Hallcinations and a New Town (pt. 1)

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I didn't want to leave. I really didn't. But I did something bad. I trusted someone, gave everything to them. And they hurt me for it. I didn't want to-I didn't mean to hurt anyone. But now I'm haunted by what I did, his face, his voice. It keeps me from sleeping.
So I moved away. A new life. I promised myself I wouldn't get involved again. So why do I want to so badly. Why am I so goddamn lonely.
My head hurts, I thought as I looked up to the review mirror. My skull was cracked open like an eggshell. Turns out a baseball bat would do that to you. I'm surprised I lived from that, I probably deserved to die. But some divine karma let me live and run out of town.
I rubbed my eyes tiredly, realizing it was 4 am and I had been driving all night. Sometimes when I look up I see you, Dust.
I arrived in the city of Lust sooner than I liked. I never wanted to be here but since I hated it I figured that's the last place you would check to find me. I don't believe in love anymore. But that doesn't mean I don't want to.
I walked into a small or smaller compared to all the other places, grocery store. I wasn't very good at talking but I needed the money. It had been two or three, Hard to remember now, Weeks since I last ate. If I could get a job here than maybe I could get some food. Maybe even a place to stay that wasn't a stolen car that smelled like sex and strong coffee.
I was so close to getting the job when the human running the store asked me for my resume. They told me they'd call me, after they saw I had no (lawful that is) working experience and a criminal record. I left disheartened only to feel even worse when I realized my car was towed. Shit. Don't cause a scene Horror, get ahold of yourself. You just need to find somewhere moderately warm to sleep tonight.
I bumped into a small yet well built skeleton. They had a dancers figure and clean clothes that smelled like candy. I admired the skeleton before quickly giving them a delayed apology.
"So-sorry sorry! heh," I stuttered out. They looked annoyed at first but then their gaze softened on me. They smiled and shook their head. "No need sir?"
They want to know my name? Alright, I'll bite.
"I'm horror"
"Lust." They reached out a smooth bones hand to my bandaged sharp clawed hand. I blushed slightly, they didn't seem scared of me. That was a first.
"So are you new here Horror"
"Yeah, just arrived today"
"I can tell" they snickered and I blushed deeper, my eye light looked away nervously.
"You're cute puppy aren't ya." They said licking their heart shaped lollipop. The pink matched their eyes and they smiled. I hardly registered what they said, still not believing someone like them would talk to me.
He reached in his coat and pulled out another wrapped rock candy. "Want one?"
We're they really about to give me candy, what kind of cruel joke is this. This can't be true...Horror looked up and was met with a very alive Dust that shifted into Nightmare, the entity yelled: Horror get out of their! Do you want to be locked in a cage for six months like with Dust? Or would you rather go back to working for Nightmare who abandoned you when you were shot down by a rival gang? Do you really want to burden this innocent (beautiful) skeleton with your brokenness. You sad fuck. Walk away, it's better for them and you. You're unlovable freak! Get the fuck away from them before you end up ruining their life or ending it! You're the bad guy here. Get away-get-away-get-away-run!
Suddenly a hand touched Horror's shoulder which made him flinch. He hadn't realised when his eye lite close or when he started crying. But all he knew was now he was crying on the sidewalk with that pretty skeleton from before kneeling down next to him. Was that concern on their face, pity? (Disgust: Dust whispered) (fear: nightmare answered)
Horror shook that thought away.

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