Chapter 2

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A whistle sounded. 

"They're coming!" Aria whispered. Adrenaline rushed through her body and she started to grin. She loved that feeling! 

"Are you ready?" Adam asked her. 

"I'm always ready!" Aria grinned. 

"Well then, let's confuse the soldiers," he grinned back. She nodded to him and released her pistol with mixed feelings. She didn't know if she would see him again right now. Whether he was on the bus. Was he even still alive? 

She swallowed. Of course he was still alive. Aria shook her head and so chased away the negative thoughts. She had to concentrate. She couldn't allow herself to make mistakes. Many children's lives were at stake. 

Aria sighed and focused her gaze on the approaching buses. Their glowing headlights cast creepy shadows on the ruins of the houses. The girl shuddered when she thought about what could happen. Especially when cranks came. Then they were lost and the rescue operation in vain. A shot rang out and a car sped out of the alley. It sped past the buses and down the path. 

The fire was on. 

The bus in front reacted immediately and raced after the car that kept shooting at the bus. The second bus wanted to follow him, but another car shot out of the alley and stood in the way of the bus. The bus couldn't go any further. The other bus disappeared around the corner and you could hear the distant shooting. She shot at the bus and heard some children screeching and soldiers cursing. The first soldiers got off the bus and shot around at random. One shot on her part and one fell over. The others were shot down the same way. None of the soldiers moved anymore. Silence fell on the bus and she could hear a few sobs. It seemed as if there were no soldiers left. Aria got up and slowly climbed down the rock and towards the bus. Adam followed her. They crept around the bus with their guns raised. Fallen soldiers were lying around and she stepped over one of the soldiers. Aria grimaced in disgust when the smell of blood rose to her nose. Different feelings raced through her. 






She bit her lip when she got on the bus. She stormed in with her gun raised. Fearful children's eyes stared at the girl. There weren't any soldiers in it. Apparently they weren't expecting a robbery. Good for the right arm. Aria put her pistol back in her belt and took off her scarf that protected her from the puffing of sand. She had it wrapped in front of her face so that only her eyes could be seen.

"It's all good! You are safe.", she smiled reassuringly at the children. Some weren't much older than her. Most of them even a little younger. A girl with brown dreadlocks got up and stood in front of Aria. "Who are you?" She hissed. 

"Your saviour! WICKED won't be able to harm you anymore.", Aria answered with a smile. 

"And what's your name?" Interfered a blond-haired girl. 

"Aria! Now come before they call for reinforcements. Everyone after me!" she yelled. 

She stepped off the bus and whistled once. People came out of the surrounding houses and walked towards them. Engine noises rang out and came towards them. Several cars were parked in front of them. The children got off the bus behind Aria, trembling with fear and cold. She grabbed two girls and led them to Ryan, who was already holding the door of the car. Aria handed them to him and the two girls got in. There weren't many who they saved. Around 10 just once. 

Better than nothing. 

Aria waited for the first cars to leave, until she turned to Adam, who was already waiting for her. The girl sat in the back seat and sighed and ran a hand through her hair. He wasn't there. Next to her sat the brown-haired girl with the dreadlocks and the blonde girl in the front passenger seat. 

"I'm Adam!" Said the black-haired boy who drove the car. 

"Sonya!" Whispered the blonde. 

"Sonya! You can't just trust them like that.", The girl next to me shouted indignantly. 

"They saved us! You know what WICKED did to us.", The blonde girl turned to her friend. 

"I'm Harriet!" Said the brown-haired girl sullenly. 

"Where are you taking us?" Asked Sonya. 

"To the right arm," Aria replied.


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