It is

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"Wait isn't that soph's truck?" Adam pointed to a matte black SUV parked up in front of jays car. Jay looked at it and saw the Illinois tags, "it is" he confirmed in confusion. The pair walked into the ambulance bay to watch their suspect Bering wheeled off through the ED.

"Jess c'mon please calm down" Sophie took Tyler out of a crying Jess's arms. They were stood watching their mother being resuscitated because her heart stopped working as soon as they got to med, Sophie was trying to prevent Jess from looking but the teenager ignored her and watched anyways. "Time of death, 17:39" one of the doctors announced. Sophie felt her stomach drop to the floor and she saw Jess almost crumble beneath her feet. "I'm so sorry, we did everything we could but the drugs were too far into her system" the doctor threw his gloves into the bin and placed a reassuring hand on Sophie's shoulder. Sophie nodded and let him go before hugging Jess while battling with a groggy toddler in her arms. The two girls where crying but Tyler wasn't even old enough to understand where he was. Sophie tried to control herself for her siblings but Jess's cries broke her heart so her tears fell down her cheek freely.

Jay and Adam walked into the ED, "look" Adam pointed over to what looked like Sophie and two kids. Jay squinted to take a closer look but their suspicions were confirmed when Sophie looked up with red puffy eyes as she planted a gentle kiss on the teenagers head. Jays face fell serious, "you got him?" He looked at Adam. Adam nodded and waved jay off to go check on Sophie.

"Soph?" A voice called out which made Sophie whip her head around. She looked up to see her partner stood in front of her, "jay..." she shook her head in shock. He held her arm, "what's going on?" He looked at her in worry. Jess looked up to see a man talking to her sister, she pulled her head back into Sophie's chest as she let out a few more cries. Sophie screwed up her face at the sound of her innocent cries as her arm became weak with Tyler's weight. Jay noticed her struggles, "here, let me take him" he lifted the young boy out of Sophie's arms. He had no clue who these kids were, just like he had no clue who Sophie was. Because of his plain stupidity he knew nothing about his partner, just the fact that they had to work together. Jay held the child tightly yet softly as he watched Sophie pull in a crying teenager, "we have to go Jess, we can't stay here" soph wiped her tears away them wiped Jess's away. Jess looked up to her sister and nodded unwillingly but she knew she was right, they had to let their mother go.

Sophie nodded her head at jay and they started to walk away but dr Marcel grabbed Sophie's attention, "we have to move your mother soon, have you got anything in mind? A burial, cremation?" He smiled sadly at her. Sophie looked back at Jess who was stood next to jay, Tyler was still asleep in his arms. She looked back to dr Marcel, "cremation" she nodded slowly. Dr Marcel grabbed her arm kindly, "no problem, the hospital will be in touch with information about how to sort it all out" he nodded. Sophie tapped his hand in thankfulness then walked away fighting back tears as she joined jay again. Tyler shot his eyes open and reached over for her as she stood next to him, "okay, okay. Come on bud, I got you" she smiled and took a wriggling toddler from jays hands, sharing a small giggle at his childishness. Jay smiled sadly at her as she took the child, he still had no clue about what had gone on.

"Hey, can you call hank and tell him me and soph might be off for the rest of the day?" Jay grabbed adams arm before leaving. Adam looked at him in worry but nodded, jay smiled gratefully then walked away with Sophie and the kids. "I'll explain it all at my house, I'll meet you there?" She smiled up at jay sadly with glassy blue eyes that were red from crying. Jay nodded and got in his car. Sophie strapped Tyler into his car chair and Jess silently got into the passenger seat.

The group walked into Sophie's house, Jess immediately ran upstairs to the spare room since she was upset and wanted to be alone. Tyler was asleep so Jess put him in her bed and left the door open in case he woke up. Jay watched her from the living room then walked over to the couch to wait for her. Sophie sniffled and walked back out to meet jay, this was the most they had ever spoken to each other, and it was how Sophie expected them to talk to each other too. Sophie sat down on the couch as jay joined her, "they're my siblings, not my kids if that's what you're wondering" she laughed a little. Jay smiled and nodded since that was his initial thought. Sophie looked down and fiddled with her shirt, "the family emergency was for our mom, she overdosed on drugs and unfortunately she didn't make it..." she summed up. Jay looked at her in shock, this was something he should've known about but instead he was too busy ignoring her. He shook his head and pulled her into a hug, "it's okay, I'm always gonna be here" he held her tight and she let out a few cries into his shoulder.

She pulled away, "I knew it was coming, she started her addiction when our dad committed suicide 10 years ago. That was when we lived back in the UK, we moved to chicago a month after his death and turns out we didn't do enough research. We moved into a really rough neighbourhood and that was when I found my mother buying drugs every Friday on the corner..." she explained further. Jay just sat and listened as he held her hand. He felt so dumb for not paying enough attention to her before. They were both interrupted by a cry coming from Sophie's room, she sighed and got up before walking off to go get Tyler and walking back out with him in her arms. "This little one doesn't even know who she was" she sat back down. Jay frowned and listened to her venting session, "I think she's been in an out of rehab more times in the past 5 years then I can count on my fingers, for all Tyler knows I'm his mom" she shook her head.

Jay frowned, "how can I help? I want to help you, I know how I've been acting these past two months. I've been a real dick to you and I wanna make it up to you, so how can I help?" He smiled sadly. She laughed a little, that was what she wanted to hear, jay opening up to her, she smiled at him and nodded. "I get it jay, I do. Finding a good partner is hard, and it takes time to build up a strong bond with someone. I know you didn't mean anything by it" she smiled. Jay felt warmed by how understanding she was, she was truly one of a kind, "so you'll let me help?" He tilted his head. She let out a small laugh and nodded, "yeah, i told dr Marcel that she'll be getting cremated so I guess I've just gotta wait until the information comes through from med..." she sighed and brushed Tyler's baby hair out of his face. Jay nodded and smiled before Tyler shouted out, "boo" he turned around to play peak a boo with jay. The pair laughed as jay played with her little brother, she smiled as she finally felt welcomed in by jay, the person who mean the most to her other then family.

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