They're ripping

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Sophie and jay got in the back seat, the men began driving and sure enough they were speeding. The man in the passenger seat turned to face them, "give me your phones" he put his hand out. Sophie and jay froze, their undercover burner phones were the only live feed the unit would be getting, if they handed them over they would lose any contact with the team, even if it was just one way communication. Jay sighed, "is that really necessary?" He raised his eyebrow. Sophie's arm was still intertwined with his. The man scoffed, "yeah, now hand them over or we stop the car" he shook his hand desperately. Sophie looked at jay and pulled out her phone as jay did the same, they handed them to the man regretfully and sat back in their seats. The man rolled down the window and threw out their phones, "what the hell?" Sophie spoke out. The man rolled the window back up, "in case they're tapped, or you're lying" he sighed. Jay shook his head, this was going south very quickly.

A few minutes later the car stopped at some ragged building, "come on then" the men hopped out and opened jays side door. The pair slid out and held hands as an act but also out of fear. They followed the men into the building and soon enough they were greeted by romirez sat on a shipment box on the second floor of the building, it looked like some old warehouse. "Sorry for the immediate change of plan, I had to make sure you really meant business. Now I know you do" he chewed on a cigar. Jay sighed, "as long as there's no more unpleasant surprises, we're all good" he nodded, they could only hope the unit had followed them but the chances of that were slim.

Romirez nodded, "don't worry there's nothing else in store" he smiled. Jay and Sophie nodded, "you got the cash?" He eyed the couple up. Jay nodded, "you got the bracelet" he tilted his head and pulled out the money bag. Romirez nodded and pointed to a jewellery box on a nearby crate, "feast your eyes on it all you like" he smiled. Sophie lifted up her arm so she could get the exchange on camera since it was implanted into the gem on the bracelet which was already on her wrist. She looked up at jay and he waved her off to go look at it, he walked over to get patted down for weapons before showing romirez the cash.

"It's beautiful" she cooed over the gems, jay smiled at her. He knew in reality she couldn't care less about fancy designer items, she was just playing along. Romirez nodded, "princess over there likes it"
He smiled at jay. Jay cringed at his nicknames for Sophie but smiled, "clearly, we'll take it" he nodded. Sophie walked back over to jay with the bracelet box in her hand. "Hey boss, come here a second" one of the men walked behind him and called romirez over. He excused himself and walked away. Sophie had spent all morning researching how to tell if a bracelet was face, especially the Swarovski one in her hand, and this was a fake. She leant up to jays ear and whispered something discreetly, "they're ripping" she called it off. Jay looked down at her, he waited for her proof.

Sophie pointed out to the glue marks where the diamonds had been removed and replaced, he saw it too and nodded. A few seconds later romirez joined them again, "so let's make this happen" he rubbed his hands together. Sophie closed the box and placed it down in front of him, "actually we've changed our minds, this just seems cliché. My girl noticed a fault in the necklace, sorry for the inconvenience" jay sighed and grabbed the money bag. He held Sophie's hand and turned to walk away. They didn't get very far before the two body guards that were behind them stopped them and pulled their guns on them. "I don't think so, we made ourselves clear. We mean nothing but business, I assure you there's nothing wrong with the bracelet sweetie" romirez looked at Sophie as the fake couple turned back around.

Jay shook his head, "sorry man but my girls very specific when it comes to accessories, she knows a fake from a real one. Maybe next time..." he shook his head. The men still had their guns raised. Romirez laughed, "you're not leaving" he shook his head. Jay sighed and held Sophie tighter, she had already saw movement from behind romirez so she knew they were bailing on them. Before there was another verbal conversation shared she saw the third body guard reappear with a bigger gun, she kicked off her heels ready for running and shoved jay to the floor behind a crate. He looked confused as he fell out of view from everyone, romirez ducked down as the third body guard fired a few rounds killing his own men and grazing Sophie's calf. She dived to the floor next to jay and yelped a little.

Jay had already kicked some boxes away and made a little tunnel for them to crawl under. He went first since they had no time to lose, Sophie painfully followed behind and he pulled her out so they were in the next section of the box filled room. "Get them!" They heard romirez shout from the distance. The pair spotted a door so they got up and made a break for it, jay ran in front as Sophie trailed behind him, both of them running as fast as they could with Sophie's injury taking its toll, hand in hand.

Once they got to the door it took a few tries for jay to barge through it, "stop!" They heard romirez and the last standing body guard close the distance between them. The partners hurried through the door to be greeted by a staircase, "down" jay quickly pulled her down the stairs. They had made it down two or three sets of stairs before they were being shot at, there were bullets flying everywhere and soon enough the pair were at the bottoms of the stairs but before they could run towards the only door at the end of the corridor the man fired one last round of bullets which unluckily, once again grazed Sophie's calf slightly lower down this time. She fell to the floor and winced in pain but she still had a hold of jays hand so he carefully pulled her up and helped her run over to the door at the dead end, blood trailing behind her.

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