She bites

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*one month later*

The team still had no case yet and it was around 3pm, jay had noticed Sophie had seemed preoccupied all day so when she looked up from her desk he nodded his head, "what's up?" He frowned. Sophie huffed and got up, the rest of the team were chatting away so she sat down on his desk in front of his chair, "some old friends are doing this stupid reunion thing, and unfortunately for me, I've been invited..." she sighed. Jay looked up at her and smirked, "sooo? Just don't go" he shrugged his shoulders. Sophie put a finger out to stop that option, "nuh-uh, no can do. I have to go wether I hate them or not" she looked at him seriously. Jay raised his eyebrows, "whys that?" He laughed. Sophie screwed up her face, "because they were the ones who thought I'd end up scrubbing bathroom floors in a restaurant, so I wanna stand them up" she put out her hands.  Hank put his hands up in defence, "alright then" he smirked.

                Sophie huffed, "can you come with? They're bitches, and I don't fancy going to jail for beating someone's ass, you can keep me in line" she put out a pet lip.  Jay laughed, "when is it?" He smiled.  Sophie bit her bottom lip, "tonight...7pm..." she sounded out.  Jay smirked, "I'll be there" he nodded.  Sophie sighed in relief, "I owe you one" she slid off his desk and sat down on her chair.  Jay smiled and nodded before hank interrupted them with their case.

Later that day it was a little warm, it was a nice evening.  The team had worked hard all day on a simple case, "alright head out guys, good work" hank stood in the doorway of his office.  They all smiled and nodded before they got up, "so am I meant to wear anything specific or...?" Jay raised his eyebrow at Sophie as they wandered down the stairs.  Sophie laughed, "just something casual, I think" she smiled back.  Jay laughed, "I'll be at yours before 7" he smiled as they parted ways to go to their own cars.  Sophie smiled and off they went to go home and eat before going out.

Sophie had a few outfits lined up on her bed since her old friends were extremely judgmental, especially when it came to Sophie. Tyler was downstairs watching Spider-Man when Jess walked into Sophie's room, "woah, did a bomb explode in here?" She looked at the clothes all over the room. Sophie turned round and smiled, "I'm going out, some old friends are back in town. I hate them so I gotta look decent" she smirked at her teenage sister who was now 16. Jess nodded, "well that's a no, that's a no. Them two don't match and ooooo, I like this" she threw some clothes off the bed. Sophie laughed and looked at the outfit Jess had drawn her attention to, "sorted" she liked it too. Jess nodded then watched her older sister change since they were close and Sophie didn't care. "If you don't wear that then I'm stealing that top when you're not looking" Jess bit into a strawberry chew.

Sophie laughed and looked at herself in the mirror, "I better wear it then" she laughed and touched up her makeup. She didn't have much on since she didn't really need it, she had her hair in loose curls and a small bag by her side.

                 Sophie sat down to get her doc Martin boots on when there was a knock at the door, "could you?" Sophie looked at Jess

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Sophie sat down to get her doc Martin boots on when there was a knock at the door, "could you?" Sophie looked at Jess. Jess nodded and jumped off the bed before running downstairs to open the door, "jay? What're you doing here?" She smiled at Sophie's partner. Jay smiled and stepped inside as Jess opened the door for him, "I'm waiting for soph" he smiled. Jess laughed, "you're going as her date?" She raised her eyebrows. Jay shrugged his shoulders, "something like that" he smiled and waved to Tyler who was sat on the couch. Jess chuckled, "be careful, she bites" she nodded seriously. Jay laughed, "what's that supposed to mean?" He smiled. Jess walked over to turn the TV volume up so Sophie couldn't hear her dropping her in the dirt, "well she complains about my attitude but I got it from her. I mean she got kicked out of two secondary schools and she got carried out of a music festival, so she bites" she ate another sweet. Jay looked at her weirdly, "I'll watch my back then" he smiled jokingly.

The pair were broken up by Sophie walking downstairs, "oh hey" she smiled at jay. Jay smiled back and looked at her, "you ready to go?" He nodded. Sophie smiled, "yeah" she nodded then turned to Jess. "I'll be back whenever, don't answer the door to anyone. Don't answer the phone, there's pizza in the microwave, put Tyler to bed at 9" she smiled. Jess shook her head, "yeah yeah, just go" she smiled at jay. The partners laughed then walked out of the door.

They took Sophie's car as she drove, "I've been warned that you bite" jay tilted his head towards her as he rested his elbow against the window. Sophie scoffed, "Jess?" She took a wild guess. Jay laughed, "mmhmm, now I know you've been kicked out of two schools and you were carried out of a festival" he snitched on Jess. Sophie shook her head, "yeah well I can only explain one of those" she smiled as they came to a junction. Jay raised his eyebrows, "care to explain?" He found it amusing. Sophie laughed and tapped her nails on the wheel, "well the first school situation was when I was 14, some guy walked up behind a younger year girl and pulled her hijab off so I turned around and punched him. Well that broke out into a fight, I got the blame and had to move schools" she started the car again.

                Jay laughed, "i say he deserved it" he smiled.  Sophie tilted her head, "me too, I don't regret it" she laughed as the car glided along the road.  Jay nodded, "what about the other two?" He smirked.  Sophie laughed guiltily, "oh god, well, when I moved schools my new friends weren't exactly the best influences on me. I decided it would be funny to put a lighter in front of a deodorant can and press them both down at the same time to make a flame thrower, the substitute teacher didn't approve. I got kicked out" she smiled as they came to a red traffic light. Jay laughed, "Wish I seen that" he looked at her as her skin glowed under the street light.

Sophie tilted her head and smiled, "it was pretty funny, the festival was just pure stupidity. There was me and a few other friends, I wasn't exactly the smart one so when they gave me dares to do, I did them. We were playing beer pong and I got dared to slide down the bank which was just mud and water, so I done it and landed under security's feet. I knocked a security guard over so he picked me up and carried me out, I'm pretty sure Jess still has a picture of me over his shoulder. No clue" she laughed. Jay laughed too, "sounded like you were a real handful" he raised his eyebrows as the car got closer to the club. "Oh I was" Sophie nodded. Jay smiled as she pulled the car into a parking space, "here goes nothing, oh, and just a quick warning, they're complete bitches" she smiled at him. Jay nodded and they both got out of her car.

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