Chapter 29

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"Rose took my nose, I suppose. Rose took my nose, I suppose." Lawrence whispered to himself and sniffed the rose. Aria heard the doors open and spotted Gally running down the small stairs.

"Hello LyLy," said the girl, stepping out of the shadows as her friend stepped in front of Lawrence. "RyRy?" Gally asked.

"The only real one.", The girl giggled and took quick steps towards her best friend.

"Glad to see you," Gally smiled and hugged her.

"Me too," she said and hugged him back. Sighing, she closed her eyes as she thought of her first meeting with Gally. The boy hugged the girl even tighter, which made her hiss. Sighing, she stepped back a little and massaged her shoulder.

"Aria! The wound has to heal. If you press it all the time, it opens and never heals.", Hanna grumbled at her. Aria rolled her eyes.

"What wound?" Asked Gally.

"I was bitten," Aria replied simply. Gally's eyes widened in shock.

"You're immune, aren't you?" He asked his friend.

"I don't know.", The girl looked at the floor, "I think we'll find out in the next few days. Lawrence has already volunteered to shoot me if I crank me up," she shrugged.

"Aria." Gally stuttered, "That won't happen."

"We'll see.", The girl grinned happily.

"Oh hey guys.", She waved to the group she drove to Lawrence with.

"Um hey Aria." Brenda grinned at her worriedly.

"I'm going to get something to eat.", She smiled and ran up the stairs with a quick step. She noticed the staring looks of the others who followed her. She sighed and suppressed her tears. Sighing, she sat down in front of the door and listened to the conversation.

When she was sure that she had been gone long enough, she ran back into the room, Gally climbing into the shaft from which Aria had come. "Gally! Take care of yourself. There could be cranks in there.", She called to him and ran down the stairs.

"How do you know that?" He asked confused and looked at his friend.

"Where do you think I was bitten?" She looked at him with a smile.

"Ohh, I'll take care of myself.", He smiled at Aria and disappeared into the shaft.

Aria sighed and sat down next to Newt, who was tying his shoes. He looked at her questioningly and she just smiled at him. "I know it itches," she said softly and nodded her head on his arm. Newt just looked at her sadly and got up to go after Gally.

After a while, when the boys disappeared, Brenda and Frypan sat down in front of Aria. "Why are you pretending nothing?" Brenda asked softly.

"At the moment there are more important things than my problems. I have to save Aris and Minho.", Aria clarified.

"Does it hurt a lot?" Frypan asked softly. "Nope. I'm fine.", Aria replied.

"You are a very bad liar, Aria," Brenda replied.


"No. There's gotta be another way." Thomas shook his head.

Gally sighed, "Like what? You've seen the building. She's our only way in."

"You really think she's gonna help us?" Asked Thomas.

"I don't plan on asking for her permission," said Gally.

"Am I missing something here? This is the same girl who betrayed us, correct? Same dick!", Brenda interfered.

"I like her." Gally nodded to Brenda.

"What's going on?" Brenda said to Thomas.

Aria ran through her hair. "Are you afraid that your little girlfriend is gonna get hurt?" Aria interfered. "Because of her, Minho and Aris are in WICKED! And you don't want to save them because of her?", Aria yelled at him.

"Wait, Aria what are you talking about?" Asked Thomas the girl.

"Teresa. You don't want to put her in danger because you love her, isn't it?" She continued to yell at him.

"That's not true," Thomas stuttered at her.

"I don't give a shit whether you love her or not. I'll kidnap her with or without your help. I want to save Minho and Aris and we need her for that. And I don't give a shit whether you love her or not." Aria shook her head.

"This was obviously never been about just rescuing Minho. Has it?" Newt interfered. "You want to save her too," he continued.

"That's not true." Said Thomas.

"Don't lie to me!" Aria yelled at Thomas.

"Aria! Newt I..." began Thomas.

"DON'T LIE TO US!" Newt yelled and pushed Thomas against the wall.

Newt seemed to realize what he had done and let go of Thomas. "I'm sorry.", He said and left the room. Aria looked after him with concern. As Thomas was about to run after him, Aria stood in his way.

"I'll go after him.", She said decisively and looked at him grimly before running after Newt.

He sat on a wall and let his legs dangle down. Aria stepped up to him slowly and knelt beside him. "I guess I can't hide this anymore.", Said the boy and rolled up his jacket sleeve.

"I guess we have the same problem," said the girl, pulling off her shirt a little. Black lines had formed where the crank had bitten her. She smiled reassuringly at him.

"How can you cover it up like nothing?" Newt asked the girl softly.

"I want to save Minho and Aris. And I would stand in our way and myself if I arrive with my problem." Aria shrugged.

"We'll make it. And if not we will see many others again who are proudly looking down at us at the moment.", She smiled at him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't want them to remember me as a crank," the boy sighed.

"They won't.", The girl smiled and hugged him, "Whenever they think of you, they will think of the most beautiful moments with you. Of your smile. Of your character. Of the funny moments. Of the beautiful moments." she smiled at him.

"Can I ask you something?" The boy asked Aria.

"You already have.", The girl giggled. Newt laughed out loud. "Yeah. Ask me whatever you want," said Aria.

"What was your fault?" He asked her, looking at the girl.

"The death of my mother. She was infected. I went into her room, she attacked me and my dad shot her when she tried to bite me," Aria explained to him.

"Should I be glad then that your dad shot her? Otherwise I would certainly not have met you if she had bitten you.", Newt grinned.

"Everything has its positive and negative sides," laughed Aria.


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