Bad influence

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    Nightmare had been teaching Horror the rules of the gang. Horror just entered last week and Nightmare wouldn't let me get close to the new guy. He musta learned from last time. I chuckled and balanced my knife on my finger. I flipped it and caught it in my hand. The familiar weight making me smirk. I went to turn around when I heard an unfamiliar voice say, "...that was cool..." it was a deep voice that drawled out when he spoke. I whirled around and was met by the new guy. He avoided eye contact with me and nervously picked at his head wound. I waited a minute to make him squirm, and squirm he did.
Beads of sweat rolled down his skull and his cat-like eye light shrunk. He fumbled with his words while I studied him. I was at least a foot taller than him. His bones were skinnier than a healthy skeleton should be, giving him an off putting look. His jacket hood was up to his head which gave him an even smaller appearance. I noted that I found it endearing. Even cute, is that the word? Haha. I smiled at the thought of seeing what would happen if I were to...I smirked having made my decision.
The smaller skeleton looked down. I used that as my cue.
I flipped my knife forwards in my hand skillfully and thrusted it beside his head. Pinning him to the wall behind him with my knife and arm. My grin only grew when his eye lite snapped shut like a human eye and he began to shake. He gritted his teeth together. I caressed his pointy cheek with my un-wielded hand. He jumped and then silently gasped. His eye slowly opened and seemed to be searching my empty ones for answers.
He looked confused and...utterly...helpless.
That's when Nightmare decided to find me and ruin my fun. I could practically feel the glare he was sending me. Horror never looked away from me, not once. "Hey Boss-mare welcome to our party!"
He growled out, "let. Horror. go. Killer." Practically spitting my name out.
"No need to get violent boss, I'm leaving, I'm leavin' Night." I said snidely. I yanked my knife out of the wall purposely scaring the little guy before I sauntered out.

Horror watched him go trying to get his hands to stop shaking. Wow... I thought as Nightmare went over and grabbed me by the shoulder. I heard my new boss sigh deeply.
"Are you alright Horror?"  His voice filled with concern.
I nodded and he relaxed greatly. He then proceeded to lead me down the Hallway, the opposite way that eye-less skeleton went. I found myself disappointed by that. I wanted to talk with that man again. I took one look back as Nightmare told me to stay away from him at all cost. Something about being a bad influence, I forget.

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