Chapter 8

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"I'm sorry if I pissed you off.", Harriet apologized to Aria as they got into the cars that evening. Aria would tell Vince where to go and the others drove after him. In their car were Vince, Harriet, Sonya and Aria. She still couldn't understand why Vince trusted them so quickly. He had always taught her not to trust anyone unless they deserved it and now he trusted them after just a few days. It had taken Aria weeks for him to believe that she could do something.

"How did you manage to get Aria mad at you?" Vince asked confused. She sighed and looked out the window.

"I asked who she lost to WICKED." Harriet pressed around. Vince stroked Aria's hair briefly and then looked back at the scorch.

"She's very sensitive when it comes to that," he replied, looking at Harriet apologetically. Aria just rolled her eyes and looked out the window again.

"How did you manage to get a lot of people to rebel and join you?" Asked Sonya.

"Most of them have long since stopped believing that WICKED is only after the cure. Even when WICKED started taking the children of the families with them and carried out tests with them, many became suspicious. Many believe they are after world domination, others again believe that WICKED will never find a cure and the children use it as an excuse to protect themselves from the cranks, most of them have brutally lost their children to WICKED and want revenge or just hope to get them back one day Close arms. ", Vince explained.

"And since Mary told us what WICKED is really doing with the children, we have been trying to free them, even if we risk our lives by doing so. At least we die with a clear conscience.", Aria turned to the girls, who had listened to her and Vince eagerly.

"Have you ever had to kill someone?" Sonya asked quietly.

"We have to. Do you think the soldiers would have given us you voluntarily. It's a matter of life and death out here. You could be dead in the next second if you're not careful. Either you get shot by soldiers or you shoot them. One there is no other possibility. ", she explained.

"Aria is right. If you are not fast enough and shoot them, you are dead yourself.", Vince agreed.

"Have you ever felt guilty about those you shot?" Asked Harriet.

"No. After all, they don't feel guilty if they shot us," Aria said.


"How much longer Aria? I'm tired," Adam complained through the radio. That was associated with all cars. "A little over a mile," she replied.

"Left Vince! VINCE! You should have turned left. The warehouse is already behind the buildings, the others are waiting there." she yelled at him. Then she sank back in her seat, nervously, while Sonya giggled.

"I know an abbreviation.", Vince justified himself.

"Your abbreviations always claim death," Aria shrugged. He ignored her comment and just drove on.


"Thank God that we arrived safely." Aria got out of the car and looked up at the sky.

"Now you're exaggerating, Aria." Vince folded his arms over his chest. "Nope.", she gave him a provocative smile and ran towards the camp where they were already expected.

"Aria! We thought you were attacked and wanted to send out search parties." Riley hugged the girl when she walked to the warehouse.

"Yeah, Vince said that he knew an abbreviation and that's why it took a little longer. How far is the ship?" Aria explained apologetically.

"So far done. We could go straight away.", Riley said and gave Aria another hug. Riley was around thirty and cooked amazingly. She had lost her son to WICKED and was still hoping that one day she could see him again. Her son was named Toby.

"Good," Aria nodded and went to the warehouse with Riley. Hammocks and a couple of mattresses had been set up everywhere. It looked cozy. A couple of kids have been here for a couple of weeks. The right arm freed them all and brought them here. Riley had worked on the ship every day with her colleagues and now it was ready to go. As always, the children would travel with two adults. The rest would stay here and start all over again. Harriet and Sonya came to stand next to Aria when Vince sat on a table and gave his speech.

"Alright, listen up. I know you've all been through hell. I wish I could say our troubles are over, but we're not through this yet. WICKED's still out there. They're not giving up. 'Cause you got something they want. They took you because you're immune to a plague that's wiping out the human race. And they think you're worth sacrificing to find a cure. Well, I don't. We're gonna go to a place where WICKED will never find you. A place you can start over. A place you can call home. Are you with me? ", Vince said as always. It was his speech. Each time he said the same thing. Aria was slowly learning his speech by heart.

"He gives this speech every time we have made the ship fit to sail," she whispered to the two girls as the children began to cheer. She smiled. At least a few children could now live in peace and no longer have to be afraid. She was happy for them, even if that meant saying goodbye to Harriet and Sonya.

"We'll leave in half an hour. Get ready. Pack the rest of your things." Vince yelled and jumped off the table.

"Well, then, now it is time," Aria sighed and turned to Harriet.

"I'll miss you, Harriet. And because of yesterday, I just overreacted. I didn't mean it." Aria smiled apologetically and hugged her. Perplexed she hugged her back. Then she looked at Sonya and hugged her just as tightly. "I'll miss you just as much, Sonya. Don't forget me.", she smiled sadly.

"Why are you pretending that this is a goodbye?" Asked Sonya.

"You will be taken to the safe haven," Aria said, looking down at the ground, dejected.

"So what? You're coming with us, aren't you?", Sonya continued.

"No, I won't come with you. There are more kids who have to be freed. But now the first thing that counts is that you are safe. Don't forget me." she smiled and turned around and disappeared into the excited crowd of children. She made her way through to Mary. She was standing outside by the ship next to Vince and Riley. Riley would go too. She was one of the adults who were allowed to go. Aria was happy for her.

"It will be again, Aria. Believe me, you will see them again at some point.", Vince put an arm around her shoulder and gave Aria a short hug. The ship's horn sounded and the children gathered in front of the ship. Everyone was excited about their new home that they would expect. Aria looked up with a sigh. She would miss the two girls. One by one the children ran up onto the ship. Riley said goodbye with a quick hug, then disappeared inside the ship.

"You'll see them again, darling." Mary whispered in Aria's ear and put an arm around her waist. Sighing, she put her head on Mary's shoulder and closed her eyes.

"That was all.", Vince called. Aria opened her eyes when the ship's engine turned on. She turned to the ship and waved after the children who stood happily on the ship and waved to them.

"Do you think they will think of me?" she asked Mary as the ship got smaller and smaller and went to the safe haven.

"Of course we will. Every damn day!" Came a voice behind them. Aria turned around in astonishment and saw Harriet and Sonya standing in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" she asked confused.

"We can't leave our best friend here.", Sonya giggled.


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