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The next morning was rough, jay had stayed with her late last night before heading out to make sure her and the kids were okay. She finally felt happy that they could become strong partners now instead of strangers, she still had to face reality though. Her mom was dead and now she was practically a mother to two kids. She had decided to keep Jess off school because she didn't sleep much from crying, Tyler however still had to go to kindergarten since he didn't really know anything had happened.

"There's ice cream in the freezer, pizza in the microwave and Netflix is always a must have. If you need me please call and I'll be here as soon as I can" Sophie poked her head around the spare bed room door. Jess smiled, "thanks soph" she chuckled a little. Sophie smiled back, "see you later" she waved and walked back downstairs. Her heart ached for Jess; Sophie knew the kind and loving mother since she grew up in the UK when her dad was still alive, Jess however only knew the kind and loving mother for 5 years before she was greeted with the addict mom who made her life hell growing up. Supposedly Jess would get over her mother's death sooner because all she could remember were bad memories that would want to be forgotten but Sophie, well Sophie had amazing memories that would stay with her forever, she would still always have to remember helping her not so sober mother climb into bed at silly o clock in the morning because she was high though.

Jay knew Sophie was coming into work today even though he tried to talk her into taking a day off. He felt good knowing she forgave his mistake, but he promised himself he would always be there for her from now on, any problem big or small, they would help each other through it. He was still learning things about Sophie but he had only talked to her for one day so that was something to expect from both of them.

When she arrived at work her fist mission was to tell Hank just in case she had to do something or go somewhere regarding her moms death so that's what she did. She walked into Hanks office after putting her jacket on her table and explained the situation, "your family is ours too, anything you need you tell us about it" he nodded and waved her off after giving her a hug. She smiled and walked back out to the unit. She let jay tell the unit since she couldn't repeat the story again without crying. They all smiled and gave her a hug.

At the end of the day they were all exhausted, "you wanna chill and watch a film?" Sophie smiled at jay as they walked down the district stairs and into the cool air. Jay smiled, "your place?" He nodded as he walked over to his car. Sophie smiled, "mmhmm" she laughed then got into her car before driving off. Tyler was at home with Jess after she dropped him off at 3:30pm before.

The pair arrived home and before they settled down on the couch with beers and pizza, Sophie had to go and check on the kids so she done just that. "I'll be right back" she smiled at jay then ran upstairs. Jay nodded and look down where he took his shoes off, a few picture frames caught his eye as he looked back up. He crouched down the get a better look at them, his mouth opened in shock when he saw Sophie sat on a tank in military gear sat with a dog and a riffle in one picture and her with some other soldiers in another. The third was sweet, it was the whole family back in London, minus Tyler.

She reappeared and saw jay looking at the photos she had by the door, "you were in the army?" He smiled at her. She smiled back, "navy seal" she nodded. Jay looked at her in shock, "I have got so much to learn about you" he laughed and shook his head. Sophie smiled and nodded. "I joined a year after moving to the US, I needed a distraction and believe it or not that's what I chose" she laughed. Jay smiled back, he didn't need to talk about his time in the rangers since she already knew a lot about it because of hailey. "How long?" He nodded. She smiled and walked over to the fridge, "4 years" she sighed. That would explain why her physique was so good. Jay frowned, "that's tough" he smiled slightly. She nodded and handed him a beer, "yeah it was, I'm glad I left though. You know how it goes..." she sighed, every soldier had their own form of ptsd. Jay nodded and understood what she meant, he dealt with ptsd and he didn't even need to ask about Sophie because he knows she does too.

The pair sat down and watched a film as they laughed and shared stories about themselves, Sophie left to go change into something more casual like her PJ's Tyler had also woken up so when she reappeared she had him in her arms. "Are you hungry?" She rubbed the sleep from his eye. Jay looked back and saw Sophie in shorts and a hoodie as she walked down the stairs carrying a squirming toddler. She put him down as he ran around the living room like speedy Gonzales. Sophie shook her head, "I take that as a no" she laughed and sat back down on the couch. Jays eyes immediately flew to the top of her thigh where there was a scar going along the side of it. She noticed his concern and smiled a little, "is that from action?" He frowned. Jay was lucky and he didn't receive any kind of battle scar that was still visible, unlike Sophie.

She smiled and nodded, the scar was really high on her thigh so she stood up and lifted her shorts up to reveal a little bit of skin by her ass where the scar carried on higher up her leg. Jay looked at the scar proudly, it's a brave thing to do, sacrificing your life for your country. She pulled her shorts back down and sat on the couch again, Tyler was still burning off his energy. They both laughed as the kid fell over then bounced up again, Sophie placed a hand on her scar and jay noticed her go to speak. "You don't have to talk about it..." he smiled. She shook her head and looked at him, "there's no changing what happened, talking about it doesn't hurt anyone" she smiled at him. Jay laughed, that was a line all therapists used on them, he smiled and nodded for her to carry on.

"It was my second tour in iraq, we were stationed in the east side bunkers. We had the supplies and we were meant to be on rest, but turns out where we were planted wasn't exactly safe grounds. The alarms sounded in the middle of the night so we followed protocol and ran out of our bunkers but before any of us could take cover a bomb exploded, I took a thigh full of shrapnel and squad found us the next morning buried under rubble" she nodded at the brief story. Jay frowned and placed a caring hand on hers, he went to say how brave she was but Tyler fell over again, this time he stayed down and pulled a pet lip on them. Sophie laughed and jay smiled as she watched her pick him up, "well you fell, it's your fault" she rubbed his cheek. Tyler smiled and jumped onto the couch in between the partners. Jay smiled at her as she pulled a small blanket over the toddler, he had to admit to himself, she was really good looking and she was just as beautiful inside, he couldn't stop himself from falling for her.

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