Chapter 17

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When a berg appeared. It kicked up dust as it landed, and Aria coughed something. The mouth of the berg was opened and more soldiers came out, followed by a blond-haired woman. Ava Paige. The girl looked at her grimly as she walked over to Janson. "Is this all of them?" She asked Janson as she let her gaze wander over the kids.

"Most of them," Janson replied. "Would be enough." Aria ground her teeth. Of course it would be enough for them.

"Start loading them.", She said and kept walking.

"Ok. You heard. Load them over," Janson yelled. Aria heard the gasps of the others being pulled up by the soldiers and being loaded. She glared at Ava as she passed her and stopped in front of Thomas. He was just being pulled up by one of the soldiers.

"Hello Thomas." Ava greeted him. Aria could hear the screams of the soldiers up here. Her wound hurt. One by one, the children were transported up the berg. Everything the right arm had set up so far was destroyed within a few minutes. When the girl who had arrived with the group came out and went to Ava. Ava greeted her like an old friend. So she had betrayed them.

"I'm glad you're safe," Ava said to her.

"Not me," Aria hissed to herself.

"What the hell?" she heard Minho ask.

"Teresa", Frypan uttered with tears in his eyes.

"What's going on?" I heard Newt ask.

Aria got up slowly. The attention was on Ava, Teresa, and the boys. She could run to guns and shoot. The girl nudged Harriet carefully. She understood immediately and slowly got up. "She's with them." Said Thomas dejectedly.

"What?" Asked Minho.

"Oh Teresa always knew what was good. And when we gave her her memories back, it was only a matter of time.", Janson said and patted Teresa on the shoulder. Aria gritted her teeth because she wanted to kill Teresa.

"I'm sorry. I had no choice, this is the only way. We have to find the cure.", Teresa replied. There were always several ways and you always had a choice.

"She's right. It all has to come to an end. We have to find the cure and you have to understand that, Thomas. No matter what you think of me, I'm not a monster. I'm a doctor. I swore that I can find a cure. No matter what it costs.", Ava said. Harriet looked at the floor. "I just need more time."

"More blood," said Mary, tearing herself away from one of the soldiers. Aria looked at her in shock. The girl didn't want to lose her.

"Hello Mary.", Ava said, "I hope we meet again. I'm sorry that it had to be under these circumstances."

"I'm sorry about a lot of things too. But not this. At least my conscience is clear," replied Mary. Aria saw Janson draw his gun from behind Ava. He was going to shoot Mary.

"So is mine.", Ava replied. When the shot rang, Aria jumped forward and pushed Mary aside.

"Mary! No!" Aria heard Vince scream. The girl fell to the ground and breathed in gusts. It was just a strike shot. However, it hurt as well.

"Aria! ARIA!" she heard Vince scream.

"Aria?" Whispered Mary. The girl heard Mary and Vince screams in despair. Her vision blurred. More and more black dots made it difficult for her to see. The girl heard the screams from her brother Aris. From Sonya and Harriet. From Adam. But she knew it was just a graze. It didn't hurt very much. Mary ran to the motionless girl and put her head on her knees. "Aria. Aria. Wake up," she whispered and patted her cheek.

"It's all good, Mary. It was just a graze," Aria stuttered heavily. "It's all good," the girl whispered.

"Let's go. Let's go." she heard Ava scream. "All of these people. Let's go." Ava continued to shout. Vince was packed, as was Mary. Aria's head fell on the floor and she was breathing heavily. She opened her eyes and saw her brother Aris being grabbed. "ARIS!" the girl shouted. She got to her feet, but fell again. Thomas was led away when he pulled something out of his pocket.

"Get back! Get back!" He shouted. Aria dropped to the floor and gathered her strength. "Everyone get back!" He yelled. She heard several soldiers load their weapons, but Janson stopped them, "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" At least one thing he did well.

"Stay back!" Said Thomas.

"Thomas," said Janson.

"Get the fuck off! Set them free! Set them all free!" He yelled again.

"Thomas! I can't do that.", Ava replied.

"Thomas! Please stop. I made a deal with her. She promised me... She promised me that you would be safe. All of us," Aria heard the traitor say.

"Should I trust you now?" Said Thomas brokenly.

Aria stopped listening to the conversation. The girl opened her eyes and looked around. Not far from her was a dead soldier. He should definitely have another weapon. The girl slowly crawled towards him. Be careful not to attract any attention to her.

"Do it Thomas!" she heard Minho say. She couldn't lose him. Not at a boy who wants to blow everything up.

The girl reached the dead soldier and grabbed his weapon. He had two rifles, three pistols and ammunition. Should be enough for the first. She stuffed the pistols into her gun belt and threw one of the rifles over her shoulder. She took the other one in her hand and unlocked it. She was just about to aim at Janson when a car horn sounded. Confused, the girl turned when the car knocked over one of the helicopters. Aria immediately got herself to safety behind a car. A soldier came up to Harriet and was about to grab her when Aria fired her first shot. He fell to the ground, twitching.

"Cool," Aria whispered, grinning. Harriet looked around quickly and the girl waved over to her. She quickly ran to Aria.

"They have Sonya and Aris," she yelled at Aria over the noise. The girl got up, startled. Aria gave her one of the pistols and a rifle and got out of cover.

"No! Aria! No. We have to see Vince. Come on!" Harriet yelled and pulled Aria behind her. The girl wanted to tear herself away, but Harriet held her. She dragged her behind her. People shot and got to safety. When Aria heard someone scream for Minho. She tore herself away from Harriet and looked for Minho. He was dragged into the berg by soldiers. The girl shot the soldiers, but it was too late. The gates of the berg slowly began to close. She recognized the face of Aris in them. Aria opened her eyes in shock. She couldn't lose him.

Desperate she ran towards the berg, but was stopped by Mary. She stopped Aria, she wrapped her arms around her stomach so Aria couldn't keep running, which made Aria hiss. The gates of the berg closed. "I LOVE YOU, ARIS!" the girl shouted desperately.

"ARIS! ARIS! Aris!" she sobbed and screamed. The berg took off. Dust swirled up and hit her face. The girls wound burned. Their camp was on fire. And she had lost him to WICKED again. Aria collapsed sobbing. Mary took her gently in her arms. Aria kept sobbing Ari's name. Another person hugged her. She lost him.

Once again...


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