Chapter 3

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They drove all night so WICKED wouldn't see them when the sun came out. There weren't enough hiding spots in the scorch to risk that. Harriet and Sonya were asleep while Adam drove. Aria sat in the back with her gun and looked to see if there was any danger. The others drove in front of them, they had brought up the rear. 

"Aria! Can you give me something to drink?", Adam yawned and pointed to the water bottle that was lying next to Harriet. The girl smiled slightly, grabbed it and handed the opened bottle to Adam. He drank greedily from this while she saw herself sunk in sunk again from the car. As always, the same thoughts plagued her. 

Everyone was about him

She sighed and ran a stressful brush through her dark blonde hair. He was probably already dead. But she didn't want to admit it. She didn't want to accept it. She didn't want to accept that he was dead. She didn't want to accept that She could never again feel his loving hugs, which always made her feel safe. She didn't want to accept that he was lying dead in the maze or hanging on one of the tubes and looked half alive, half dead. 

The girl sighed. "What's going on, Aria? He again?" Asked Adam and looked at his best friend from the rearview mirror. 

"He wasn't there, Adam. What if he's already dead? I couldn't even hug him anymore and say that I love him! I miss him so much! It tears me apart not to know where he is and what he is makes. ", she looked tormented at him. 

"Wow. I've never seen you so sentimental!", He giggled, but immediately fell silent when he saw her annoyed look. 

"I'm sorry! But don't give up hope. You will be able to see him again and hug him. Definitely!", He smiled at her encouragingly. 

"Unless he's already dead!" Aria sighed. 

"He certainly isn't.", Adam said affectionately. 

"Don't say anything you can't hold," she said in frustration, "I'm sorry. I... I... It's just that I miss him so much and that I'm just scared that he will is long dead or that he doesn't even remember me anymore." 

"Everything's fine. He's probably out there somewhere thinking of you," he says soothingly. 

"If he still remembers," she whispered. 

"You can't be forgotten!" He smiled. 

She started to laugh, a short time later Adam got in with her.


A short time later they drove up the sand road that led into the mountains. She was always amazed at the mountains that protruded and looked like giants. Adam stopped the car before the others. The others in front of them had stopped and waited for Aria's signal. She slowly get out, shouldered her gun, and whistled once. 

"TRA!" She yelled. That was one of the words that only she said. The riflemen came out of the surrounding mountains and waved down at her. The girl waved back with a smile as they hid in the mountains again. They were responsible for their safety and shot anyone who was not theirs. She heard several car doors slam and steps behind her that followed her. 

"Follow me!" She called with a look over her shoulder to see if they were following her. Harriet was the first to march. The others followed. Aria led the small group through a tunnel. There were a few more cars hidden there that would drive us to the camp. Vince was leaning against one. Aria smiled and ran up to him. 

"And?" He whispered in her ear as he hugged her. 

"He wasn't there!" She sobbed briefly. 

"Everything's fine, darling. He's sure to come!" He whispered soothingly and stroked her dark blonde hair.

A tear ran down her cheek as she pulled away from him, which she immediately wiped away. "It's okay to cry," he smiled lovingly at the girl. 

"As a woman you are immediately classified as too sentimental and as a man you are immediately a wimp." she shrugged and grinned crookedly. He grinned back. 

"Come on! Let's go to Mary." he gently pushed me towards the car. Harriet and Sonya got into the car and Vince drove off. 

"What is this here?", Sonya asked curiously when she looked out the window. 

"We're in the mountains and now go to the right arm!" Aria answered her.

" And what is 'The Right Arm'?" Harriet intervened. 

"An organization that is against WICKED and fights against it in order to free children", Aria answered. "Why?" Sonya shot out. 

"Do you think it's nice not to have a memory?" Vince asked in reply. Sonya shook her head. 

"You know, I think it's not that bad for you. You can't remember anything, you don't know how vicious WICKED sometimes acted. How WICKED brutally tore families apart. How WICKED killed family members. Like WICKED they didn't immune just got back into the scorch and left them to their fate. You can't remember that. Family members have a much harder time. They don't know if their child is still alive and if they are alive, they can't remember anything. For the child a stranger stands before you and for the mother her child stands before her. She can remember everything and her child cannot even remember his own mother. It tears you apart from the inside not knowing how it is to the child go.", Aria whispered at the end. 

"Who have you lost?" Asked Sonya and carefully hugged the sobbing girl as best it could in a car. 

"Nobody!" she hissed angrily and pulled away from the hug. 

Vince looked at the girl pityingly and stopped the car in front of one of the tents. Aria jumped up and stormed into Mary's hospital tent. 

She needed some time for herself now and Mary was always the least busy.


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