Chapter 20

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The boys stayed silent, as did Jorge. She noticed how they kept staring at her, but the girl didn't care. They had no further complications the whole way, so she parked near one of the laboratories that afternoon. As Aria said, this area was full of hills and the laboratory was fenced off. Sighing, she turned off the engine and got out.

"Stay here!" she said to Jorge and nodded to the other cars that stopped in front of their car. The girl slammed the car door and hunched over to climb one of the hills. She kept walking crouched. The hills got smaller and smaller and the ground level. Aria couldn't go on without being seen. So she lay down on the ground and crawled up another hill. The girl picked up her little binoculars and looked through them. It was a small building and she saw a doctor standing in front of a window pane. He mixed something together. Two soldiers paced up and down in front of the building. Just like she thought it would be. They didn't expect an attack.

Carefully and careful not to make any noise, she ran back to the others. Mary was already waiting for her with narrowed eyes. "Two soldiers and at least one doctor in the building. They don't expect an attack," Aria said.

"Nice that you always have to go alone, Aria.", Mary ignored what the girl just said. Aria rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, so I don't have to listen to your 'be careful talks'," Aria said, annoyed.

"Aria! I just don't want anything to happen to you," Mary said.

"Mary, I can take care of myself," Aria said, turning away from her. Vince had already distributed the weapons to the others so that everyone could defend themselves if they were attacked. Everyone was back in the cars they drove in. So that meant that Aria was sitting with the boys again. Sighing, she rubbed her face when they told her again about the dangers in the maze. In every story Newt or Thomas told, Thomas was the hero who saved or persuaded everyone.

"Can't you even be quiet?" she sighed in annoyance as they started talking again about the campfires that they apparently had often celebrated.

"Who is actually loverboy?" Asked Thomas after a few minutes of silence.

"You don't know him," she sighed and stretched out her legs.

"What are we waiting for now?" Asked Frypan.

"Make it night," she replied and turned to the three boys. Jorge had leaned back in his seat and was sleeping a little. At least Aria thought he was sleeping.

"How long have you been on the right arm?" Frypan asked her curiously.

"For nine years," the girl replied.

"Why weren't you caught by WICKED and put in one of their labyrinths?" Newt asked her.

"I was able to escape. In addition, my father and my brother sacrificed themselves for me so that I could get to the right arm." she said and looked forward again.

"I'm sorry," Newt whispered.

"It's okay. It's been a long time ago," she sighed.

"How was Minho before? Just like now?" Asked Thomas again.

"Dismissive and he was always skeptical about everything. I don't know if he's still like that. I couldn't speak to him enough for that." Aria laughed as she thought back to the time with Minho. "He was always scared of my dolls. He found their eyes creepy," the girl chuckled. Newt laughed out loud.


The sun was setting so slowly and Aria had been talking to the guys the whole time. They weren't bad at all. She watched the sunset in silence. Jorge was still sleeping. Everyone fell asleep in that car. She looked back and made sure Thomas, Frypan and Newt were really asleep, then she quietly opened the car door and got out. Slowly, careful not to make a sound, she closed it again and breathed a sigh of relief as she stood in the open. The girl ran to Vince's car and knocked softly on the window pane. Vince had a car of his own as all the guns were in his car.

"What do you want, Aria?" she heard Vince ask softly.

"Darkness. Attack. Surprise effect." Aria raised her eyebrows.

"Now?" He asked softly.

"No, later when the sun rises again and the soldiers can see us better." Aria spoke sarcastically. "Of course now," she said, putting her hands on her hips.

"We're not taking everyone with us. Sure, Aria?" Said Vince, getting out of the car.

"Sure!" she shrugged.

"You wake up Harriet and Adam. I'll take over Oliver, Michael and Ryan.", Vince ordered.

"Sure!" the girl nodded and scurried over to the car that Harriet and Adam were in. She had to be careful not to wake Brenda up.

"Harriet! Adam!" she whispered, knocking lightly on the window of the car.

"Aria?" Someone yawned.

"Surprise attack! Be quiet, we shouldn't wake the others. Orders from Vince.", she whispered and scurried to the next car. Vince was already there, whispering to Michael and Ryan. Oliver stood beside him, tired. Both of her friends quietly got out of the car and walked over to Vince next to Aria, who was just letting the others know.

"Mary will kill us," Michael interjected when he saw Aria.

"No risk, no fun!" she smiled mischievously.

"Everyone takes a pistol with them. And then it starts.", Vince ordered. They ran quickly and silently to Vince car. Harriet opened the car door and handed everyone two rifles and ammunition. Aria wrapped her black scarf around her neck and covered her face. Then the group crept off quietly. Making no noise whatsoever, they scurried through the darkness near the fence.

"Let's go," aria whispered to the others and crawled on. When she got to the fence, she took a pair of pliers and cut a large hole in the fence. Harriet was the first to slip through. Followed by Adam and Aria. The others would take out the soldiers on the premises. Silently she crept after Harriet with her gun raised. The three slowly crept on until they stopped at the small building. She pressed herself against the wall and tried to make herself as small as possible. Two soldiers sat in front of the front door, they had their weapons at the ready and were chatting about their families. Aria felt sorry for them that they would probably never see their families again, but she didn't have time for pity now.

There was a loud shot. Harriet had shot. Another shot sounded. This were the others. At Aria's signal, they stormed around the corner and ran towards the gate of the building. She heard a few voices inside, but they were just talking and not worrying about the shots. Apparently they were thinking of a crank attack. Adam knelt in front of the gate lock and tried to get it open with a bobby pin. Sighing, she leaned against the wall and stroked her dark blonde hair. It could take forever to figure it out.

"I've got it." Adam said triumphantly. Aria looked at him in astonishment when he pushed open the door with a flourish. A long corridor stretched before them. Several doors lay before us. Aria was the first to follow Adam in.

"Follow the voices," she whispered, pointing to a door from which the voices should come. Adam nodded to her and so they kept walking. Harriet was behind them. She opened all the doors to make sure no one was behind. Aria crept on quietly and stopped in front of the door from which the voices came. Adam stopped next to her. She nodded to him and swung open the door. There sat three men in doctor's coats and there was a chessboard in front of them. Before they could even turn around, Aria shot three times. Each of the men immediately slumped.

"Go on! Come on, Adam." she called and ran out again. Harriet, Adam, and Aria opened the other two doors that they hadn't yet opened. But it wasn't important anymore. She was about to run back and get Vince when she spotted a staircase that led to a basement.

"Adam! Get Vince. Harriet! You come with me.", Aria said and pointed to the stairs in front of her.

"What is that?" Asked Harriet as Adam disappeared.

"Rather where is it going," The girl replied.

"Let's take a closer look at that," Aria said and slowly walked down the stairs. They creaked. Harriet walked right behind her.

"If that were a horror movie, the killer is waiting for us downstairs," Harriet whispered softly. Aria got goosebumps.

"But we're not in a horror movie." Aria explained and kept walking.


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