Chapter 32

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"Gally? How much longer do you need?" Aria asked impatiently when Gally still hasn't made it into the vault.

"Don't rush me," he said to the girl and went back to the vault.

Aria just nodded and held her shoulder. The flare had spread further. Her whole chest tingled and she felt the veins spread further on her body. Memories from her childhood flowed past her. Aria coughed. Panting, she tried to stop, but her legs gave out and she fell to the floor. The girl continued to cough and a liquid oozed from her mouth.

Aria screamed when someone touched her shoulder. With narrowed eyes, she turned and looked into her brother's eyes, which were similar to hers. With a gurgle, she jumped on him and knocked him to the ground. The girl ignored the terrified screams of the children. All she could think of was hunger. Hunger for a person. Hungry for her brother. Hungry for Aris. She put pressure on his neck so that Aris could hardly breathe. He kicked, which made Aria squeeze harder on his neck. She screamed and gurgled at him. Her black eyes hungrily on him. A nudge from Gally, dropped the girl from her brother and hit the floor.

Frightened, she slipped back against the wall. Tears welled up in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Aris," she whispered while sobbing.

When she felt the flare take control of her body again, she grabbed her pistol from her gun belt and held it to her head. She closed her eyes and pulled the trigger. A shot rang out. Aria screamed when Gally sat in front of her with her gun pointed at the ceiling. "Kill me!" She yelled at him begging. She saw Gally's eyes welling up as she continued begging.

"Kill me!" She continued to shout.

"No, I won't do that," he shook his head. Aria threw herself on top of him and pushed him to the ground. She yelled at the boy with an inhuman scream. When she realized what she had done, she took the pistol from his gun belt and held it to her head. She was about to shoot when a needle pierced her shoulder. Aria got dizzy and fell over in front of Gally.


The girl came to, her head booming, and looked into the faces of Gally and Aris. She held her head in confusion. "I'm so sorry," she sobbed and threw herself into Ari's arms.

"It's all good," he whispered in her ear.

"Aris injected you with the serum. It should last for a few hours before we have to give you another injection.", Gally explained to the girl with a smile as he hugged her too.

"Thanks.", She grinned and carefully got up.

When suddenly the alarm went off. "Okay. We need to get outta here now.", Gally called and grabbed one of the pistols, "You stay close to me. Stick together." Aria followed him with slow steps. Aris followed her. The girl also grabbed one of the pistols and pulled on her helmet with a sigh.

"You. You guard this with your life. You understand.", Aria heard Gally say. She stood next to him and nodded to the boy.

"Let's go.", She yelled at the children and ran ahead with Gally at the side.

"Stay down, Stay down, Stay down." Aria whispered to the children when the group made it to the underground parking lot where Brenda should be waiting with a bus without hassle.

"Go, go, go." Gally pushed them on. The girl had spotted the guards, who all ran into the building, but the group didn't notice.

"Brenda? Where are you? We're here.", Gally said into the radio and ran around a corner to be almost overrun by Brenda.

"Come on, let's go." Brenda shouted from the window.

"All right. Let's go. Let's go. Quickly, quickly.", Aria called to the kids and ran to the other side of the bus where the doors were.

"Front and back, front and back. Let's go." Gally instructed the children.

"Wait, where's Thomas?" Brenda asked confused as the children got in.

"I was hoping he was with you.", Gally said to the girl.

Aria looked at him with wide eyes, "They are still in the building." The girl turned and ran towards the building.

She heard Gally say to Brenda, "Wait! Wait! Stay here with the kids. Wait here. I'll find him. Just wait for us, okay?" She turned and saw Gally running towards her.

"Come on, LyLy. We have to find them," she called to him.

"Calm down, RyRy. We will find them. Everything will be fine.", The boy soothed his friend and together they ran out of the parking garage.


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