Job well done

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The unit had arrived and they had entered Sophie's room but she was still asleep, jay was sat by her side still. "We caught romirez, two offenders were shot, one fled but he's in lock up now" hank nodded. Jay smiled and nodded back but looked back to Sophie, "I would say it was a job well done but clearly not..." he sighed as he looked at his ill partner. Kim shook her head, "it was a job well done, you got the work done and Sophie's gonna be okay. Win win" she smiled. Jay laughed a little and nodded, the team had to disappear again to finish off their case but jay stayed for Sophie, he was hydrated again so he wasn't a patient at least, just a visitor.

                Jess and Tyler had stayed with trudy last night when they found out that jay and Sophie were missing, they slept at trudy and mouch's house before being kept at the district this morning.  They were still at the district since they couldn't really see Sophie while she was asleep. 

              Half an hour passed and Sophie's eyes fluttered open, "hey..." she rolled over to face jay.  He sat up at the sound of her voice, "hey, it's over. They got him" he smiled.  She smiled back and nodded, "well it was fun at least..." she sat up and took the blankets off her since she was getting a little too hot.  Jay laughed, "is that what you call it?" He pointed to her leg.  She moved the bed sheets to see the stitches, "meh, they'll heal" she shrugged her shoulders.  Jay laughed and shook his head, she was so chill with everything.  Will walked in when he saw her now awake stance, "how you feeling?" He checked her vitals.  Sophie smiled, "never better" she joked.  The brothers laughed as Will nodded his head, "well that's half right, you're all good. You're looking at a few days of recovery for you leg though, I'd recommend at least 4-5 days out of work then you can go back. Just take it easy until you're better" he smiled.  Sophie laughed and nodded, "thanks man" jay nodded to his brother and stood up. 

                Kevin had dropped off their spare clothes from inside their lockers so they didn't have to go home in their undercover clothes.  Jay let Sophie get changed in private then he walked back in when she was done.  She could walk she just need a shoulder to lean on so jay grabbed their bags and let her use his arm for support as they made their way out of med.  The fresh air caressed their faces as they stepped into daylight, "finally" she sighed as her hair blew all over the place. Jay laughed and guided her over to his car that Kevin fetched down earlier.  They both hopped in, both of them were tired and a little restless but they decided it was best to drive back to the district to get Jess and Tyler before heading home to rest for the day. 

               "Soph..." Jess stood up as she saw jay helping Sophie up the stairs only the district, Jess got up and held Tyler's hand tightly as they walked over to her.  "What happened..." she shook her head sadly.  Sophie smiled, "just a bad day at work, don't worry about it" she nodded.  Jess shook her head, "he doesn't sleep when I try to calm him, he wants you..." she sighed and looked down at Tyler. Sophie smiled, "it's okay, he can rest at home" she looked down at a tired Tyler. Jay smiled, "let's get you all home then" he looked at Sophie. They all smiled and followed the pair out as jay helped her back down the stairs.

"Thanks" Sophie stepped into her house as jay opened the door for her.  He smiled and placed her bag down on the floor, "I'm gonna stay, make sure you can manage" he smiled.  Sophie chuckled but nodded at the help.  A few hours later they found themselves watching a film on the couch, all four of them.  Jess and Tyler hadn't really left Sophie's sides in fear of losing her again. 

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