Chapter 4

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It had been a few days since Harriet and Sonya joined their group. Aria got on quite well with them, but she didn't know if she could count them among her friends. She was taught not to trust anyone too quickly.

She and Adam were on their way to the last city to visit Lawrence. They wanted to get an overview of what was going on in the last city and how WICKED protected itself from the cranks. Lawrence had mentioned something about a wall in their last radio conversation and that made Aria curious. She kind of liked the old man. He was persistent and was not easy to get down. 

"Adam! How much longer do we have to drive?" she asked, bored. 

"I told you a minute ago. Another hour or so," he sighed and looked at her annoyed. She just grinned innocently. 

"Should I call Lawrence already?" Aria asked. 

"You do what you want anyway.", Adam shrugged. She just looked at him annoyed and took the radio that was connected to Lawrences. 

"Lawrence! LAWRENCE! Would you please move your fat ass to the radio and answer me!?" The girl yelled into the radio. 

"I don't have a fat ass!" The radio echoed. 

"I knew I would get you with it, Lawri." she grinned. 

"Aria!" It yelled over the radio, so she held it further away from her. 

"What, Lawri?" Aria grinned innocently. 

"Where are you?" He grunted. 

"On the way to you.", she answered. 

"I know that too," he yelled again. 

"Then why do you ask?" she grinned. 

"Adam! Where are you exactly?" He ignored her. 

"We are just before the tunnel. That should be the last hurdle.", Answered her best friend. 

"Spoilers!" Ara hissed at Adam. He just grinned. 

"At least he answers!" Replied Lawrence acidly. 

"Says the one who first gets in touch with 'fat ass'!" Aria countered. 

"Just survive the tunnel! There are a lot of cranks living there at the moment," Lawrence said pleadingly.

"And you know how? Don't you tell me you counted all the cranks?!" Aria laughed. 

"How funny you are again today, Aria.", It hissed from the funnel device, "Just arrive safely." 

"Of course, Lawri. Who else should annoy you?" The girl grinned. 

Lawrence just replied with a 'pfff' and then said nothing more. "Now you've pissed him off again!" Adam sighed. 

"He'll be fine again." Aria shrugged and grinned.

"Let's just survive the tunnel." Adam said, pointing to the tunnel in front of them. 

"Close the window and stay alert." Aria informed Adam and released her pistol. 

She also put three more pistols on her lap. Adam drove in slowly and she looked carefully out the window. Aria slowly looked around getting her gun at the ready. Nothing moved. Adam drove past cars standing around and tons. It was still quiet. The only thing that could be heard was the hum of the engine. No gurgling, no screeching, no shuffling. The end of the tunnel was getting closer. Adam paced a bit and Aria looked around with narrowed eyes. When Adam suddenly stepped on the brake. She was startled and banged her head against the window. She was just looking out of to see if a crank was around. She gasped and rubbed the sore spot. A figure stood in front of the car. 

"Keep going! I'll take care of it!" Aria said. The crank limped towards them and Adam drove on, just as Aria told him to. The girl sat up and shot the disgusting Crank. He fell over and lay motionless. Aria sighed in relief. They reached the end of the tunnel.


"Lawrence! Lawrence! LAWRENCE! Do I have to mention your fat ass every time?" Aria yelled into the building into which they had just been let into by some riflemen. A few of the men laughed but fell silent when Lawrence entered the room with two other armed men. 

"Lawri! Nice to see you." The girl grinned innocently. 

"Unfortunately I can't reply," he growled sullenly. 

"And now you know what I've had to endure for 2 years." Adam grinned and hugged Lawrence. 

"Says the right one! Who always has to save you from Sofia because she can't keep her eyes off you just because you idiot had to wink at her!?" His best friend said challengingly. 

"You had to save me once." Adam justified himself. 

"Yep, once during training and that every day. Once at dinner and at least every other day. Sometimes also at lunch. Forgot something?" I counted with a grin, "Oh yes. You don't even dare to be with yourself anymore to sleep outside of a tent because you... I quote: 'Aria! I am afraid that this monster will attack me. She is everywhere and always finds me! Sure she's a normal person? She is a monster. A monster that wants to attack me. A monster that wants me.' " The girl grinned. By now Adam had blushed and a few of the men were laughing. Lawrence couldn't help but grin a little bit. She grinned at Adam, who stared at her with devastation. Her gaze slid to a shooter who was apparently new.

"Lawri? How long have you been taking on new shooters?" She asked, pointing to the boy.

"He's immune and from one of the maze." Lawrence replied.

"From one of the maze? Only one group has made it out so far. Except... Did the griever attacked you? ", she asked doubtful and then knowing.

"Yes.", The new boy replied and looked down on the floor.

"How do you know that again?", Adam asked confused.

"Really now, Adam?", the girl raised my eyebrows, "How did you actually make it to us? We only take in logical ones." she grinned.

"Jonas!" Said Adam, ignoring her last comment.

"Anything new?" she asked Lawrence. 

"WICKED has built walls around the city. Nobody can get in and nobody comes out. More and more people are coming here to take shelter. But WICKED cannot hide behind these walls forever.", Lawrence replied doggedly. The girl nodded in understanding. 

"How's the new building on the scorch?" Asked Lawrence. 

"They shipped the first children there a few days ago. We were able to save ten. We suspect that the children there will be told that they are safe. More and more children are being brought there. At least around 50. If not even more. But we can't free them, it's in the scorch. In the middle of nowhere. You can't attack it without it ending in suicide. We'll bring the others children to the Safe Haven tomorrow," The girl replied. 

"Can I talk to him for a moment?" She asked hesitantly, pointing to the boy from the maze. 

"Of course.", Said Lawrence and closed the door, the others ran out with him. Adam sat on a chair in the corner and looked at the girl waiting. She approached the boy hesitantly and sat down next to him. 

"What's your name?" Aria asked. 


"Why are you hurt?" she asked further pointing to his bandage around his chest.


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