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"You're good to go you two" hank spoke into the radio as they sat in the black Audi. "Copy that" Sophie replied before shoving her radio into the glove box. Jay got out of the car and opened the door for her, "such a gentleman" she joked, jay laughed and the pair walked over to the club. Sophie raised her eyebrows, "your girlfriends gonna love you" she laughed sarcastically. Jay looked down and saw that he had distanced himself a bit, "oh yeah, I just don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable" he shrugged his shoulders. Sophie laughed, "jay we're working, do whatever you gotta do" she smiled. Jay raised his eyebrows and nodded, "likewise" he smiled. Her consent made jay feel better so he moved in closer and wrapped his hand around her shoulder, "that's more like it" she smiled as they walked closer to the bouncer. Jay laughed then turned serious, both of them a little nervous now they had to put up the act.

"Alright head in" the bouncer handed them their fake ids back, the fake couple smiled and walked in. All eyes were on them as they walked inside the club, they looked like a real power couple. Jay saw the door that said VIP so he held Sophie closer and walked over to it, he nudged the tassels out of the way to reveal a staircase. "Ugh" Sophie groaned quietly, jay smiled since he knew stairs and heels weren't exactly a good match. They both trudged up the stairs as jay placed a hand on her back. "Hold it" a bodyguard stopped them before they could enter the VIP area. Romirez saw them at the door so he got up to go greet them, the blurred sound of music playing in the background.  "You must be Ryan?" Romirez shook jays hand.  Jay smiled and nodded, "I am" he confirmed his undercover stance.  Romirez turned to look at Sophie, "that means you're pixie?" he grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it.  Sophie nodded, "mmhmm" she mumbled with a fake smile. 

               Romirez signalled for his bodyguard to pat jay down for weapons, jay raised his arms and let him search him.  He nodded when jay was cleared then moved over to Sophie, she twirled around to show that her dress was too tight to hide any weapons underneath so the man nodded and let her off.  "Follow me" Romirez smiled and walked into the VIP room, there was a big square couch and there were three other men sat on it, "shoo" he moved them out of the room so they could do business in private.  Jay and sophie sat down on one length of the couch whereas Romirez sat opposite them. 

               Jay sat down first with his legs relaxed and slightly open then Sophie sat down next to him with her legs crossed, jay had his hands spread out across the back of the couch so he kept one there and moved the other over Sophie's shoulder as she rested herself against his chest.  He hung his arm just in front of her chest protectively, Sophie placed one hand on jays leg and the other on her lap.   Romirez smiled at how close they were, "so, are you two a couple?" He tilted his head, Sophie giggled a little, "mmhmm, have been for two years" she nodded.  Jay smiled down at her and nodded.  They all turned to reality and snapped back to the reason they were there, "so Ryan, you do business?" Romirez relaxed into the couch and stared at jay.  

                Jay nodded, "maybe not as much as you do but yeah, I do a little, mainly just party supplying. You know, giving people the good stuff" he smiled slightly.  Sophie smiled, "he's a people pleaser..." she tapped his leg with her nails.  Jay smiled at her then looked up to romirez, "sounds fun" romirez nodded.  Jay laughed, "something like that. Anyways, the bracelet, you still good for the deal?" He turned serious.  Sophie just stared flirtingly at romirez, "yeah, all good. What's your plans with it anyways?" He nodded at jay.  Jay laughed, "this one saw it online, she hasn't shut up about it since. Figured it was just easier to get her it" he laughed.  Romirez nodded and winked at Sophie. 

               Jay twirled his fingers around slightly, "she's got me wrapped round her little finger" he added.  Sophie laughed and looked up to jay, she winked at him before looking back at romirez.  Romirez smiled, "the black Audi outside, that yours?" He tilted his head.  Jay nodded proudly, "she is, she's a beast huh?" He smiled.  Romirez nodded and looked at Sophie, "yeah, I bet she's good from behind" he laughed.  Jay moved his hands down to Sophie's waist protectively, "I hope you're taking about the car not pixie" he laughed.  Romirez nodded, "of course" he smiled doubtfully.  Sophie smiled at him falsely knowing he meant her not the car.  Jay laughed it off, "how about you go get us some drinks, something strong" he spoke to Sophie but it was loud enough for romirez to hear.  She nodded her head and stood up where jay handed her a note, she looked at him and rolled her eyes slightly as she faced away from the dealer, jay smiled at her as walked off with her heels clicking on the floor.

                 "Hope you don't mind me saying, but she's eye candy" romirez licked his lips and watched Sophie's hips sway as she climbed down the stairs in her heels.  Jay laughed, "not at all, she's a work of art. I met her a nightclub downtown" he smiled falsely.  Romirez raised his eyebrows, "stripper?" He enquired.  Jay nodded, "the best" he lied but stuck to the backstory they talked about at the district.  Romirez laughed, "you know there's a pole in the corner, she could try it out" he fired his shot but missed.  Jay laughed, "sorry man, she doesn't do that anymore" he shook his head.  Romirez laughed, "fair do's" he nodded. 

               Pixie ordered two vodka and lemonades at the bar because they were clear beverages, only so she could go to the bathroom and empty them.  She walked into the ladies room and strolled into a stall where she poured the alcoholic drinks down the loo since they couldn't drink while on the job.  She walked back outside and saw the sign on the sink which read, 'drinking friendly', above the taps.  She laughed to herself and made sure the coast was clear before filling up the cups to the line with fresh water. 

              She balanced the glasses in her hands as she skilfully walked up the stairs and back into the VIP room.  Romirez smiled as she re-entered, her curves blocked out some light from the door frame.  Jay smiled, "thanks babe" he took the drink from her hand.  He held out his arm and signalled for her to sit on his knee so she done as he motioned for and sat down.  She placed the drink on the table after taking a sip then wrapped her hand around jays shoulders.  Jay held her side and looked at romirez, "so the price is gonna be the same right, $10,000?" He tilted his head towards Sophie.  Romirez smiled at the pair, "it is, I'm sure she's worth every penny" he nodded at Sophie.  Jay smiled, "every penny and more" he held her tightly.  Sophie smiled down at him and looked back to the dealer, she winked at him before taking another sip of water. 

               "So we have a deal?" Romirez enquired.  "We do" jay nodded.  Sophie smiled and readjusted her grip on jays shoulder, "how does 8pm tomorrow sound?" Romirez smiled.  Jay looked up at Sophie and nodded, "sounds great" he smiled. Romirez stood up, "I have your number, I'll text you an address" he smiled.  Jay stood up as Sophie slid off his knee and onto her feet to stand next to him.  She pulled her dress down as it creeped up a little and watched jay shake hands with romirez, "you're a sound guy Ryan, and pixie fits the bill" he nodded.  They fake couple laughed before they nodded and turned to leave, that was it for now, job done, they had a deal.

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