Chapter 5

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"Happened in the maze," he whispered brokenly. 

"How?" Aria asked softly. 

"I... I..." he broke off and sobbed. The girl wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. She rubbed his back soothingly. He clutched her back and buried his face in the back of her neck. The girl rocked Gally carefully. She looked briefly at Adam, who waggled his eyebrows. She just rolled her eyes and gave him a withering look. 

"Everything's fine, Gally. Do you want to tell me what happened?" She whispered to him. He broke away from the hug and sat up straight. 

"I killed him! I'm a murderer," he sobbed and buried his face in his hands. 

"Gally, you're not a killer. What happened?" Aria put her hand on his shoulder. 

"It was like always until Thomas came with the box. Everything changed from one day to the next. Griever stung during the day, the first girl came, Thomas killed a griever, Thomas had found a possible outcome, Thomas broke the rules and Nobody did anything against it. He even got a reward for it, he became a runner. And then the gates didn't close. The Grievers came and destroyed our home. And Thomas instigated my family to go to the maze with him I don't know how or what happened, but the next thing I can remember is that I woke up in a laboratory-like room with a gun in my hand and one voice has it all time whispered to me that I should kill Thomas. My body didn't do what I wanted anymore. It was like being remote controlled. The next thing I can remember is when I pulled the trigger and Minho threw a spear in my chest. I killed Chuck! I killed my little brother!" He sniffed.

"You got stung, didn't you?" She asked gently.

"That doesn't matter. I'm a murderer!" He cried brokenly.

"That really does matter. Gally, you can't help it! You were stabbed and assigned to kill Thomas. And Chuck probably threw himself in front of Thomas.", she concluded.

"It's not your fault, Gally," she smiled softly.

"It hurts! "He sobbed.

"I know, I know.", the girl stroked his hair as he buried his head in the back of her neck, sobbing. 

"They must all hate me!" He sobbed desperately. 

"Definitely not! They are your family! Besides, you got stung, you were half crazy. You couldn't think clearly anymore.", she whispered in his ear.

"Now take a deep breath. Everything will be fine!", she smiled gently at him and straightened up. He took a deep breath and stood up. "Better?" Aria asked. He nodded and wiped the tears from his face. She hugged him tight. He wrapped his arms around her and put his head on hers and they lingered like that for a while. Warmth and security flowed through her body. The girl felt comfortable and safe. She sighed. 

Maybe she would be able to hug her brother like that one day! Hopefully... 

A crackle broke the pleasant silence. Somebody called Aria. Sighing, she broke away from the embrace. "Jonas! What's going on? Can't you even survive a day without me?", she sighed, annoyed. 

"WICKED happened!" Came the radio. 

"So everything as always.", she sighed. She saw Adam's questioning look on her. 

"Not at all! A few children fled from WICKED. They broke out of the WICKED building and are now walking around somewhere in the scorch," he explained. 

"But that's good?" Aria asked confused. 

"Weren't you listening?! They fled into the scorch! ALONE!" The radio echoed. 

"Let me guess. Adam and I should look for them now!" she said and pulled my hair. 


"If we start now, we'll be back in the mountains tomorrow morning. They wouldn't survive a night in the scorch anyway without protection. Besides, they'd think we're from WICKED. They'd never believe us when we come and say that we are from the right arm. And it is suicide if we send anyone into the scorch now. Adam and I leave tomorrow as planned and then we continue to the safe haven.", she said decisively. 

"But...", Jonas began. 

"Jonas! We can't risk our lives for a few children. We'll do everything as planned. End of the discussion!" she interrupt him angrily and switched off the radio.

"Aren't we putting our lives on the line every day by rebelling against WICKED and freeing the children?" Adam intervened. Aria gave him an annoyed look and sat down. 

"Just shut up, Adam!"


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