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*one month later*

                 Just as Sophie said a month ago, it takes time to build a partnership that is equal on both sides, and she was right.  Now jay and Sophie were inseparable, anywhere Sophie went, jay followed behind and the same goes for jay if he went anywhere, Sophie was always a step behind.  Sophie didn't know how jay felt about her, he was so madly in love with her and she couldn't even tell.  That went for jay too, Sophie was cooed over jay every time she layed eyes on him, he just never noticed the way she looked at him because he was too busy hiding his own blushing.  The unit had noticed the pairs close bond, they had even noticed them falling for each other in this past month.

Jay was sat working at his desk and the rest of the unit were all doing their own thing wether it be catching bad guys or throwing skittles into each other's mouths. Sophie however was napping on the couch in the break room since Jess had been up all night throwing up with a sickness bug which also meant she had been up. Since their mother's death, the kids had moved in with Jess even though that meant Tyler sharing a bed with Sophie since there was only two rooms and Jess needed the spare room for peace and quiet when it came to studying.

Jay needed a coffee refill but he was mainly just going into the break room to see Sophie. He walked inside to be greeted by Sophie squirming around and her hands practically ripping a pillow apart with her grip, jay knew she was having a nightmare from her screwed up face so he carefully approached her and gently stroked her arm to wake her up. As expected she woke up with her fists raised at jay ready to fight back because to her he was an enemy. She snapped out of it and sat back to rub her eyes before realising it was jay, "hey..." she smiled at him groggily. Jay smiled back, "late night?" He walked over to the coffee machine. Sophie stood up and nodded, "Jess was up all night with a sickness bug so that was fun" she laughed and walked over to grab her coffee mug. She put it out for jay to fill it up with a pout, "please" she tilted her head at him. Jay laughed and filled the cup for her, "you're the best" she smiled and took a sip. Jay laughed, "I know" he nudged her arm as they walked back out into the bullpen.

"Alright we've got a case, our suspect is Marcus Lopez. Held for 7 counts of murder, each of the victims being women" hank started to explain. As he placed the pictures of the women onto the board they all made one link clear, they were similar in looks, if not identical to Sophie. "It's like looking in a mirror" Sophie raised her eyebrows. Hank turned to look at her with a small smile, "that's why you're going undercover, you okay with that?" He summed up. Sophie gulped a little but nodded, "sure is" she agreed. Jay shot her a worried glance since she would be messing with a murderer and he was pretty sure Marcus wouldn't hesitate to kill again.

The team went over the game plan with Sophie one last time, she was to act like a prostitute on the side of the road where Marcus lived, in hopes that he'd pick her up and take her somewhere, once the first stage had worked she was to make a small move on him to get him interested then the team would move in and bust him. "You got it?" Jay checked with his partner after going over the plan for the fourth time. Sophie laughed and playfully tapped his cheek lightly, "yes jay, I got it the first time" she smiled. Jay shook his head and smiled, "I just want you to be safe" he looked at her seriously. Sophie smiled back, "and I will be, the safe word can be...chocolate" she looked at away to think. Jay laughed, "chocolate it is" he nodded. She smiled and walked away to go get changed into her dress, hailey and Kim followed behind to help.

The boys, minus hank, went down to the garage to set up for the bust. Jay was a bag of nerves just like he always was when Sophie went undercover without him. There was a moments silence after they finished loading their guns before the sound of heels came clicking down the stairs, Sophie appeared followed by Kim and hailey laughing before they turned serious when they saw the boys. Sophie was wearing a black slim fit dress that showed a fair amount of cleavage and hugged her in all the right places, it looked a little slutty but that's what she was going for since she needed to look like a hooker.

Jay smiled at her as she walked into the wire room to get an accessory that had wires built into it, "this one should do" Sophie picked up a diamond necklace. Kim nodded, "alright imma do a sound check, just say something random" she smiled and grabbed the head piece. Sophie laughed, "hi I'm Sophie and I'm freezing my ass off" she told the truth. Hailey laughed as jay walked into the room, "all set?" He smiled at the dangerous trio. Sophie smiled back and nodded, "good" he swivelled on his heels then walked out. Kim shot Sophie an eager look, "Will you two just date already?" She nudged her arm as they walked out. Sophie scoffed, "shut up" she nudged her back before hank walked into the garage to go over the plan one last time.

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