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Jay walked back into the bullpen with a gratifying look on his face, "the guy thought Will was out to kill him, he got up and tried to walk out but security stopped him. It turned into a cat fight from there" he sighed and shook his head. The rest of the unit laughed before jay sat down at his desk and saw the pile of paperwork neatly stacked up next to his confidential case files. He smiled thankfully at the post it note that said 'done :)' on it, he curled in up and then put it in the bin. He was thankful for Sophie doing it, then it struck him, she was gone. "Where is she?" Jay looked over to Adam and pointed to her desk. Adam nodded, "family emergency" he smiled weakly then got on with his work. Jay nodded and carried on with his work too.

Sophie pulled up outside of her mothers house, it was a Saturday so the kids were home and in her mothers care. She ran up to the door and unlocked it before sprinting inside, "upstairs bathroom" Jess sighed as she cradled Tyler in her arms. Sophie ran up the stairs 2 steps at a time and made it to the bathroom where she was greeted by her mother laying face down on the floor as her mouth foamed. "Come on mom, pull through" she sighed and rolled her over. Just like every other time she rubbed on her chest and waited a few seconds, usually she would wake up after a few nudges but this time she was still out cold, "come on mom" Sophie pleaded again. She waited a few more seconds before acting on the safest option, calling 911. She didn't use her radio since the team would be able to find her and locate her call, she didn't wanna loop them up in this so she used her phone like a normal person.
Dispatch: "9-1-1, what's your emergency?"
Sophie: "I'm detective Sophie Walker, I need an ambulance to 119th Princeton ave, my mom has overdosed"
Dispatch: "alright Sophie there's an ambulance 3 minutes out. Sit tight"
Sophie: "thank you"

Back in the bullpen they were all on their break, jay wandered into the locker room to grab out a clean shirt since it was fairly warm outside. Adam walked in after he put his clean shirt on, "what's your problem with Sophie?" He sat down on the opposite bench. Jay shot his head towards him, "what problem? I don't have a problem with her" he furrowed his eyebrows defensively. Adam raised his eyebrow, "so why're you ignoring her?" He leant against the wall. Jay furrowed his brows even further in confusion, "oh come on jay. She gets you coffee every morning, she does little favours for you all the time, she's done your paperwork for you 3 times now, but you two rarely talk to each other. What is going on?" He shook his head.

Jay sighed and sat down in realisation, Adam was right. He had been so caught up in life that he'd been ignoring Sophie and treating her like shit. He sighed and caved in, "she reminds me off Erin..." he looked up at Adam. There was a moments silence before Adam spoke out again, "but she's not her. You need to forget about whatever you had with Erin and move on, you're a lucky guy to have Sophie as your partner. I'm not usually one to bust anyone's balls but jay Halstead, you're being a hardass" he laughed and stood up. Jay looked up at him in defeat, "thanks man, I'll fix it" he nodded. Hank interrupted them as he walked into the locker room, "where's Walker?" He sighed. They both looked at him blankly, "I'm pretty sure she's still out" jay answered just as confused as he was. Hank nodded, "alright we'll imma need you two to go arrest a suspect, here's the address" he handed Adam a piece of paper. They nodded and left to go do their task.

"Sophie what's happening? why does she need an ambulance?" Jess cried as Brett and Mackey walked down the stairs with their mother on a backboard. Sophie grabbed Jess's arm, "come on, we gotta go. I'll explain in the car" she pushed her out the door as Jess held Tyler closely to her chest. "We'll meet you there" Sophie patted bretts arm as she closed the ambulance door. Jess was sat worriedly in the front seat as she watched her mom speed off in the ambulance. "Soph..." Jess cried out quietly as the car followed behind. Sophie shook her head and looked back to Tyler who was asleep in his car chair, "remember how I said there's a certain amount of drugs someone can take before their body goes into shock?" She tried to simplify it to her teenage sister.

Jess nodded with tears in her eyes, "well mom went past the limit and her body's in a state of shock, when she gets to med the doctors are gonna take real good care of her okay?" She smiled sadly with tears in her own eyes too. Jess nodded firmly as tears strolled down her cheek, "be honest with me soph, is she gonna make it?" She whispered sadly. Sophie couldn't lie and get her hopes up so she sighed, "I don't know Jess, just stay positive okay?" She frowned and followed the ambulance matching its speed. Jess nodded weakly before checking on Tyler in the back seat. The rest of the drive was silent but they eventually arrived at med.

Jay and Adam were at the suspects house when there were shots fired from inside, "5021 Henry we've got shots fired, roll an ambo to our location" jay spoke into his radio before they ran inside. The pair entered the small bungalow to see the suspect laying face down on the floor with a bullet wound to his stomach. The ambulance must've been really close because it pulled up within 2 minutes. The paramedics ran into the house and lifted the man outside to be rushed off to med. the guy who fired the gun shots had ran off so Adam notified hank and the unit to get them down here and scan the area. Since he was a suspect Adam and jay followed the ambo to med in hopes he survived so they could question him.

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