We're okay

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The pair must've fallen asleep again because they woke up to discreet banging coming from upstairs. Jay scooted backwards towards the wall and carefully pulled Sophie with him, both of them now shivering. By now it was morning and they had spent the whole night it this building, they didn't want to shout out in case it wasn't was the unit coming to rescue them, if it was romirez coming back it would only making him angry knowing that they were still alive.

"Blood" they heard a male voice speak out as it came down the stairs and grew closer to them. That would be Sophie's blood, they still couldn't distinguish the voice so they stayed quiet, both of them still facing each other on the floor. "Jay? Sophie?" They heard hailey call out. They let out a sigh of relief. "In here..." Sophie shouted out with the last bit of energy she had left, her voice hoarse and shaky. Jay laughed a little, "see, we're okay" he lifted her chin up to meet her eyes. She smiled and nodded weakly, her arms and legs now white, her lips were blue but the freezing air still hadn't managed to stop the bleeding on her leg. Jay stood her then lifted her off the floor to her feet, "can you stand?" He double checked. Sophie put all of her weight onto one leg, "mmhmm" she mumbled out since if she tried to talk while shivering it would come out at stuttering and he wouldn't be able to understand her.

He leant her against the wall for support before trying to nudge the shaft of the door, just like yesterday it wouldn't budge and it was even harder to put any energy into it since he didn't really have much left. He gave up and stepped back behind the wall where Sophie was, in hopes the unit could get it open, "stand back guys" they heard Kevin approach the door. They waited before there was thudding at the door, after a minute of banging against the door it finally flew open and came crashing down. The cold draft smacked the unit in the face as the door revealed a messy room, their faces dropped when they saw jay hobble in front of them with a ill looking Sophie.

"We're glad you're safe but you've both gotta get checked out in the ambo" hank looked down at Sophie's leg. That explained the blood trails, Kim immediately noticed how badly Sophie was shivering so she took off her jacket and hung in over her shoulders, Sophie looked up and smiled as her teeth chattered. Jay was slightly shaking but he wasn't as bad, Adam still stepped up and took his jacket off for him. "Thanks man" he accepted it and put it on, it was a little tight but still toasty. Hailey went around to Sophie's other side and wrapped sophies arm around her shoulder so she could help jay get her out. Her body was light and limp and she used her partner and friend's assistance to get up the stairs.

Once they were outside the bright morning sun smacked their faces, both of them squinted as they saw an ambo parked up by their squad cars.  They both let out a little chuckle of relief, Adam and hank were still downstairs in the basement getting the money bag and looking for any prints.  "Come here, let's get those cleaned up" Brett helped Sophie onto the stretcher inside the ambo.  Mackey gave them two blankets, one for Sophie and one for jay.  Jay sat down on the step of the ambo as Mackey checked over his vitals, "you're all good, you just need to warm up" she smiled at him.  Jay nodded then turned around to Sophie who looked ill still, "these wounds are nasty but we can stitch them up at med, it does look like you have hypothermia though" Brett nodded to Sophie.  Jay sat up taller, "can I come with the ambo?" He enquired. Brett smiled, "of course" she nodded. Jay jumped out of the ambo and ran over to Kim who was stood nearby, "we've gotta get soph to med, just meet us all at there when you're done" he sighed. Kim nodded and waved him off as he ran back over to the ambo and hopped in the back.

Jay sat on the bench of the ambo as Brett ran an IV line through Sophie's arm, "Jess...Tyler..." Sophie shot her head up to jay.  He smiled, "they'll be okay, I'm sure the team took great care of them" he grabbed her hand but before she could say anything back she blacked out.  Jay shot his head over to Brett, "she's okay, her body just needs time to  heal. She'll wake up when she's warm again" she reassured him.  Jay nodded in relief and held her hand until they got to med. It didn't take long before the ambulance had pulled up in the ambulance bay, Brett and Mackey wheeled her in calmly before handing her over to Will.

"No scans needed, two graze wounds to the leg, hypothermia and dehydration. Run another saline bag, we're gonna need heated blankets too" he ordered to the nurses before he turned to face his brother who looked exhausted. Will pulled him inside the room, "I'm gonna check your stats, you're probably dehydrated too. I'm not taking no as an answer so sit" he pointed to a chair in the corner of Sophie's room. Jay sighed but done as his brother said and sat down, "mmhmm, you're dehydrated alright. I'll start you off with an IV drip. You can stay in her room, I'll just make your stand mobile" Will confirmed. Jay nodded and let him get to work while keeping his eyes on Sophie as the nurses wrapped her up with blankets and heated hand warmers. Will sorted jay out then left him to rest on the chair next to Sophie's bed while he made a start on stitching up Sophie's wounds.

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