【 10 】

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*Marinette's Pov*

"Marinette, wake up!"

"Mmm give me five more minutes," I grumbled.

"Okay then, Marinette...THERE'S AN AKUMA!"

I fell out of bed. I look around and see Tikki giggling, floating around my head.

"Sorry Marinette, it was the only way to wake you up. It's almost eight am."

"Don't scare me like that. I thought it was an emergency," I said to her.

"It kinda is Marinette...you're going to miss breakfast!"

I quickly get up and look through my suitcase. Today at 10 am, we were going to a production theater to see the actors rehearse, then go off to lunch then we will go to a botanical garden. So I chose a black skirt from my Chat Noir collection and a cute white button-up shirt and chose a sweater to put over if it gets colder. I also put my hair in my signature two low ponytails.

I went downstairs to meet up with the class and eat breakfast. I sat down at the table with Chloe and Alix was already there. The boys were at the table next to us. It was a quick breakfast then we went to the bus to leave.

*at the theater*

The class went around the theater learning about history. Lila and her sheep kept their distance. Lila was telling her sheep that Damian tried making a move on her but that she was loyal to her 'Damiboo'. Damian wasn't here at the moment so she was telling the out loud to everyone as we walked around. I was walking next to Adrien.

"Hey, Mari."

"Oh hey, Adrien."

"Missed fighting, you know just the two of us; it was fun yesterday," he whispered with a small smile on his face.

"Yeah, it was" I whispered back.

"Is that skirt from the Chat Noir collection you made?" he asked.

"Yes, it is. Why? Are you jealous?"

"Of course, I'm feline jealous, I want to wear my own merch too!"

"Should've worn that sweater I gave you from my Chat Noir collection," I said rolling my eyes.

"I should've, and I brought it with me too, it's just it's back at the hotel," he said pouting.

*3rd Person*

Their conversation was cut short after the teachers announced they were leaving for lunch. They planned to eat at a nearby pizza place since it was on the same street they were on, so they decided to walk. The Miraculous group and the sheep group each got two large-sized pizzas for each group while the two teachers shared a medium-sized one.

When they got done they went to the bus to take them across town to visit the botanical garden. When they got there Damian was already there. They got off and went their separate ways to explore the different plants around them and walk down the paths they had. Damian obviously wasn't happy to be there but then quickly changed his mind when he saw Marinette, though he had no idea what changed his mind.

*Damian's Pov*

"Hi Damian," said Marinette cheerfully.

For some reason, it didn't annoy me like the way Jon greets me, all cheerful. She had just gotten off the bus and made her way toward me.

"Hi Marinette, enjoying your day so far?" I asked her. She seemed to be in a good mood.

She seemed to be in a good mood.

"Oh yes. It was an amazing time at the theater this morning and then we went to get pizza that was very delicious, not like the many other pizzas I've tried here!" She said excitedly.

"Oh, so you have been to the U.S. before?" I asked her, curious.

"Oh yes, with my uncle during the summer. He traveled a lot so we ate many different foods here," she said.

We unknowingly just wandered off together walking together down a path. I caught her blond friend with the high ponytail smirking in our direction out of the corner of my eye but I chose to ignore it.

"What other places have you been to?"

"Oh um well we didn't really go sightseeing, it was only like a day or two in a city then went to another. My uncle's work required him to travel like that and I was invited to help, like an internship"

"Tt that must have been boring then."

"No, not really, it was actually fun," she said, smiling as if she was trying to remember the memories of her trip with her uncle.

"Well hello lovelies," said a voice.

We both look in front of us. Sitting on the bench was no one other than Poison Ivy.

"Marinette, get behind me," I said while trying to move her behind me. I tried to pull out the katana I had hidden. (Don't ask how it's hidden. I just have it hidden somewhere that's all you need to know).

"Relax child. I'm just here to see the plants, after all, I still have a green thumb" she said.

I hadn't pulled out the katana yet but I was still conscious so I kept my grip on it at the same time trying to pull Marinette behind me because she still hadn't moved from her spot but she had other ideas.

"Oh hello, are you Miss. Ivy?" asked Marinette innocently.

Ivy looked shocked as she wasn't expecting Marinette to be so polite. I kinda wasn't expecting that either.

"Yes, I am. Who are you?"

"My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I am planning on planting a rare type of flower on my terrace back home and was wondering if you can give tips?"

"Um sure," she said, still surprised. Again I was too, I didn't expect Marinette to be so comfortable talking to a villain.

After talking with Ivy, they said their goodbyes. Ivy seemed to like her because she seemed to like plants too and was amazed by Marinette's personality. Marinette did have a good personality, she makes me feel relaxed and able to be comfortable with her. I like having her around and it has only been the second day knowing her.


Marinette looks at her phone and sees a message that she just got. Her face got serious.

"I'm really sorry but I have to use the restroom. How about you wait for me here? The restroom is close by so I'll be right back" She said quickly, turning around before I could say anything. I guess I will just wait for her to return then.

*Marinette's Pov*

"Oh Tikki! I feel terrible leaving Damian like that. And I can't bring someone with me because there isn't anyone close by and Damian will get suspicious about why I went to someone else instead of the bathroom."

"Well Marinette we will see what will happen later, right now you need to transform!"

"You're right Tikki!"

"Tikki, Spots on. Tikki, Kaaiki, unify!"

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