to the table.
Horror POV-
Death arrived soon after and looked me over.
"Dust?" He stated it more than asked. I blushed deeply and smiled. Which he took as his answer.
"Don't let Fresh find out. He might break Dusts legs and honestly I don't want another soul to reap this week"
I couldn't help but smile at his comment as he went to eat with everyone else. That's when Dust sleepily walked downstairs. I smiled shyly at him. Wondering momentarily why he would love an ugly skeleton like me.
My questions were silenced with Dust hugging me and whispering sweet and calming nothings to me. Except I knew to Dust, they meant something very special. I returned the favour to my best boy-friend. As he rested his head on me from behind. I looked over at my family and knew how lucky I was to have been saved by them.

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