Chapter 19

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The girl ran ahead and the others followed her. She ran straight towards one of the undamaged off-road vehicles. Thomas ran next to her and stopped when she stopped. On the off-road vehicle, Aria pulled a card out of her pocket. "You were able to save the card? But it was in Jonas' tent!", Vince asked confused.

"No. I accidentally plugged it in. Which was good," the girl laughed.

She unfolded the map and pointed to the area where they were just now. "We're here. We have to move on as soon as possible, not for they to come back. We're going to one of the laboratories. There will definitely be something to eat and drink there. Medicine, too. Maybe a few of the kids too," said the girl. "It's not far from here. A day's march by car only a few hours. We collect the information and drive to the ship station where we take the kids to the safe haven. There we can temporarily set up camp. It's safer than in the scorch or in the mountains. In addition, we would have a roof over our heads and would be better protected from the cranks. ", Aria explained further. "We're leaving in two hours. Grab everything that you can find useful. Especially the weapons that the soldiers are lying around here. We'll need them," Aria said.

"You heard her, guys," Vince yelled. The group that had gathered around her broke up. Harriet was the one who stayed with Aria. Aria looked at her questioningly when Harriet looked at her.

"What's on your mind, Harriet?" the girl sighed and turned to her.

"How do you know Aris?" She asked softly.

"You still remember what I entrusted to you and Sonya? That evening." Aria helped her to remember. She still looked at the girl confused.

"Aris is my brother." Aria explained to her.

"I thought you were in love or something," Harriet chuckled.

"Oh god, Harriet. No!" the girl laughed. Harriet joined her laughter.

"Let's look for weapons!" Laughed Harriet, pulling Aria behind her.


"Boys! Can you please be quiet for a moment," the girl laughed and glared at the boys through the rearview mirror. The right arm members had piled the usable things on the cars all morning and then drove off. Aria led the motorcade because she knew the scorch best. With her in the car were Thomas, Newt, Frypan and a man named Jorge.

The boys had been trying to sing songs for a few minutes. She looked annoyed at the scorch when they started again crookedly humming some melody to themselves. After a few minutes, Jorge had given up making them stop. Now he covered his ears with his hands. It was just because Aria was driving that she couldn't hold her ears, so she had to endure the terrible singing.

"BOYS! Stop it now or I'll throw you out of the car and then you can see for yourself how you can save yourself." Aria shouted furiously when they started to sing again. Immediately they stopped. Sighing, she focused back on the scorch. When there was a noise in the car. Jorge jerked around and loaded his revolver. Aria just sighed in annoyance and picked up the radio.

"Yeah?" she asked annoyed and also amused at how the others were frightened.

"Nice to hear you again, Aria," said Lawrence's voice.

"Lawri. What do I get honored?" she asked with a grin.

"We heard what happened. Your loverboy is worried about you.", Lawrence sighed, "And he made me look for you. So how are you?"

"Loverboy?" Aria heard Thomas ask confused.

"LyLy, was worried about me?" I asked, amused. Gally had already become like a brother to her. The two got along very well. And he came up with these weird nicknames. Aria called him LyLy and he called her RyRy.

"Yup! How are you, RyRy.", Came a scream from the background of Lawrence.

"Quite good. And you?" she asked back.

"Good too," Gally yelled.

"That's enough now, go back to your guard post.", Lawrence interfered. Aria laughed out loud.

"So how are you, Aria?" Asked Lawrence again.

"Quite good," she explained.

"Any injuries?" He asked further.

Aria swallowed. "Um no." the girl pushed around.

"Her face is half cut open and she was grazed by a graze," Jorge called into the radio.

"JORGE!" she shouted angrily. He just looked at her, smiling innocently.

"ARIA! How did that happen?" Lawrence asked curiously.

"I may have messed with Janson and threw myself into a line of fire," she mumbled quietly.

"You got what?" Lawrence exclaimed.

"Do I have to repeat myself?" the girl asked annoyed. "Um... Lawri. We are just going into Um... a crank town. Exactly in a crank town. Don't say anything to LyLy." Aria lied and hung up the radio. She breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who is Lawri?"


"Which crank town?"

"We're not even close to a crank town!"

"Who is LyLy?"

"Why did you lie?" The four others in the car asked the girl.

"Everybody shut up!" the girl yelled. The car was immediately calm. She sighed in relief. "It is none of your business what I say," she continued.


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