Wasted potential

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"What the hell am I doing here?" Sophie mumbled to herself as jay and herself stood watching a group women stumble out of a limo. Jay and Sophie interlinked arms subconsciously and walked over to them, "Sophie?" One of the women saw them approaching. Sophie fake smiled, "destiny" she nodded. Jay could sense the tension, something clearly went between them. The girls all turned to look around at them, "long time no see" another smaller girl scoffed. Sophie looked over at her, "hmmm" she mumbled.

The group all walked into the club together, "I'm not sitting with them, we can get our own table" Sophie whispered up to jay. He laughed a little and nodded, the club was jam packed so they kind of had to sit together. They all took a huge booth and ordered drinks, jay and Sophie segregated themselves a bit, "see the blonde one? She used to be nice, I don't know what went wrong" Sophie whispered to him again. Jay laughed but they were both interrupted by the blonde girl, "so who's this?" She smiled falsely at Sophie.

Sophie tilted her head down, "my partner" she smiled falsely. The girl scoffed, "partner? What the hells that supposed to mean, partners in crime? love birds?" She looked around to the other girls who were laughing. Sophie looked up at jay who had his eyebrow raised unamusingly, "we're detectives" she looked the blonde chic dead in her eyes. They all stopped laughing and looked at her in shock, "well I gotta say, that's surprising. I thought you'd be the one running from the police not the one chasing after people" the tallest girl looked over at the pair sat closely together. Sophie laughed a little, "okay then, so what're you all up to?" She faked interest.

The girls all looked around at each other, "I'm a sales assistant" the blonde chic smiled, Sophie snickered a little and jay noticed so he held in his laughter, "nothing like wasted potential" Sophie nodded to her. The blonde chic scoffed but ignored her. The drinks arrived and broke the bitterness between them, jay and Sophie held their own conversations as the other girls eyed them up and down. Sophie was clearly the only one who made something of her life, the rest of them went to waste. An hour passed and one of the girls made a request, "I say we go outside and make a few toasts" the blonde chic smiled again. Sophie sighed and nodded, jay followed along as he watched Sophie unwillingly trudge outside.

They all stood outside in the warm night air, the stars were shining and the moon was half present. They were stood next to the pool which was lit up by LEF lights, they all had drinks in their hands as the women began talking. Some were stood under the canopies and the rest were stood in a circle like group. Sophie was stood behind the blonde chic with jay next to her, "here's to a long lasting friendship between us all" the smallest girl raised her glass. The rest of the girls raised their glasses but Sophie didn't, she just took a sip from her drink and looked around for a chance to escape. Jay snickered at her boredom which caught the girls attentions, "something funny muscle man?" The blonde chic smiled falsely at him. Jay realised his laugh was a bit loud but Sophie answered for him, "yeah, your attitude" she took a sip from her drink.

The blonde chic shot her head around and gave her dead eyes, jay just looked around feeling amused. He had no clue where sophies bitichness had come from but it was funny. The two locked eyes for a few seconds before the blonde chic smiled and turned around, "here's to leaving the dirt behind" she raised her glass in the air, the other girls followed along. Jay looked at Sophie and cringed but before Sophie could say anything she felt a nudge which knocked her backwards, she lost her balance and started falling into the pool. Before she could fall in she grabbed the blonde chics hair since she pushed her and dragged her into the water too.

Jay and the other girls mouths fell open as Sophie and the girl were submerged in the water, he couldn't do anything since they weren't drowning but he just watched. Sophie had a good grip on the girl so she swam back up to the surface and pushed her against the edge of the pool, one hand was pinning the blonde chics hand against the floor and the other was holding her other hand behind her back. "No one likes a prat, try being nice from now on. It might get you somewhere in life" Sophie harshly spoke into the blonde Chics ear. Jay and the girls were still looking down at them, they could see and hear everything. The blonde chic tried to squirm and get out of Sophie's grip but she was nothing compared to Sophie so she was just embarrassing herself. Jay could feel a smirk appearing on his face.

Sophie held the girl against the wall tightly before throwing her away into the middle of the pool, the blonde chic floated on her back as she looked at Sophie who was now pulling herself out of the pool in one swift motion. Sophie met the other girls eye-lines, "what?" She stared at them. The girls shook their heads indicating they had nothing to say. She looked at jay as her hair was drenched and her clothes were soaked, "let's go" she smiled. Jay smiled back and nodded before wrapping his arm around her shoulder despite her being soaked in water. The girls and the people stood by the pool watched the pair leave in shock, the blonde chic was fighting against her heels to get out of the pool.

The partners walked out of the club as they gained a few stares, Sophie just smiled falsely back at them. The pair ran through the door laughing away, they were on the side of the building now, they both caught their breaths back but before either of them could say anything they were locked in a kiss. They met gazes after a few seconds before laughing, "are you not cold?" Jay smiled at her since she was dripping with pool water. Sophie shook her head and laughed, "nope" she smiled. Jay nodded and they began walking back to her car, "you're gonna have to drive, I don't wanna risk my foot slipping on the pedal" she handing him the keys. He nodded and they swapped places before they got into the car. Before jay could start driving Sophie slid through the gap between their chairs and into the back, "what're you doing?" He looked back into the darkness, "looking for my spare clothes, Jess's gonna be mad I got this top wet. She wants it" she laughed as she rummaged in the trunk.

Jay laughed and watched her fight to get changed, she threw the wet clothes into a duffel bag before sliding her tiny body through the gap again and sitting back down, "sorted" she smiled. Jay laughed and shook his head as she sat there in joggers and a top with damp hair which had dried a bit from the air outside. They smiled at each other before jay started driving them back to Sophie's house.

It takes time...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ