Chapter 14

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She ran past the tents onto a small hill. They took away his memories. They took him away from her. He would never remember her. Even if he wanted to. Aria wiped away her tears angrily and remembered a conversation with Harriet.

'You know, I think it's not that bad for you. You can't remember anything, you don't know how vicious WICKED sometimes acted. How WICKED brutally tore families apart. How WICKED killed family members. Like WICKED they didn't immune just got back into the scorch and left them to their fate. You can't remember that. Family members have a much harder time. They don't know if their child is still alive and if they are alive, they can't remember anything. For the child a stranger stands before you and for the mother her child stands before her. She can remember everything and her child cannot even remember his own mother. It tears you apart from the inside not knowing how it is to the child go.'

She was broken. She could remember all the good and bad memories with him, while he didn't even recognize her. And all of that was WICKED's fault.

Anger rushed through her and she furiously hit one of the rocks that stood on the hill. Aria didn't want to feel the pain inside her. The pain inside was much worse than the outside. Over and over again she hit the rock with her fist until blood flowed out of her clenched fist. But the anger on WICKED was not yet gone. Aria also hit the rock aggressively with her foot. She wanted to distract herself from her inner pain. She kept hitting in anger until the rock was covered in blood and her foot and fist ached. But her heart was bleeding more.

She screamed and hit the rock faster and harder until a hand stopped her next hit. Aria paused angrily and turned around. A group of boys stood in front of her. The boy who stopped her was "Minho?"

"You... you know me?" He asked confused.

"So they sent you to the maze too," Aria hissed angrily. She was about to turn around and continue hitting the rock when he stopped her and pulled her into a hug. He hugged a total stranger and Aria hugged her best friend.

The anger gave way to the pain and sadness and she buried her face in his chest, sobbing. He stroked her head reassuringly. Aria didn't even know him like that. "Who are you and what did you do with Minho?" She asked confused and took a step back. Even if the hug was nice, it wasn't her Minho.

"What... what do you mean?" Her best friend asked confused.

"My Minho would never hug anyone. If someone cried, he would either just stand by or run away." she smiled reminiscingly.

"How... How do you know me?" He asked curiously. She sighed and looked at the floor.

"You were and still are my best friend," she whispered. Sighing, Aria sat down on the floor and looked at his three friends who were standing next to him.

"You can also sit down." she smiled slightly. The first to move was a boy with dark skin. "I'm Frypan," he said, and sat down next to Aria.

"Aria." she smiled at him, he smiled back.

"Thomas.", Introduced a brown-haired boy.

"I'm Newt," said a fair-haired boy kindly. He reminded Aria of Sonya with the shape of his face and his smile. Minho sat down next to her and looked at her.

"What do you want to know?" Aria asked laughing.

"How do you know I want to ask you something?" He asked confused.

"Oh come on, Minho. I've known you my whole life. If you think after ten years, I don't know how you feel and what you're thinking then you're absolutely wrong." she giggled slightly.

"Ten years?" Asked the brown-haired boy named Thomas. He had sat down with Newt in front of the three of them.

"I still remember the day very well. It's like it was yesterday," she whispered and looked up at the sky.

"What happened that day?" Asked Minho. Aria looked at him with a sad smile.

"They took you with them," she said.

"WICKED?" He asked softly.

"Yup. You're one of the reasons I joined the right arm. I've always hoped to hug you again one day. I was five when they took you," she said and saw him sad at.

"Did... did you know my parents?" He asked further.

"Lucy and Jimin. They didn't deserved this." Aria sighed.

"Was that their name?" Asked Minho.

"Yeah. You look like your father Jimin. You only have the absent side of your mother Lucy," the girl explained.

"Are they dead?" He asked further.

"Yes. They were killed when WICKED got you," she whispered.

"How?" Minho asked with tears in his eyes.

"I don't know if I should tell you that." she smiled at him and gently put her hand on his shoulder.

"I want to know how they died," he urged.

"I... I... That day I went to you, like every day. We had arranged to meet you and then play tag. When I got to your house, the front door had been broken down. Everything was destroyed. Your father Jimin was lying in the kitchen with a gunshot wound in his chest. Your mother Lucy was lying in the living room with... a knife in her stomach. She was still alive. The last thing she said to me was that If I should see you, I should tell you that she loves you so so much.", she said quietly and remembered the day exactly. Minho sobbed briefly. Aria took him carefully in her arms.

"I think it's time I gave it to you," she said smiling.

The girl reached into her pocket and took out a wrinkled picture. "That day I took the picture with me to remember you. So I wouldn't forget you." she smiled and gave him the little picture. It showed him and his parents. He took it carefully and stroked his parents' faces.

"I'll leave you a little alone now. If you need me, I'll be down at the camp. Mostly with Mary in the hospital tent or with Harriet and Sonya." she said and got up.

"I'm glad that you're alive, Minho," Aria whispered and gave him a kiss on the hair. Then she disappeared.


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