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*two months later*

Sophie was still fairly new to the intelligence unit, the rest of the team had been a member for years, so to them she was still fresh meat. She had proven herself worthy to Voight multiple times, she has shown him that he made the right decision by bringing her into his unit. Not everything was sunshine and rainbows though, the rest of the team accepted her from day 1 and she got on really well with them, her partner however not so much. They barely talked on a day to day basis, even when they were sat in the car together. It was almost as if jay didn't trust her, maybe because she graduated from the academy and was brought straight up, she thought that was reasonable but she still felt helpless when it came to saving their partnership.

Not once had she ever doubted him, they trusted each other when it came to being out in the field since they kind of had to or they'd be dead but that was about it. She made sure she fetched him coffee every day, she made sure he had snacks when he was caught up in his work but no matter what she done for him he never seemed to pay attention to her. It was almost as if he ignored her on purpose, and it did hurt her a little knowing her partner didn't want to get to know her and she felt sad that he hadn't opened up to her but she knew that life wasn't about being friendly all the time, as long as the work gets done it's considered a job well done.

The morning was moving slow and just like every other day, Sophie fetched jay his morning coffee. She knew his order off by heart by now, a regular coffee with two sugars and extra cream, but if you were to ask jay what Sophie's go to order was he wouldn't be able to tell you. Every day was the same as any other, Sophie walks into the bullpen and jay goes quiet, she fetches him what he needs, does tasks for him when he's busy, has his back in the field, she even does his paperwork for him when it gets too much for him. All of these little favours don't go unnoticed by the rest of the unit and they admire her for it, if only they knew that jay didn't treat her the same way. Sophie was the perfect partner, she stuck by jays side when he was going through thick and thin, she had even found out about his time in the rangers from hailey so when he was having a bad day she would fetch him little brownie bites that he loves to cheer him up.

Some nights it would all get too much for her, she couldn't understand why Jay didn't treat her the same way. She understands that good partnership doesn't come quickly but she thought he would've at least accepted her by now, but he hadn't. Some nights she would spend at the gym letting out all of her anger while other nights she would let out her anger by spilling a few tears. It wasn't all just about jay though, sometimes it was about her rough past, her family and other times the cases they got at work would be too much. That was another thing, Sophie was a shoulder to cry on for jay when a case got too personal for him, she stuck by his side no matter how much it pained her to be ignored by him.

They were all sat in the bullpen getting on with paperwork when jay huffed and stood up, "Sarge I gotta go to med, it's Will. He says they've got some nut case that needs taking care of" he poked his head around voights office. Hank nodded and waved him off before jay turned around and left, Sophie went to get up and go with him put jay put his hand out to stop her as he walked away, he obviously wanted to go himself so she nodded and sat back down in her chair. Adam noticed how jay was acting towards Sophie as he watched her sit back down looking a little hurt from jay pushing her away. He frowned at her dull expression then finished off his paperwork.

Sophie finished her own work in no time, she saw the mountain of paper work on jays desk and smiled before reaching over and pulling them over to her. It wouldn't be the first time she's done paperwork for him and it won't be the last, she separated the paperwork out into two piles. One that was general paperwork and okay for her to do and the second pile was the confidential pile. There was only two files that had confidential stamped onto them so she stood back up and placed them back onto his desk since she didn't want to violate any trust jay had for her, if he even had any. She got on with jays work and dwindled her way down to the bottom of the pile until she was done. Happy with her determination, she slid the finished pile back over to jays desk with a post it note on the top saying 'done :)'.

Adam saw her usual kind antics and smiled as she sat back down on her chair. Jay still wasn't back so they all just assumed the nut job turned his case into a brawl or something, Sophie was sat full of boredom at her desk doing nothing. That was until she got a text on her phone. She sat up and reached for her phone before seeing a text from her 15 year old sister.
Jess: "soph its mom, she's done it again"
Sophie: "alright I'm on my way, keep Tyler away from her"
Jess: "alright, please be quick"

Sophie sighed and stood up, her mother had overdosed again. Her drug addiction was ruining the family and it was making her siblings lives a misery. Jess was 15 and Tyler was 5, Sophie often found herself becoming a mother figure to them. She walked over to Hanks office and poked her head around the door, "hey sarge, I've got a family emergency to take care of. Am I okay to go?" She smiled. Hank nodded, "yeah sure, everything okay?" He sat up. Sophie nodded unsurely, "it will be" she smiled weakly and turned to leave. She grabbed her jacket and ran down the stairs in hopes that she wasn't going to be too late, the unit watched her leave in a manner they had never experienced before.

It takes time...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora