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                  Jay opened the heavy steel door and pushed him and Sophie inside before he closed the door and pushed the metal seal down to lock them in.  They hid behind the side of the wall, jay holding Sophie close to his chest as they both tried to stay quiet.  They heard a few bangs of the door and a few attempts to barge through it before silence, "leave them, they'll die before anyone finds them..." romirez scoffed at their hiding skills.  "But what about the money?" The bodyguard enquired.  Romirez raised his voice, "let them keep it, I don't care. It's a fake anyways" he admitted.  Jay still had the money bag tucked under his shirt.  He waited until they had gone, they couldn't be sure they were gone but they heard footsteps from the floor above, before grabbing out the money bag and throwing on the floor. 

                Sophie slid down the wall and rested her back against it before groaning in pain, "let me take a look" jay crouched down to look at the graze wounds on her calf which were gushing with blood.  He took off his blazer jacket and used the sleeve to wipe away some of the blood so he could see the actual wounds, "we need something to stop the bleeding" he looked around for any kind of rope or material but there wasn't any. Sophie felt how thick the straps were of her dress, "if you can rip these of they should do" she tugged on them. Jay looked at her in confusion, "it's alright, the dress is tight enough. It'll stay up with or without the straps" she smiled at his confused face. Jay nodded then reached over to her right shoulder, she held the dress in place while he tugged at the straps, side by side he ripped them off leaving her shoulders bare and tied the two long pieces together.

"This is gonna hurt" he looked at her with sorry eyes, she nodded and grit her teeth as jay tied the make shift band tightly just below her knee. He tied it off with a bow then stood up to look for a way out even though from first glance there wasn't one. He scanned the two small side rooms in case there was something that could help them get out but there wasn't anything. The steel door had been jammed from the men trying to barge it open, the little shaft on the side had been bent. They were stuck down there.

Jay climbed back down from the little ledge after trying the vent, "nope, we're just gonna have to wait till the unit finds us" he sighed and turned back around to Sophie who was still sat down. His face dropped when he saw her shaking, it was freezing down here and she had nothing but a tiny dress on. "Oh god, it's alright come here" he ran to her side and wrapped the blazer jacket around her. She held it tight as her teeth chattered slightly. Jay sat down by her side and held the blazer against her securely so she could get some warmth at least.

"Have we got eyes on them yet?" Hank spoke out into the bullpen. The partners had been gone for at least an hour or two now and they were lost for ideas since the phone signal shut off and they lost visuals on them. "Not yet Sarge, we're trying to pinpoint any possible buildings romirez has tabs on. We've got 17 so far so we're narrowing them down, the cam footage shows the van speeding off westwards on division so it should help us cut the list short" hailey tapped away at her computer. Hank nodded, "alright good, keep working. We will find them tonight" he ordered to the remaining unit.

               "This is all my fault, I talked you into going mobile. None of this would've happened if I just listened to to..." jay broke the icy silence.  Sophie stopped her chattering to speak shakily, "n-no jay, w-we're in this t-together..." she looked at him.  Jay looked over to her to see her pale face, he realised that she was absolutely freezing and the loss of blood wasn't helping her either.  Both of them were exhausted and they didn't know what time it was either, to them it felt like eternity had passed but in reality they had only been down there for 3 hours and it was 2:45am. 

                Jay knew she wasn't going to last the night unless he got some warmth into her, "come here" he held his arm out.  She looked at him in confusion, "you're freezing to death. Come here" he tilted his head to where he was sat.  She caved in and dragged her shaking body over to him.  He laid down on the floor and pulled her back to his chest, he made sure the jacket was covering them like a blanket but he hung it over them so it was mainly on her since he wasn't that cold just yet.  He hugged her tightly so his body heat radiated onto her in hopes she would warm up a bit.  "They're gonna find us soon" he whispered.  She nodded and tried not to fall asleep in fear that she wouldn't wake up but for both of them falling asleep was getting pretty difficult. 

                 The pair must've fallen asleep sometime throughout the night since jay woke up feeling a little chilly, that was the least of his worries though.  Sophie was shaking uncontrollably and her arms were stone cold, not to mention how pale she looked from the small light there was in the room.  "Soph..." jay nudged her a little.  She let out a little whimper to let him know she was still alive, his body heat was starting to dip and he wasn't being much of a helping hand for Sophie anymore.  He sat up to check her calf, it was still bleeding but the make shift tie was working a little bit.  "I'm gonna try warming up. You stay down" he stood up and covered the jacket over her again. He didn't wanna have to waste his energy but he needed to warm up so he could keep himself warm and also get some heat into Sophie since she couldn't exactly join him with her leg being sliced open. He stood up and started jogging on the spot, he just kept moving around, eventually he became hot and out of breath after a few minutes of continuous jogging. The second he felt the heat from his body he got back down and laid on the floor pulling Sophie close to him again, miraculously she started to control her shaking as the minutes went by. It was only a matter of time before she started to freeze again.

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