【 09 】

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*Marinette's Pov*

I was in my room waiting until dinner when I heard a knock. I opened the door to see the Miraculous team, minus Luka and Kagami, of course.

"Hey Mare Bear!" said Chloe as she walked in.

"Hey, Mari" they each greeted me as they walked into my room.

"How bad was this akuma attack? You guys were gone for an hour. I tried covering for you but Lila's sheep soon realized you guys were gone after Lila tried to pin something on you," said Chloe as she sat down on the sofa that was placed in my room.

"An hour?! I thought it was only thirty minutes! The akuma kept us busy and we couldn't find the akuma's location for a while," I said in shock.

"Where were Viperion and Ryuko? I thought they were supposed to be there to hold the akuma off until you could get there. This was a strong akuma too," asked Nino.

"They were probably under hallucinating. When we faced Sandboy, we were awake so they must have been asleep. I don't know," answered Adrien.

"You know Adrikins, you can ask Gami what happened. You should text her to see if she's okay," said Chloe.

"That guy, Damian, oh my gods, it's funny just thinking about it now; he thought you guys got kidnapped. The guy was freaking out that it was the Joker or something; he was about to call someone too so they can come help find you both," Alix said with laughter in her voice, changing the subject.

"Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous! If Mari and Adrikins got kidnapped it would've been a big dramatic scene not secretly, if it had been the Joker." Chloe looked a bit disappointed.

"What was he going to do, call Batman or something? I mean if he did, we could've gotten his attention somehow but how would we give ourselves away without exposing our identities," Chloe continued speaking while she shook her head.

"I was thinking about that too. Like if we find Batman right away, wouldn't that be weird that the French class happens to be in Gotham while some French heroes are asking him for help, he's the world's greatest detective so he'll definitely figure out our identities," said Nino.

"Maybe we should wait a week before going out trying to find Batman," I said looking out the window and seeing the buildings around Gotham. I brought out my sketch pad and started sketching. It was a nice view from my window and I thought I should try sketching it.

"I agree with Mari, after all, we are here for a month so we have plenty of time," said Adrien.

"We should head downstairs for dinner now, I'm starving." said Kim, exaggerating 'starving' while putting on his hoodie that he had brought with him.

"Yeah let's go I'm starving too," said Alix, making her way out the door.

*after dinner*

Chloe and I took the elevator back to my room. We both snuck some food (mostly desserts) for the other kwamis since they hadn't eaten since the plane ride. When we got to my room, I took out the miraculous box to feed them. The box was black but with red polka dots. It was the opposite of my suit but I thought this way it seemed less noticeable than if it had been red with black polka dots.

"So I saw you talking to Damian on the bus. What was that about?" She asked teasingly. I knew she was going to ask about that.

"We were just talking. He asked about Paris so I gave him answers." I told her trying to hide my face, I could feel it getting hot.

"Mmhh okay whatever you say Mari-bug. So what about Adrien then? How are your feelings with him?"

"Adrien is just a friend, Chloe. Besides, he's with Kagami now."

"And what if Adrien wasn't with Kagami? Would Damian still be able to be in the picture? After all, you just said Adrien is 'just a friend' now!" Chloe said, smirking.

I paused what I was doing to look at her, a bit flabbergasted. I wouldn't know how I would react if Adrien and Kagami broke up, I never thought about it. Even then, I would worry about how their break up would affect the team. If it was a nasty one how would we all work as a team to defeat Hawkmoth?

"I still think he looks familiar...like I've met him before," Chloe said, bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Maybe on one of your trips to the U.S. or something. I mean, you are the daughter of the Audrey Bourgeois, and he seems to be close enough to Bruce Wayne to be our tag-along translator. Thinking about it, his brother did say that his father forced Damian to meet us at the airport," I told her.

"Hmm, you're right. He probably went to some of the galas I went to or something. One of his parents must work closely for Bruce Wayne since Damian is able to tag along with us as our translator," Chloe said, looking convinced.

"You should still make a move though. He's kinda cute but not my type. He has those green eyes; aren't you into green eyes? Luka didn't have green eyes but that didn't work out anyways..." Chloe said. now starting to ramble on.

"We will see how this goes okay Chlo? Anyway, want to watch a movie before you leave?"

"Of course!"

*Damian's Pov*

We just got back from patrol. I had gotten a cut on my arm from taking down some thugs. It wasn't a bad cut; it was small since it was a little knife so it would be easy to hide.

I changed out of my Robin uniform and then started to head upstairs to shower.

"How was your day with the Frenchies?" Todd asked, laughing.

"Tt they were alright. Still annoying though. They like to cause scenes." I said walking away.

"Cause scenes? Come on, you're holding back stories, Demon Spawn."

"How about you come and you'll see. I'm too lazy to explain about unimportant people and why they cause scenes."

"Never mind then. Anyway, how did you find out about the situation in Paris? I'm curious Demon Spawn, did you make a friend?" he said teasingly, acting shocked.

"I can make conversations, Todd, if that surprises you. If people don't annoy me, I can stay and talk but you always annoy me so I always leave." I said, now walking into my room.

I have school tomorrow. I occasionally have to go to school to get some work because I'll be with the French students most of the time. Thinking of Marinette...since I was trained at a young age to be emotionless, for her to control her emotions because of a terrorist supervillain is amazing. She is a sweet girl who has to deal with crazy people from her school; I wish I could kill them all with my katana. And when she and that boy went missing at the museum, I almost called father...almost called for Batman, not Bruce Wayne. I thought they got kidnapped right under my nose. I had seen them walking out of the room, Marinette dragging that blondie with her so I thought they were okay, even though it made me feel weird that they were walking out together. Then people couldn't find them, I thought the worst but after an hour they showed up acting like they got lost. I could easily see the blondie's lying about what happened. What could they have been doing during that hour and why weren't they in any of the rooms where I looked? I looked everywhere, it was like they vanished, which made me believe they were kidnapped but then I saw them come from a room that I checked, leaving me to think. What were they doing? 

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