【 17 】

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*Damian's Pov*

By the time I got home after being at Wayne Enterprises all day, I still had to do patrol later. In the meantime, I was in the Batcave, training. I heard someone come down the steps. 

"Damian," said father, acknowledging me as he went straight to the Batcomputer.

I continued to train.

"Do you want to talk about the fact you took out that girl on a date?" My father called out. He was still focused on the computer, typing.

Did he really need to bring that up? I continued to punch the dummy in front of me.

"It wasn't a date," I said as I kicked the dummy.

"Really? Because she said you asked her to hang out and you don't even ask Jon if he wants to hang out, usually he comes looking for you so I know you weren't just trying to be her friend when you don't even want to hang out with your best friend."

"Tt it's not a big deal. I just offered her a ride back to her hotel after her class left her."

"It is a big deal, Damian, it seems like you like someone. Just be careful though...Why did her class leave her? That is a big issue to us and to her school, her parents can sue us if anything had happened to her."

"There's a crazy manipulative liar in her class. Lies about many things about how Marinette bullies her when in fact it's the other way around. She also lies that she personally knows us. Makes me want to kill her."

"Damian," father said sternly.

"Demon Spawn is right," Todd said, walking in.

"When I was giving the second tour, she made me want to shoot her," he said, shivering.

"Have you been listening to us the whole time?" I asked angrily.

"Relax demon, I won't tell her," he said, smirking.

I grabbed the nearest katana.

"Enough Damian," said father.


I kept my katana in hand and continued to glare at Todd.

*little time jump*

It was time to go on patrol and was sent to my usual section to cover.

It was already dark so I was on the roof looking at the device on my glove to see if any robberies were happening or something. I was ready to leave when I noticed a figure sitting behind a tree. I take a closer look because who would be crazy enough to be by themselves at this time of night? As I got closer I realized it was Marinette, she had been crying. Her eyes are puffy and red.

I decided I should go and talk to her to see if she was okay. It was dangerous here in Gotham, especially at night.

"Um, are you okay?"

She flinched. I now regretted how I approached her, I must have scared her.

"Yeah," she said, sniffling while wiping her cheeks.

"Why are you here all alone?" It was dark. Something could have happened to her.

"I told someone that I had loved them," she said.

She's in love with someone? But she said she moved on from that Agreste kid.

"You're crying because he rejected you?" I asked, trying to hide the anger coming out of my mouth. Why on earth would someone reject someone like her?

"No, I told him I had past feelings for him and I ran away because what I said could ruin our friendship," she said with new tears forming.

It hurt seeing her like this for some reason. I didn't want her to cry anymore. Before I could realize what I was doing I walked over and hugged her.

"Robin, I need you. Sending you the coordinates right now. We need back up!" Drake said through my earpiece. I didn't really listen, I was caught up in the moment.

She broke the hug.

"You shouldn't be here this late at night though. Something could have happened to you," I told her. I couldn't look at her without my face heating up.

"I know, but I liked sitting out here. I was going to head back to my hotel room right now anyway," she responded.

"How long have you been out here?"

"Since 6...I think."

"You haven't eaten then?"

She shook her head.

"I'm assuming you're staying at the Wayne Hotel?"

She shook her head again as a yes.

"Okay, then I will bring you back then. Hold on tight" I said, picking her up.

I brought her to the top of the Wayne Hotel. I brought my glove closer to my face and hacked in to bypass the code. I also went in and ordered her some food to be sent up by sending a mobile order to a restaurant close by.

"I hacked into the system and unlocked the door; it had an access code," I said, after seeing her stare at me. I can feel my face heating up again.

"Thank you," she said to me.

"No problem. And since you missed dinner I went ahead and let downstairs know to bring you food. I've seen your room number when I hacked in," I said.

"Robin! Where are you??" This time it was Todd.

"On my way," I replied.

"I have to go. Be careful." I said as I swung off to meet the others.

*time jump again*

"What the hell Damian? We needed backup! What took you forever?" Drake shouted as we got back to the cave.

"I was across Gotham! I didn't take the bike so I couldn't get there fast enough!"

"Don't lie! I saw your location, you were moving in a different direction!"

"Really? Stalking me now? Needed my help but still checked to see my location, guess you didn't really need my help since you both managed to get out fine," I sneered.

"Yeah if Bruce wasn't there to help! He was supposed to be doing something else but the plan changed last minute," he said as he pushed past me.

"What happened Damian? Tim called and you didn't respond until 15 minutes later when Jason tried to reach you," my father said as he approached me.

"Something happened in which I couldn't respond," I told him as I walked up to my room.

*3rd person*

"We need to tell him," he told her as she led her head on his shoulder.

"I know, I have already been distant that he keeps questioning it. I have to tell him when he returns" She sighed.

"Everyone will hate us for hurting him," He said.

"They will, we only realized our feelings after I started dating him. I don't want to lose their friendships as well, after everything we've been through, it will be hard."

"I know it will," He said as he kissed her forehead.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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