【 14 】

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*Marinette's Pov*

When we arrived at Wayne Tower, Damian was waiting outside of the building. The whole class was admiring how tall the building was. In Paris, we don't have many tall buildings like the Wayne Tower so it was a different experience to those seeing it for the first time.

As we got off the bus, Lila kept bragging about her knowing the Wayne's and how she was in contract marriage to marry the youngest Wayne. How does she even come up with her lies?

I saw Damian wasn't alone; he was with the guy from the airport. He must also work here too.

"Hello, Damian. Richard, right?" I asked after I waved towards Damian.

"Yes, but Dick is just fine," he said.

"Hello, Marinette," said Damian.

Dick gave a wide-eyed look toward Damian as if this is new to him. Probably, since the last time I saw them together, all Damian did was argue with him while Dick made jokes.

"Do you also work here Dick?" I asked.

It was Damian's turn to give him a look but his more of a glare. It seemed more like a warning.

"Oh yes, part-time head of security. I volunteered to give the first part of the tour."

"First part? I thought you were giving the whole tour" asked Damian, a little shocked.

"Um yeah, Jason wanted to see the class I guess, and he wanted to give the second part of the tour," replied Dick.

"And why would he do that? He hates coming to the company," said Damian.

"Something about a great opportunity or something," said Dick shrugging his shoulders.

"No wonder he wants to come. He just wants to make fun of me," Damian said under his breath.

"Well then, should we start this tour," said Dick getting excited, rubbing his hands against each other.

Dick was a great tour guide. He talked about the Wayne family history and how the Wayne's turned this company into a billion-dollar company. He showed around the first couple of floors and the rest were going to be shown after lunch for the second half. He led us into a meeting room where someone was going to present more about how Wayne Enterprises helps around the world.

Halfway through the presentation, I had to go to the bathroom. I excused myself and went to find the restroom.

As I was returning I realized I lost my way and I couldn't find my way back. There were so many doors. I was looking around to see which door my class was in. I wasn't paying attention when I turned the corner and ran into someone.

"Je suis désolé de ne pas voir j'allais!" I said, panicking.

The man I ran into looked at me weirdly. That's kinda weird...oh wait I must've spoken French, it's a habit for me to say "I'm so sorry, I didn't see where I was going!" so it must have come out in French instead.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see where I was going. I got lost on my way back to the bathroom and I'm trying to find the room my class is in. We are having a presentation about Wayne Enterprises right now. You'd think they have a presentation on how not to get lost; there are so many doors. Oh my, I'm rambling again, I'm so sorry. Do you think you can help me..sir?" I said rather quickly.

I can't believe I just said that to one of the employees here. I hope he is kind enough to help me and not kick me out because he thinks I'm lying or something.

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