【 27 】

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*3rd Person*

"Metropolis? Is that where you live?" Adrien asked Jon.

Jon nodded.

"Yeah, I saw it during the week when they were building it when I would go to school and I have been convincing Dami to go with me but refused until now," he said happily.

"How did you manage to convince Damian?" Marinette asked.

"Oh it took a lot of convincing and some threats but it worked," Jon said.

"Tt your threats were meaningless, mine was better," Damian said.


"Pleassssseee Damiiii!"

"No Jon stop whining."

"But we can go to the carnival and hang out with Adrien and you can hang out with Marinette. It can be a double date without them knowing even though it's not really a date with Adrien since he has a girlfriend but it can be a friend date and you and Marinette can have the actual date," Jon continued.

"Tt a date? I don't need your help to get me a date with Marinette. The answer is no."

"Pleaseeeeeee Damian," Jon said while following Damian like a puppy.


"Fine then. I'll just tell her you're Robin. Imagine her face if I tell her that the Damian Wayne she hangs out with during the day beats up thugs at night as Robin," Jon said with a smirk.

"You wouldn't," Damian replied back, his eyes narrowing.

"Oh, I would. I would even reveal about me being Superboy if she doesn't believe me."

"You tell her, then I would use every single of my father's kryptonite to torture you in the many different ways," Damian said.

"Do it then, it'd be worth it," Jon said.

"Do you really want to meet him that bad? He's just a model," Damian said, rolling his eyes.

"Yes, I really want to. You know what, I'll just ask Mr. Wayne. He would gladly arrange a meeting or force you to make a hang out once he hears the information that I heard in the restaurant. I remember he was actually curious about what they were talking about. I can just imagine the look on your father's face when he finds out what I know," said Jon, sticking his tongue out.

"Knowing my father, it'll most likely be a blank reaction but fine then, I'll text Marinette," Damian said.

*end of flashback*

"But I won in the end Dami, so my threats were better," Jon said.

Damian sighed.

"Your threats are blackmail as mine are threats of torture so who really wins?" Damian whispered, thinking only Jon would be able to hear.

"So he blackmails you and you threaten to torture him?" Adrien asked in confusion.

"What?" asked Marinette.

Damian was taken back. He forgot that Adrien also had some super hearing. Now he has to deal with two people that have super hearing.

"Yeah torture in stuff like the things Jon doesn't like, like what annoys him and stuff," Damian said, hoping they wouldn't believe that he would physically torture his best friend.

After a while more, the car finally made it to the carnival. The four got out of the car and went to purchase tickets. Damian of course ended up paying for their tickets since he invited Marinette and Adrien and also paid for Jon's.

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