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Dust POV
I stuck to Horror's side like glue on his first few days in our home. Nightmare had just pulled him out of that hellish place called Horrortale. He was weak and very scrawny. I helped nurse him back to health by making sure he ate properly. What I didn't realise then was that Pap had stopped beckoning me to kill people. It's like Horror scared him away. When I was talking and taking care of Horror...I felt like myself again.
The Sans before the countless genocides. The Sans before I dusted my brother. I felt normal again. Content even.
I longed for infinite LV for so long. Feeling this way, content with just being free of my world. It was beautiful. I was no longer hungry for blood.
Even when Horror learned about my story, he never once treated me like a villain. He treated me as a victim of the world around me. He's was fair and he seemed to understand the pain of my brain. He cleared the fog of my mind and let me be happy.
Presently I've been discovering how absolutely perfect he is. His small frame, his baritone voice that calmed me, his inept healing abilities. And even his welcoming smile. He never judged: always helped. I'm pretty gay for him haha. Honestly though. Maybe Horror is to.
Error prompted me to finally ask him. Walking across the kitchen floor towards him. I felt so worried. Yet so safe. This is the place me and Horror first ever talked. Many good memories of Horror making us all meals and laughing through stories.
Making stupid puns and passing out from eating and drinking a bit to much. I smiled as I thought about it. Not realising I was still walking towards a busy Horror. I snapped out of my daze when I bumped into him.
He chuckled and looked at me with that stupid what the hell are you doing face. Though I could see some concern behind that smile. He sweated as I looked down at him. He stopped chopping the potatoes and looked up at me. Half lidded eye lights met blue and red ones.

Horror POV-
I was chopping carrots and potatoes for the stew when I felt someone bump into me from behind. Jolting in surprise I cut my thumb. Blood dripped from the cut and I turned to see who had shoved me. My eyes met Dust and I must of froze because next thing I remember Dust was kissing me.
I blushed and shoved him away covering my blushing face with my hood. Trying to protect myself from the humiliation and helplessness I felt. In that moment all I could think of was how Dust would laugh at me. Call me a slut or worse. I shivered getting reminded of the days I was starving on the streets and had to sell my body for scraps of food. Those memories of pain are the only memories that seem to stick.
Yet, I didn't hear Dust laughing at me.
I looked up, blushing like mad, beads of sweat rolling down my sharp cheek bones. Dust looked worried and spit out three words I'd never heard a monster say to me before. Not even my own brother.
"I love you"
Before I even worked out what I should respond with, I said: "look at us, two tired broken fools. I'm hopelessly in love with you Dust"
"I know" he responded cockily. I smiled at his audacity. Glad he is getting his sass back.
"I love you"
"I love you too"

Dust POV-
We are both tired of being alone. We both needed each other to move forward. We are closer than anything. Just me and Horror against the world.

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