【 35 】

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*Marinette's Pov*

"What was that about?" Adrien asked as he got into the elevator.

"Oh nothing, just something I found out while I was with him," I told him.

"What'd he say? That he likes you?" Adrien laughed.

"Not that, although, his family seems to think we are in a relationship or going to be," I explained.

"Why wouldn't they though? You're an amazing person? So what you find outttt, Damian said you could tell me," Adrien said, poking Marinette's shoulder.

"You love being in the gossip," I said as Adrien followed me to my room.

"I do... sooooo what did he say?" Adrien said, impatient.

I smirked at him.

"Well if you were shocked that I was Ladybug just wait till I tell you about what I found out."

"Just tell meeee, I'm practically dying," Adrien said, dramatically.

"Well first things first. Since I heard it was Jon that outed to Damian that I was Ladybug, I'm going to tell you his secret first," Marinette said.

Adrien sat up, intrigued by the conversation.

"Interesting that he knew you were Ladybug but do tell, what's his secret?" Adrien said.

"Jon's Superboy, it's how he found out that I am Ladybug, you're Chat Noir, and Chloe is Honey Bee."

His jaw dropped. Then picked it back up.

"How did he figure it out and when?"

"Apparently he heard our entire conversation at the restaurant we were at," I told him.

"Ehh I don't see it. That he's Superboy though. Are you sure? He could be lying," he asked.

"Adrien, he heard our conversation from across the restaurant."

"He listened to our conversation? Wow and I thought I was a pretty good eavesdropper," Adrien said.

"Yeah and guess who he told about what he heard."

"HE TOLD DAMIAN! But I still don't see Jon as Superboy, I met his dad at the tour today, he doesn't seem like Superman, he deadass accidentally dropped a pile of papers today," Adrien said.

"And I deadass dropped a whole box of macarons, and look at me, I'm Ladybug," I said, narrowing my eyes.

"I guess. It's still hard to believe but I'll go along for now. So did he tell Damian? Oh my gods, was Damian wearing the fox miraculous? We were all wondering," Adrien said.

"Yes, he told Damian everything about our conversation. And he was wearing the fox miraculous, I told him my identity and he slipped up that he already knew, so I questioned him."

"You did now? So he knows his friend is Superboy and you are Ladybug, anything else?" Adrien said.

"Yeah that Damian is Robin," I said, coughing.

"No wayyyy if it's true then he definitely likes you then," Adrien said laughing.


"Because he is friends with you in his civilian identity and he befriended you while as Robin and came to visit you as Robin, kinda sounds like he wanted you to know both sides of him. And the fact that you told each other's identities within a week, it took you forever for you to trust me with your identity," Adrien said, pouting.

I gave him a look.

"What? I feel like it's something I would do. Like why would someone like my civilian identity and not like Chat Noir or vice versa, and I was willing to share identities since the first day of meeting each other but you didn't want to," he said, sighing.

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