Where are we going?

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A loud clang on the metallic door woke Horror. He was in a metal cell chained to the floor. He couldn't remember how he got there. Last thing he remembered was a fire at Nightmares castle. He swore he remembered Nightmare telling him something but he couldn't think right now. Tears fell from his eyes caused by confusion, frustration, and fear. Where was he.
He was in gray t-shirt that was far to big for him and white pants. His manacles attached his wrists to his feet. He tried to speak but found himself muzzled. He cried quietly in his cell.
The lights never went out, the bright florescent lights flickered. The gray walls seem to close in on him. He couldn't hear anything but his own ragged breath. The floor under him was a rough concrete, it cut his shins and knees.
Just as his eyes began to droop the door was opened. His red cat-like eye widened and he was roughly lifted from his kneeling position. To mutts snarled hatefully at him. He flinched and struggled when they took off his manacles. They were quickly replaced with another set and he was forced to walk forewords.
Gray halls stretched down to see a black door. As he got closer he saw that it wasn't black, it was glass: it was night time.
It was snowing and he shivered in the cold. His eyes slowly adjusted to the dark night. He was hauled into a white bus. There he was muzzled again and sat down in the back of the vehicle. He looked around in question. The bus had few monsters on it. A lot of rough looking humans. Their eyes were empty. A big wolf like monster was sat down next to horror. Horror shrank in on himself and his eye lite looked anywhere but at him. The wolf smelled him and growled which made Horror shake. Oh god, why was this happening? Where is he? Where's his family,  Nightmare, Dust, anyone. Fuck why did he have to be stuck with an amnesiac head.
The bus drove into this dark wasteland until the sun rose.
Somewhere he must've drifted to sleep because next thing he knew he was roughly punched in the side, as some sort of rude awakening he guessed. His side hurt and he clenched his teeth. He tried to get his breathing regulated and to not panic. A feline monster guard ordered them to get up. He was tugged along and almost fell into the snow when the bus door was opened. Walking with shackles was difficult to say the least.
His breath caught in his throat when he saw other buses arrive. As the other prisoners came out he saw the comforting sight of a very alive Nightmare. He tried to speak but couldn't because of his muzzle.
Nightmare didn't have a muzzle, he had the same shackles and uniform as Horror though. His back was covered with a magic restraint to stop his tentacles and he looked more tired and scared now than when Horror had ever seen him before.
Horror clacked his bones and risked jumping up and down. Nightmare spotted him and his eyes welled up with tears. A relieved smile fill his face as tears slip down his cheeks. He expression changes to malice and eyes fill with anger when Horror is his hit by a club on his head wound for just jumping.
Horror didn't fucking deserve that, he must've been so confused right now. Confused and scared. He probably doesn't remember what happened when the stars attacked. Nightmares heart broke when he saw they put a muzzle on him. Those motherfuckers Nightmare growled under his breath.
He looked ahead and heard bone cracking. He whipped his head back to his boy and he was covering his head and shaking. A large bulky human was hovering over him with a club, he hit Horror again. Nightmare saw red and he yelled, "HEY MOTHERFUCKER LEAVE HIM ALONE!" It was the first time he spoke since his crew was taken from him and he was sent to isolation.
He'd be damned if they hurt Horror.

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