Welcome to the family

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Sophie Walker is a fresh detective, she graduated at the top of her class, passing every exam with flying colors. She's lean, not like extremely ripped, but you can tell she goes to the gym. She has long wavy, brown hair, crystal blue eyes, a sharp jawline and perfect skin that has been kissed with many faded freckles. Her height is normal for a woman, around 5 foot 5, and her figure is captivating, her curves create a perfect silhouette when she stands in any room thats lit up with dim lights. As for her personality, she lights up every room she walks into, her smile and laughter are both contagious, her kindness never goes unnoticed, usually it doesn't anyways, and she will go out of her way just to make sure the people around her have everything they need.

This is one of the main reasons hank Voight recruited her to be a member of his unit, today would be her first day with her new team and she couldn't wait. As she walked up the stairs of the 21st district her heart was racing, she just wanted to make a good first impression. Hank was leading her into the bullpen to meet the unit, "everyone this is Sophie Walker, our new member" he smiled and moved to the side so everyone could see her. They all stood up and smiled at her, she scanned the room quickly and was impressed, she didn't think it was possible to have a unit this good looking. She flashed them all wide grin which automatically made them all smile, "Halstead, she'll be partnered with you" hank added and pointed Sophie over to the brown haired, muscular detective stood in the corner by his desk.

She nodded and walked over to the mirroring desk, she shook his hand and the pair shared a small smile before jay went back to being mr serious. He seemed to be colder then everyone else, the girls and the rest of the unit welcomed her in with open arms but jay seemed to be hesitant of her, "welcome to the family" Kevin smiled and gave her a fist pump. She laughed and gave him one back before hank walked out from his office and gave them the insight to their daily case.

"Halstead, Walker. You two go pick up the witness" hank looked over his shoulder at them. They both nodded and stood up before Sophie followed jay downstairs and outside into his SUV. The car journey was silent, jay didn't bother talking to her so she just stayed quiet, "there she is" jay broke the awkward silence. Sophie looked over to her side and nodded before they both got out of the car, "miss sanders, I'm detective Walker and this is detective Halstead. We're gonna need you to come down to the station and give a statement" Sophie smiled at the young girl. She looked scared but Sophie's smile seemed to calm her down, she nodded and followed jay to his car. He opened the car door for her with a small smile and closed it behind her. The partners got back into the car and jay put the radio on in the background to get rid of the awkward silence. Sophie couldn't help but wonder what was going through his head, everyone else seemed to enjoy her new company at the bullpen but jay seemed to push her away as if he was only tolerating her because of work.

When they got back to the district Sophie took the girls statement because she was slightly jumpy in the presence of any male. She collected her statement then sent her back downstairs so a patrol car could take her back downtown where they picked her up from. "She said she saw two males in the coffee shop around the time of the shooting, one man who she described matches the description of our first suspect. He's our guy" she summed up to jay as they walked down the hall and back into the bullpen. Jay nodded and took the paper from her hands to put on the board. That was the most contact they'd had all day and it was 4pm.

By the end of the day they were all a little tired but they had cracked the case, "good work guys, head out" hank stood in his office doorframe smiling at his detectives. They all smiled back and stood up, as one big group they all headed out to their cars to go home. Everyone said goodbye to Sophie except jay, he just nodded and got in his car to go home. She figured that he was just having a bad day and he would warm up to her tomorrow so she tried not to take it personally and got in her car to go home too.
When she got home the house was quiet just like it usually was since she lived alone in a two story home. It was a fair size for only herself living in it, it consisted of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, living room and a porch out back. Not to forget the cute little back yard with the deck chairs and garden gnomes on. The little things in life made her happy. She ate her dinner and watched a film before jumping into her PJ's and going to bed, hoping tomorrow would be a better day for her partner.

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